God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 803: breakthrough!

Chapter VIII Breakthrough!

That year, fighting with the demise of Lei Shi, several kinds of fires on the same fire, it was only a fight between the two loses, costing him a lot of soul energy, but also failed to conquer the world, but only temporarily exiled to the outside world.

After many years, Shi Yan’s understanding of the mystery of space has long been a thing of the past, and the realm has reached the king of heaven, forming a god, a god, and adhering to his skyfire, and most of them advanced, and there have also been new changes.

Today, the seven cyan flames that he banished, never know how far away from the field, and regrouped at his Tianhuo altar, which brought the reincarnation to a new life.

*** The space gap, Shiyan quietly suspended, squinting, and the soul communication to destroy the world.

Several kinds of skyfires, surrounded by the blue flames of the dying thunder, each dissipating energy, releasing different breaths, and communicating with him.

The annihilated dynasty Lei Yan was imprisoned for many years outside the domain, and suddenly returned to the gathering. As soon as the soul recovered, his strong character came up again, trying to melt the heavenly fire in the Tianhuo altar and enhance his strength.

It is a pity that he is no longer allowed to do evil today.

The peculiar energy of the nine secluded soul flames, the ghost spirits and the suzuki real fires, suddenly suppressed, suddenly pressed his fine thunder and lightning to the students, so that he could not leave the skyfire altar.

The fire of the earth and the cold flame of Xuan Bing, the fire of the corpse, also quietly spread the energy, the power of the extreme cold, the heat of the heat, the infiltration of the cold soul, entangled together, and bound the thunder and lightning snake. Let the dynasty Lei Yan move.

"You have no other choice, either stay honestly, or ruin you!" Shi Yan's face was cold, and he came out with a thought of the soul. He knew the activity of the sea, and the consciousness of chilling and annihilating the soul, reaching the depths of the soul of the dying .

The will of the death is unfolding, and the willpower that will completely obliterate the soul, with the rotation of the soul altar, directly wraps the dying thunder.

Today, he is very subtle and has many means. It is not difficult to deal with the destruction of the world. It is not afraid that the dying will continue to do evil.

Even, without his hands, the light coverage of all kinds of skyfires is enough to make it impossible for the dynasty to escape.

"Hey, I am very interested in bringing you together. Do you want to try it?" The ghosts and ghosts are so innocent and intimidating that it seems that as soon as Shiyan nods, he will immediately start.

Originally, the fifth-order annihilation of Lei Shi, after this exile, the power consumption is great, it is not the opponent of the ghost and the fire, Suzaku really fire, really if it is a desperate struggle, the death of the world can not escape the fate of integration.

Soon, he realized the disadvantages of the situation. Under the threat of Shiyan and the temptation of Tianhuo, the extinction Lei Yan finally softened, gave up the escape resistance, and honestly, connected the mark of his soul with the Tianhuo altar. It became a blue power in the Tianhuo altar, which caused another change in the Tianhuo altar.

Squinting, carefully sensed for a while, until the discovery of the destruction of the real thunder, the stone rock back to the soul consciousness, calm down, continue to let go of the gods, quiet the soul, and feel the mystery of the surrounding space Rhyme.

Feng Qi did not bother him. He has been swallowing the medicinal herbs, digesting the power inside Shen Jing and restoring his own strength.

After this period of absorption, her lost strength recovered to seven or eighty-eight, and the realm seems to be slightly improved. She is very happy. Like Shiyan, she carefully understands the power of her major and understands the mystery.

The violent, thorny, and wave-like three are supplemented by Shiyan, and although they are absorbed by the spirit demon flower every once in a while, the life magnetic field is still stable, and in a short period of time, there will be no loss of vitality. possibility.

A group of people, in the middle of the Tianhe River outside the field, silently repaired, did not manage the changes of the outside world.


Abandoned mine stars, riddled with holes, one of the bottomless caves, will penetrate the mine.

The **** head predators and the nine-star chamber of commerce have been fighting for more than three months. At this time, there are many warships, chariot fragments, and many warriors floating in the vicinity of the mine. The fierceness of the battle is clear.

A huge blue crystal battleship emerged from the darkness and docked on the star.

A handsome and thin figure flashed out in a circle around the mineral star, covering the gods and covering all corners.

At the same time, there are two more figures, flying out of the battleship, to search for nearby corpses, as if to determine what.

Not long after, the figure returned to the battleship and frowned slightly.

"What can I find out about Kashun's adult?" Inside the cabin, a graceful figure emerged, curvy and curved, with a skirt full of broken crystals, beautiful and unparalleled.

It is the Princess of Zi Yao.

A blonde, a blonde, also flashed from the side, slightly down his head, followed with a smile, such as the most humble servant.

"Adult, there is no gain." Alan returned from the outside, slightly squatting, and bowed to Kashun, saying: "There is only one area, there are obvious signs of space fluctuations."

Kashian’s eyes lit up, and according to Alan’s direction, he slid as a light blade.

He appeared in Shiyan’s original place where he ignited the empty crystal, extending his long left hand touch space, frowning, and his heart was secretly surprised.

Zi Yao quietly flashed out, beautiful and colorful, staring at the piece for a moment, whispered inquiries: "Cashian adults, can you find out?"

"It is indeed a trace of space power, but also with the help of the energy of the empty crystal..." Katsien nodded, and looked at the direction of the mine. He saw that Oglas did not take the initiative to press the voice, saying: "But not necessarily that kid."

"Understanding the power of space, there has been no one in the last hundred years." Zi Yao's eyes are shining, secretly pinching, and screaming: "It must be him!"

Katsien smiled casually, undecided, "What do you think?"

"What was the situation in that battle?" Zi Yao seemed to be in a good mood and smiled lightly. "Kashian and others, you are most familiar with the land of punishment. Many of the predators have your staff, you should be very Clear?"

"Russell and the nine-star chamber of commerce, the battle of the Vatican, the defeat of the Vatican night battle, the injury is far away, the loss of his men, the materials carried from the side of the ally, have been looted. Only a huge hollow crystal, not looking after the event By, according to my news, and the guy who used the power of space, it disappeared together." Kashun said with a smile, "His Royal Highness, that kid is just a squat from your hand, it is worthy of your change of course, specifically to see So sure his life and death?"

Katsien was escorting Princess Zi Yao to the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce. Halfway through it, Kashun was informed that there was a big battle in this area. One of the children used the power of space.

When he explained the news, Zi Yao immediately changed his mind and couldn't help but say that he had to change the route. He had to look at it. Kashun was too stunned to come, but he was quite curious.

"He saved my life." Zi Yao answered seriously.

"Is that simple?" Katsien smiled. "As far as I know, the man who saved the Princess of the Princess, isn’t he alone? There are many followers under His Royal Highness. I have saved you at a crucial moment. How can you not see the princess so care?"

Zi Yao lightly bite the teeth, white him a look, snoring, no answer.

Kashunha laughed and didn't ask for it. "The Princess is relieved. I sent someone to search for the news. Well, I will enter the inside of the **** skull and carry the portrait of the kid. If it is him, it will soon Can be determined."

Zi Yaomei slammed brightly, and the lush waist was swaying. "Thank you, Uncle Kashen."

"Hah, I used to call Kashun's adult. When I blinked, I became an uncle. It was a realistic gimmick." Kashun, smiling, shook his head with a smile.


Outside the Tianhe River.

Numerous intensive space gaps, spatial power disorder, from the center of a space gap, dazzling colorful streamer.

The figure of Shiyan squats through the gaps of space, and flashes in succession. The glimpse of the gods is like a snake in the space compartment. It is a very strong soul turmoil that breeds from his area.

Daddy, in the gaps of countless spaces, at the same time, the power of obvious space, such as tens of thousands of invisible ropes, entangled him and covered him.

Feng Qi waking up from the recovery of strength, the eyes suddenly burst into the light, and the space gap around the Tianhe River was looked at for a moment, and the mouth was slightly opened, and the beautiful face was full of surprise.

The violent, thorny, and wave-like three people who were bound by the sucking demon flower also had a bright eye and looked at the gap in the space.

The body of Shiyan was entangled by the force of the space. The soul sacrificed the sacred body and trembled as if it were beaten by the whip.

In the Oyi Sacrifice, the power of the strong space is chaotic, and when you look at it, you will find that the center of the Oyi Sacrifice has also revealed a small gap in the dense space, and a strong space is inciting.

His body is serene and his eyes are closed, as if he does not know what is happening, he still knows what he is doing.

But the top layer of his soul ritual, the illusory spirit of exactly the same as his body, is squinting at the eyes, showing cracks in the scorpion, is the external manifestation of space power.

The power of the imprisoned space spreads from his soul, covering all directions, and the gaps in the surrounding space seem to have been fixed.


The soul altar suddenly trembled, and the Oyi altar went out from the soul to understand the sea, and shuttled through the gaps in one space to capture its power.

Numerous streams of light are gathered on the platform of the Olympiad. The spirit of Shiyan is floating and floating, constantly oscillating and floating. It seems to be condensing the power of space and blending with his gods.

Gradually, his soul stopped shaking and gradually contracted. The esoteric ceremonial platform that had left was also returned to the sea, and together with the soul altar, indulged in his body.

The turbulent space fluctuates and gradually recovers from calm.

I have been staring at Feng Wei for a long time. The red lips squirmed and whispered: "Breakthrough, the king of heaven and two heavens, it is so easy and smooth."

I was so excited that I was violent, excited, and excited.


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