God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1047: Combat

The 1st and 47th chapters

Yu Shan is concentrating on dealing with the dead soul jellyfish. The green flame is like a cluster of clouds, lingering in the void passage, occupying most of the interval. (""网.com)

The soul of the dead jellyfish was extremely violent at first, and a large amount of poisonous smoke was spewed out. The sputum was splashed with poisonous water, and the surrounding area was dyed colorful, and wanted to make Yushan fascinated.

Unfortunately, Yu Shan's fusion of the original flame, the realm has also reached the beginning of the gods double heaven, it is precisely its nemesis, no matter how hard it releases the poisonous venom, it will be easily burned into ash by Yu Shan with the original flame, many green flames Covered in the surface of the Sen Han, the sea is really about to be evaporated.

According to the ring spirit, the cold water of Sen is the controlled derivative of the dead jellyfish. If the sea water does not fully evaporate, it can be invincible as long as it is still hiding in the depths.

But now the dead soul jellyfish is clearly in a state of impending collapse. It is anxiously burning. It should have been invincible, and it has no way to deal with the nemesis.

Shi Yan and Yu Shan had already agreed that he would not intervene in this matter of the dead soul jellyfish, nor did he have the ability.

Yu Shan came across the border. On the one hand, because of the enemy against the Protoss, the most important purpose was to harvest the wonders of the dead soul jellyfish.

After the Gorefiend and others got out of their bodies, their faces were cloudy and they all hated the dead soul jellyfish. It seems that they are ready to shoot and kill this exotic creature.

Shi Yan sounded out in a timely manner: "You don't shoot, it is enough for her to dominate the situation. Rest assured, she is coping with it."

"Who is she?" Fu Wei of the Pharmacy Court, looking far away to Yu Shan, looked surprised. "So the realm of practicing the flames of the realm of the realm, why are we not described in our Pharmacy? ......"

Shi Yan smiled lightly. "You guessed it right. She is not the warrior of our Malang star field. It comes from the fire and rain stars around us. I specially invited to deal with the dead soul jellyfish."

"What is the name of the soul jellyfish?" Bass slammed his mouth and screamed, "How can you know the name of the thing, what a strange thing? What are we going to move to the bottom of the sea? They are all made out, and it doesn't hurt the stuff. How do you know how to deal with it?"

Everyone was surprised and looked at Shiyan. 《》网.com

Zha Yi and Feng Yan and others were even more shocked. The look at him was extremely weird, and he once again knew him again.

From other stars, please come to the strong, specifically to deal with the dead soul jellyfish, this kid... What is the origin? How can there be so many mysterious places?

They were horrified and became more curious about Shiyan.

"Before you come to the Marathon, I have been jolting in other places, and I have some wonderful understandings of the world." Shiyan smashed the past. "The nemesis of the dead soul jellyfish is the fusion of the source flame and the realm of the gods." Strong, when I know that you are bound by it, I have to go to other stars to find a specific targeted strong."

"You guys... people can't see through." The tyrannosaurus clan Gut exclaimed.

"Through the prize." Shi Yan dumbfounded. "Everyone should not intervene. The predecessor will deal with the dead soul jellyfish. There will be no accidents. Although your realm is deep, it is not easy to deal with the dead jellyfish, or save some strength." ”

Give him such a saying, everyone is stunned, silently nod, secretly adjust the breath fluctuations to restore the previous loss.

They immediately spent too much power in the forest and ocean, and they couldn’t keep up. If it wasn’t for Shiyan, they would come to Yushan in time. After a long time, their energy mask would be torn. If the poisonous smokes are poured into the mouth, perhaps a few strong people such as the Gorefiend can support it for a while, but the gods and the source of the realm are afraid that they will soon be poisoned.

Although they are out now, their status is not particularly good. The Gorefiend, Bass, and Gute are all gathering strengths, and they are working in a state of change.

"Why are you, this person, hooked up with the fire and rain stars?" Xia Xinyi did not know when to come up, and the beautiful twitching turned a little. "The two women, will not be your confidante?" ”

Shi Yan looked awkward and quickly said: "What do you think? I just met them, how can you be in a woman, as long as a woman will have a relationship with me? I am so unbearable?"

"Someone has proved this with a lot of facts. (""Net 7*" Xia Xin licked his mouth, disdain and laughed.

Shi Yan was awkward and thought about it. The past experience did not have any persuasive power. It is no wonder that Xia Xinyi would think more and put him in the same way as a thief.

"Hey!" There was a squatting, impatience on the face, and the stone rushed to wave, and shouted: "You come over, I still have an account and you count it."

"How do you offend the girl?" Xia Xinzhen looked strange. "I just saw it clearly. She still wants to sneak a punch. Are you...the one that has a bad behavior?"

The woman’s intuition was really terrible, and she gave her a word.

Shi Yan was a spirited person, pretending to be a good man: "Nonsense! She is the apprentice of that predecessor, coming together from the fire and rain, not familiar with us, may want to figure out something."

During the speech, he flashed a shadow and quietly walked away from Xia Xinyu. He came to the side and lowered his voice. "You have just bombarded me with a punch. We have cleared two. What else do you want to do?" ”

"You are taking advantage of it, but I don't have it. I hit it, but I hurt it. What do you say?" His eyes sparkled and he glanced at Xia Xinyu in the distance and held his head up. With a sigh, "Is your confidante? I will know at a glance. If you don't want her to know what you did, it is best to give me a satisfactory plan."

Shi Yan frowned. "What do you want to do?"

"I didn't think about it for a while." He consciously grabbed Shiyan's handle and laughed low. "Are you afraid that the beautiful sister is jealous? Ha, you are afraid of your wife, then you dare to be thin to me?"

Shi Yan is silent.

When he was talking to He, his eyes were still gathered in Yushan’s piece. Yushan’s power was all raised. The blue flame formed was filled with empty passages. The dead soul jellyfish slowly lost their foothold and was smashed. The sea of ​​fire was drowned.

Yu Shan officially began the refining of the dead soul jellyfish.

Only when she blends the flames of the original source, and reaches the inferior power of the realm of the gods, is it qualified and powerful to refine the soul jellyfish.

Shi Yan is very curious, curious that this is a poisonous ancient life. There are strange things in the body that attract Yu Shan. Before the spirit is unclear, he is also anxious to solve the **** demon and others. I asked in detail to understand that now that the situation is big, he has enough leisure time to make it clear.

"What valuable things are there in the soul of the dead jellyfish, is it worthwhile for my master to cross the border?" He asked seriously.

Shaking his head, Shi Yan said: "I am also very curious."

"At the time of the source of the righteousness, did you not say that this is the big chance of my master? Don't you know?" He stunned. "You won't lie to us? Bastard, we cross the border." Come, do you think it is easy? My master is still in a state of retreat, and I am awakened by hard life. If you don't give me an explanation, I won't let you go!"

"If there is no advantage, your master will rush in?" Shi Yan smiled and said indifferently: "I don't know the specific situation, but your master must understand that when the road came over, did she not explain it to you?"

"I... I forgot to ask." I am embarrassed. "My master is asking about your affairs in detail all the time. I have been interrogating me. I have not mentioned anything about the dead jellyfish. Oh, forget it." Let's take a look at it. If you dare to lie to us, I will definitely not make you better."

"Look at it, there should be an answer soon."

The body of the dead jellyfish is bulging, shrinking slowly, shrinking ten times from the size of the meat mountain, and becoming a large meat ball covering a kilometer. The smoke inside the sputum is spurting, as if forming a wonderful layer of film. ", the body is bound."

The secluded source of the flame, such as the fire snake crawling over the film, released the earth-shattering heat wave, refining the dead soul jellyfish.

Under the hot high temperature of the source flame, the membrane that condensed from the poisonous toxic water seems to be gradually melting, but the process does not seem to be done overnight. It seems that it takes a while.

When the people silently looked at it, there was a slap in the middle of the medicinal cabinet, and suddenly the eyebrows moved, and the subconscious screamed: "He, he is coming!"

"Who?" Bath gave him a look.

Zha's face was shocked. "The one who has reached the beginning of the universe! I noticed the change of space, he should be rushing over!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked, and the Gorefiend and other people immediately murdered and stopped the power, and their faces suddenly became stunned.

"It's good!" The **** demon screamed. "This way we have preparedness, I have to see how this person can swear!"

"Mom, I haven’t eaten such a big loss yet, but I have to see and see who is dare to be as shameless and despicable!" Bass screamed in the sky, in the snoring, the demon body soared, gradually morphing onto the body, a horror of several kilometers long The dragon body appeared like a warship, and the fierce breath was transmitted through his fine scales, which was extremely embarrassing.

"That... Shiyan! I am only responsible for the dead soul jellyfish, no energy to cope with others!" Yu Shan also heard the words here, the charming face changed a little, suddenly screaming.

"Understand!" Shi Yan rushed to condense his strength, responded with a voice, and immediately became alert, ready to cope with the raging offensive of the coming.

The demon, the demon, the medicine, and the war martial arts have all run their own righteousness. The fierce fluctuations are released from them. They all suppress the anger and prepare to kill the culprits who will move them to the sea.


Ps: The last time, the monthly ticket is not invalidated, and the monthly ticket is called~~

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