God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1046: See you again

The surface of Sen Han is covered with green sea of ​​fire, and the sea water is quickly evaporated, turning into poisonous smoke and floating. Various types of poisonous flooding are good. It is only in the void passage, and there is no flow into the Malang star field.

Yushan's quiet and graceful suspension, the green flame of the body never rushed out, and merged into the cold sea of ​​Nassen, which continued to strengthen the power.

Shi Yan and Yan Anran stagnated beside her, looking down at the sea below, and the body covered with flame energy to prevent being attacked by poisonous smoke.

The hot source of the skyfire can evaporate those highly toxic fumes, and when the poisonous smoke is approaching, the flame barriers that touch them will be heard and gradually disappeared.

"Hey!" Under the boring, he screamed loudly at Shiyan.

Shi Yan was concentrating on the bottom of the sea, and she was shocked by her coldness. The body trembled and smiled bitterly: "Small sister, what are you yelling?"

Seeing that the cold ocean was slowly shallow, and it was volatilized by a little bit of water. He gradually relaxed, and the tight nerves finally relaxed. However, he also had the heart to think about this savage foreign scorpion, but his expression still could not be considered. It’s so friendly, it’s a bit far from the girl’s jingle.

"How do you like this bastard, all the natural fires of the ancient continent, you killed a lot of people?" He snorted and looked at him obliquely. "It is obviously not a good person."

Shi Yan was amazed. "How can I not be a good person?"

"You killed so many people and won the fire of other people's integration. Naturally, it is not a good person." He looked disdainful. "The most hateful of you, the kind of poisonous person. In the source of the mystery, there are many guys like you. I want to get something for nothing."

"I have come to the original source of flame, not to collect the others in the source of the righteousness." Shi Yan helplessly explained, "I can only say that I am lucky."

"Why don't you think of the flames as the Lord's righteousness, do you know what is happening like you, let us think? It's just a violent thing!" Angrily said: "We worked so hard and could not gather the entire ancient continent. Flame, you obviously have this blessing, but you can form a deputy soul. It really makes me want to kill you."

Shi Yan shook her head in a smirk and did not continue to manage her money.

"In the flames of the righteousness, how can you not be interested in me?" It was a lot of enthusiasm and courage. Seeing that he didn't want to talk, he was even more noisy. "Is it not beautiful? At that source of the righteousness." In the middle, I have met a few guys who are as fascinated as Nasport, and you are different. That... Do you have any problems?"

Shi Yan’s face is not snoring.

"Do you like men?"

Shi Yan continued to silence, his face became more and more ugly.

"That's true, it's no wonder, it proves that there is no problem with the charm of this little sister. The problem is your own." Looks like a face, affirmative nod, swearing proudly said: "In our fire Rain Star, I don't know how many guys are proud of speaking with me. I said, it turns out that your sexual orientation is not right. I am finally relieved." He breathed a sigh of relief.

Shi Yan stinks his face, too lazy to take care of her, if the heart is not asking for your master, I will let you know how powerful!


In the cold ocean of Sen, there is a sudden burst of colorful poisonous smoke. The smoke is as solid as it is, thick and thick, and the smell is soaring.

Yu Shan’s look shocked: “It’s coming out!”

Shiyan and Yan’s attention immediately gathered together, and they all stared at the sea and looked forward.

The dead soul jellyfish is the oldest and mysterious creature in the vast expanse of the universe. It does not know how to be born. It is the most toxic and terrible flower and medicinal herb. The more it likes it, the most rare alien in the world.

This kind of life is extremely rare, the most ancient one, contains the wonders of the heavens and the earth, there are many wonderful points, they all want to know the true appearance of the dead soul jellyfish.

The seawater was evaporated, and the land where the dead soul jellyfish lived was destroyed. It was deep in the depths of the sea, and finally it could not withstand it and slowly emerged from the sea.

Like the suspended seaweed in the ocean, gray and a little bit of ascending, the dead jellyfish is indeed the shape of the ocean jellyfish known by Shiyan. It is a huge semicircle, and the whole body is soft and soft, without bones. Look, like the meat mountain in the sea, the body is covered with disgusting cockroaches, those cockroaches still have small holes, from the small holes, they are carrying colorful poisonous smoke, and the body is inflated, and it will rise greatly in a while. After a while, it was reduced several times, and it changed in unison.

This creature has no head and no limbs, as if a huge tumor is floating on the surface of the sea.

Its soul is scattered, as if it are in the same meat, each soul exists alone, and can communicate with each other, as if it is a multi-soul creature, beyond the understanding of Shiyan.

"A disgusting monster!" Pouting, a look of vomiting, "I haven't seen such an ugly thing, it's too ugly, Master, you burn it now, look at the scalp. hemp."

Yu Shan’s face is not very good-looking. She is obviously the first time to see the dead soul jellyfish. The frown is slightly wrinkled. “It’s really ugly. I didn’t think that this creature is so weird. There are no skulls and limbs. The soul is still scattered. Tens of thousands of cockroaches have all released different poisonous cigarettes. Fortunately, the ignorance of my cultivation has restrained it, otherwise it will not produce the desire to fight it."

"Hurry up and solve it!" He waved his disgusted voice, don't go too far, too lazy to take another look.

Shi Yan looked calm and calmly looked at the floating soul jellyfish, watching silently, without missing minute details.

His endurance is obviously much stronger than Yu Shan and Yan. The king of the worm is also ugly. He can still accept it. He sees more disgusting things. He has become accustomed to it. He will not be affected by the ugliness of the body. heart.

He is curious to perceive the soul of the dead soul jellyfish.

There are so many creatures, and a cluster of them are hidden in the ugly flesh. The souls seem to exist alone, but they lie in each other and form a whole.

Such a wonderful creature, he also really met for the first time, curiosity increased, staring at the eyes.

Puff puff!

Suddenly, from the ugly flesh of the dead soul jellyfish, a sudden burst of colorful venom, the venom eruption is very turbulent, like a volcanic eruption, the venom than the human arm is like a snake, there are thousands of channels, directly like water Arrows rushed to them.

Yu Shan was shocked and hurriedly displayed the ignorant fire wall of the singularity of the singer. The rushing stone rock shouted: "Take the scorpion!"

I dare not go to see the dead soul jellyfish, just back to the other side, Yu Shan knows the quirks of the disciples, afraid of such ugly and disgusting creatures, can only let Shi Yan help.

"it is good!"

Shi Yan immediately agreed to reach down and stretched out the waist and limbs of the slender, like a snake, and immediately ran the power, suddenly away from Yu Shan.

The waist is extremely slender, rich and boneless, without a trace of fat, soft and warm, and the touch is excellent. Instead, let the stone rock sway slightly, remembering the vicious words that have just been smashed, the big hand of his waist is slightly hard, still squatting. I squeezed my limbs twice, and I felt that the young girl's waist was wonderful.

"You, what are you doing?" 萱绯 躯 躯 躯 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"I am afraid that I can’t catch it." The old stone **** is on the road.

"You bastard!" He stared at him as a claw-and-dash, and said fiercely: "Are you taking the opportunity to secretly take advantage of me?"

"No, your master asked me to take you away." Shi Yan looked at himself.

He didn’t say anything, just looked at him with hatred, a look of murder.

Shiyan was very calm, and she didn't take care of her. She still looked at Yushan's direction calmly. She looked like she had become a huge blue fire group. She fell from the top and fought the earth-shattering battle with the dead soul jellyfish.

Yushan’s power is righteous, it is the natural enemy of the dead soul jellyfish, all kinds of toxins are burned by her flames, all dissipated, and the fierce hot flame between the heavens and the earth to the yang to the fierce, once rushed out, is really terrible, that Sen Han The sea surface is gradually disappearing, and a huge light curtain is faintly visible.

In the light curtain, a huge shadow is visible. From a closer look, it is clearly the appearance of the battleship.

The stone rock eyes suddenly lit up, and they concentrated on the scenes in the light curtain, and even the power of operation in the eyelids, so that the shackles were clearer.

It is the inexplicable Gorefiend and others!

At the same time he looked at the Gorefiend, the Gorefiend and other people in the light curtain also found him, cheering in the light curtain, and at this time, Morihan seawater was burned by the heat of the original source, which plagued the **** devils. , has been solved.

Gorefiend, Bass, and Gute are running light curtains with great supernatural powers. For example, the huge light ball floats from the inside to the sky, avoiding the dead soul jellyfish and drifting toward the direction of Shiyan.


The inconspicuous stone rock, the body of the body suddenly shocked, a flesh counterattack force burst.


Behind her, there was a painful cry. Her little fist was baked like a fire. She was wielded by force. She screamed: "You, how is your body refined, harder than gold and iron, killing me?" It is."

She took the opportunity to attack, and the fist bombarded the heart of Shiyan. Not only did she not hurt the stone rock, but the hand bones of the stone body were like broken, and the appearance of the grin was both ridiculous and cute. "You, you remember me." I will not let you go!" 萱绯 Another finger on the stone rock, the threat of the inside.

Shi Yan looked back at her, and laughed and laughed. She was too lazy to say that the **** moth and other people waved and gestured to them.

"I was really convinced, this kid actually took us out, Mom, Gorefiend, your old boy went out of the dog."

Bath screamed, and the sound of the thunder burst.

The Gorefiend eyes are also quite weird. They look at Shiyan deeply and nodded slightly. Everything is in the air.

Ps: The fourth chapter, the addition of the main "cluster" of the ally, um, for all the lords have added, although late, but fortunately no more than this month, this month is completed this month, not dragged to next month ~

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