God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 804: Heroic turmoil

Chapter VIII, the turmoil

In the southwest corner of the land of sacred punishment, a dense star field with a dense star of mines, a warship built with a dragon's tibia, docked on a star.

A thin old man, his face covered with cyan patterns, his hands shrunk in the cuffs, standing at the top of the keel keel, staring in the direction of the sin.

His eyes were deep and his eyes were deep and he frowned, seemingly missing something.

Half an hour later, a young man of the ghost pattern suddenly flashed out and whispered behind him: "Father."

Feng Qi looked back and looked at the second son Feng Qi, Shen Sheng: "There is no news of your sister?"

Feng Qi shook his head. "No. She shouldn't have come to the vicinity of God's punishment, or she won't contact us."

"Is there any surprise?" Feng Qi said to himself, sighing, "For more than two hundred years, when she was for the star map, she took the initiative to ask for it, but she had to go to the Purgatory Star. Time flies, it has passed so long. Now, finally, there is news that the father really does not want her to have something."

"My sister is superior in thinking, I will definitely have nothing to do, but my father, please rest assured. I have sent people to wait at the bases everywhere. As soon as I have news of my sister, we can know immediately." Feng Hao lowered his head and felt sad. "When my sister was willful, I have to go for me. I have been married for many years. This time she is going home, I have to make a good compensation."

"Oh, two hundred years have passed, your big brother is dead, and only two of you are the father." Feng Wei looked far away and his face was very heavy. "For the star map, we paid too much, I don’t know it is worth it. ""

"Worth!" Feng Yi looked firm and clenched his fists and said: "We have been suppressed by the three forces. We have come to sweep us when we have leisure. Over the years, how many people have been attacked by the three major forces. Kill! We, the exiles, have only one place to live, they still don't let go, as long as they get the star map, we can change it all!"

"I hope so." Feng Hao's eyes are gray. "There is a rumor that there is a rumor that there is a rumor that the star map will appear in our sacred land. Recently, our piece is definitely not too flat, I I heard that the three forces have sent experts to come over, and it will take a long time for God to punished the war."

"Damn!" Feng said with a sigh, "How could you miss the news?"

"It’s not just us who stare at the star map. The star map is very important. Anyone will be jealous." Feng Yi sighed. "Help me to communicate. I want to talk to each of the big leaders, just by our side." Forces, even if they get a star map, are difficult to open up, or they must work together."

"Father, once other heads are known, the star map can't be controlled by our side. You have to think twice." Feng Qi seems to disagree and speak out.

Putting his hand, Feng Wei replied: "If the news is not leaked, I will not share it with them. But now, the three forces will come over. Soon, other leaders will know. Not to mention, I am not sure now. Whether the star map is obtained by your sister, if we are willing to go it alone, we ourselves cannot stand firm in the place of punishment, and it is even more impossible to confront the three forces."

Feng Wei listened to him for such an explanation and nodded. "I am going to arrange it."



A huge bronze battleship slowly flew in the direction of the land of divine punishment.

The big commander of the League of Nations, Bitian, stood in front of the battleship with a negative hand and looked calm.

Beside him, a few warriors of Bisoft also looked at the front, thoughtfully.

"Father, will the star map appear in the land of punishment?" Birou asked softly.

Bitian was dressed in coarse linen, without a shackle, and his breath was long and light, and he smiled lightly. "It should not be wrong. The people sent by our ally have already decided to die. The one that is currently alive seems to have only a small place of punishment." Shantou, the star map must be in her hand."

"Father, if we can get the star map, can we get out of the alliance and become self-contained?" Birou is shining, the red lips squirming, and secretly excited.

Bitian is one of the three major leaders of the League of Nations. He has strong power in the League, and his master is like a cloud. He has several stars of life.

However, he is not the ally of the Alliance. He has been under the leadership for many years and has not got a chance to get a good job.

The star map may change all of this. Even if it can't make him a new ally of the ally, it will allow him to reap the benefits he can't imagine, become the strongest force in the ally, and even get rid of the ally. Giant tyrants.

"Oh, if the star map is really like a rumor, this is what we have gained. We will certainly be able to reverse the situation and become a powerful force in the flame field in the future. Our family will also become the largest family in the star field." laugh.

The delicate face of Biore is full of expectation.


Tianhe outside the domain.

Shiyan was sitting on the boulder that floated up, sitting for half a month and suddenly opened his eyes.

The phoenix looked at him, and saw him woke up, and the beautiful slammed, "Breakthrough?"

Smiled and nodded, Shi Yan grew up and said, "It is very smooth, the soul altar is re-condensed once, and the king of God is the second heaven."

"Want to come, even if I regained the power of the king of the king, I really have nothing to do with you." Fengqi bitterly shook his head. "You guy, it really is a different kind, I admit, I used to look down on you." It is."

"This kid is a metamorphosis of our God's grace." Bo Ruo sighed, envious.

Illness and thorns look at each other and smile.

"When you recover, you will soon break through. I know your abilities." Shi Yan looked at the violent three people and said with relief: "It is enough to prove that you can reach the peak in the place of God's grace. Your ability and talent."

"I hope to get rid of this **** demon flower, Mom, I can't wait to kill the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce, **** it!"

"There will be opportunities." Shi Yan smiled and looked at Feng Wei. "How long will we be able to enter the land of punishment?"

"If you are lucky, about half a year."

"Well, it's not slow."

When he reached out and grabbed it, the huge empty crystal of the piece was pulled by him and slammed into the gap of a space next to him.

The empty crystal, flashing away, disappeared in the gap of space.

"You?" Feng Wei was amazed.

"How?" The temper is also paralyzed.

"The door to the space needs a lot of power, and I am still a little bit worse." Shi Yan frowned and explained: "When I break through to the gods of the Three Heavens, I should be able to do it. I can't do it now. The magical space ring is inconvenient to carry. I put it first in the space gap here. I want to open the door to the space, and I need to take advantage of this special environment. I will come back sooner or later."

The violent three people looked up.

“Really?” I looked forward to it.

They left with the gods of the mainland, for the sake of ethnic continuity, to find a living way for the people of the mainland, and for ten years, in the flames of the stars, the encounter was miserable, and the thoughts in the heart were completely eliminated.

Now Shiyan suddenly said that this goal can be achieved, and it is the door to connect the space, without them returning to the mainland of the gods, naturally they are surprisingly inexplicable.

"Yes, once I broke through to the Three Kings of Heaven, the door of space was forcibly opened by me." Shi Yan nodded affirmatively. "At that time, we can go directly to our hometown and bring them all over."

The violent three ecstasy, consciously suffering in the past ten years, finally got some kind of compensation.

"Let's go, let's get out of here and go to the land of God's punishment." Shi Yan smiled and saw that they were very excited, and the heart was very excited. Chong Fengxi said: "Have you contacted your father?"

Feng Qiyi, immediately reacted, said: "I was cheating you last time, I can not reach such a distant distance, and my father reached a link, my realm is not enough."

Shiyan was amazed.

"It's fine, as long as I enter the land of God's punishment, I can naturally contact my father. When I get there, I can say anything." Feng Xiao smiled and said, "As long as there is a star map, nothing is impossible. You can rest assured." ”

"I won't be framed by you?" Shi Yan looked at her seriously. "When it comes to the land of punishment, will there be countless strongmen who will slam me, then rob me of the star map, and you will directly take me Kill, carry a star map and take it away?"

Feng Xiaozui chuckled and nodded very seriously. "Well, this idea is good. I didn't think that it should be done now."

"Then I have to think about it." Shi Yan brows a little, thoughtfully looking at Feng Wei, suddenly smirked: "One day couples, 100 days, you really want to be so to me, but Don't miss the old feelings, don't blame me for corrupting your name."

"The festival is a fart. I am not a good name in the predators of God's punishment. I haven't made a name for you." Feng Qi seems to think of something. He laughed first. "Where, everyone knows me." Carols every night, no man is not happy."

"No, at the beginning, can you bleed?" Shi Yan looked shocked.

"It's that... It happened to come, what do you think?" Feng Hao's eyes trembled, secretly gnashing his teeth and snoring.

Shi Yan pulled the corner of his mouth, and he smiled and said: "So, don't you mind?" He is not a fool? There is a lot of experience in that area. Is a woman finished? He experienced it personally. I don’t know?

Three people, violent, looked at this piece with a weird look, hesitated, and suddenly jumped like a zombie. - The demon bouquet is tied, and their actions are extremely inconvenient.

"I don't mind, how big is it..." Feng Wei's face gradually became difficult to look at, and immediately angered: "Are you finished? Don't you?"

"Ha ha ha!" Shi Yan suddenly laughed, licking his stomach and twitching: "Well, I won't say it."

Suddenly, he appeared in front of Feng Qiao in a ghostly manner, and suddenly hugged Feng Qi, and kissed her.

Feng Qiang struggled fiercely, and his hands were bombarded with indiscriminate bombardment on his chest. However, he did not have the power to be arrogant. The power of the masculine masculinity could not really hurt Shiyan.

Gradually, Feng Wei’s fierce struggle stopped, and he actually hugged him and responded madly.

After half a ring, the two talents came apart. Shi Yan looked down at her and looked at her deeply. A serious saying: "Follow me."

"I have to think about it." Feng Yuyu refers to the red lips, wipes the slobber of the rock, the beautiful face is covered with red, the alum is shining, and the calmly said: "I have not forgiven you, don't I thought it would be easy to get my heart, and you should work hard."

When the voice fell, she did not dare to look at Shiyan's fiery gaze, and suddenly flew out and rushed toward Tianhe.


Ps: Recommend a new book, I like the new book of "The official road is nowhere", and there is a through train on the killing page. The brief introduction is as follows: confident life for two hundred years, it will hit three thousand miles! Reagan's official new work, "The Official Road is Nothing," and the scroll of the era of reform and opening up is slowly unfolding, so please read it!

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