God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 805: Agreement

Chapter 850

Four months later.

A group of five people suddenly descended on a dead star. This dead star has no heaven and earth energy, no life fluctuations, and no valuable ore.

The Death Star is surrounded by ash and brown smoke. There is a strange extraterrestrial Tianhe in one direction. I don't know where the end is, as if there is no margin, no endless.

These five people, it is Shiyan, Fengqi, violent, thorny, and wave. After four months of shuttle speeding, they came to this piece.

This place is a strange and strange place around the land of God's punishment. It can isolate the exploration of the gods, and no power can penetrate.

There is no living, no energy, and the surrounding taupe smoke does not know how to form it, like a piece of gray cloth, which is tightly bound here.

"From here to the land of God's punishment, only one month's journey, very close." Fengqi strength restores its peak, and the spirit is high, and the interest is also high. "We can work hard to reach the land of punishment, but be careful. One point, lest you encounter a powerful predator."

Near the land of sacred punishment, the predators are rampant, and the flames of the stars are fierce and the murderers have nowhere to hide, and they will be active in nearby areas.

There are no living stars in the surrounding area, all of which are abandoned mineral stars, dead stars, numerous meteorite oceans, chaotic energy storms, and isolated places of danger.

Every day, the Tianni God Kingdom, the Yimeng, and the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce will send strong men to sweep, but it is precisely because of the special situation around them that the predators cannot be really eliminated.

Once the thugs and monks of those parties are hiding in the dangerous places nearby, even the three major forces have no choice but to rush into the search. Because they are not familiar with the terrain and danger, they will suffer heavy losses and will be countered by the predators.

The most ruthless and hot guys in the Flames are often seen nearby. Once they find that the prey is weak, it will definitely not be soft.

Near the land of sacred punishment, it is also the most chaotic and **** place in the flames. There are battles happening every second, and there are strong people falling.

The corpses of many masters will be scattered in the Xinghai, and the energy storms will be mixed with the heavens and the earth, forming a wonder of the corpse, which makes people feel trembled.

Feng Wei grew up around the land of divine punishment. It is too clear about the situation here. I know who is in this area, so I am reminded.

Five of them, only Fengqi and Shiyan have combat power, and the violent three who are bound by the demon flower can not only give any help, but also be burdened. In the battle, you must take care of them carefully. Otherwise, once you are close to the master, it is the end of the soul.

"One month's journey, um, very soon." Shi Yan frowned, looked at it for a while, focusing on the strange Tianhe River.

As long as it breaks into the realm of the gods and three heavens, with the help of the empty magic crystal, he has 80% of the grasp in the gap between the space, the space Shinto, directly connected to the gods of the mainland.

He still has to return a bit sooner or later, naturally he has to remember this position, so that it is difficult to find it later.

Looking around, branding the characteristics of the star field deep in my mind, he knows what to do, and can't help but take the star map out of the magical space, and stare at the star map.

Feng Mingming slammed up, his expression changed, and his attention focused on the star map in his hand, and he looked at it secretly.

The star map is painted by immortal woodcuts. The natural wood grain is connected by special mana, forming a starry mysterious star map. When you look at it, the star map seems to float slowly. It seems to be uncharacteristic and extremely mysterious. .

Shi Yan’s eyes stared at the star map, and the sea was shocked. In his knowledge of the sea, a vast and infinite number of broken star maps emerged, and a series of stars were intertwined with light, accurately indicating a certain direction. His gods wandered in the figure of the starfish, and the power of the soul was quickly consumed.

The star map, directly reflected in the center of the mind, occupies a vast area.

To understand the mystery of the star map, the soul energy must be quickly consumed. It is necessary to touch and explore with the power of the soul to grasp the position of the star icon.

His gods are floating, moving in the cumbersome star map, swimming in an illusory starlight branch, and gradually feeling the soul.

The star map is intuitive, three-dimensional, but cumbersome and mysterious. It is constantly changing. There is a very strange power. It seems to be pulling his gods and exploring in a certain direction. However, the exact position seems extremely far away. Squat, if the gods want to explore, the power of the soul is very expensive.

After half an hour, he had the feeling of dizziness of the soul, and he could not close his eyes.

The star map that came to know the sea suddenly disappeared. He had just explored the memory, and there was nothing left, as if it had been erased from his mind.

Surprised, Shi Yan frowned deeply and muttered: "Weird..."

"How? Didn't find the position?" Feng Qi was very curious to get together, wide eyes, and the lips squirmed. "What did you find?"

Shaking his head, his heart was full of doubts, Shi Yan explained: "This star map is a bit weird, directly reflected in the center of the mind, the star map is vast and innocent, seems to be active. There is a wonderful power, pulling God Knowledge, moving in one direction, requires the consumption of a huge soul. The star icon shows where we are, the point of the soul, it should be the goal, but the power of my soul does not seem to reach the goal, nor can it be remembered. ......"

"It’s not a matter of the tempering of the national teacher of the gods and gods. It’s really magical.” Feng Wei is not surprised, smiles lightly. “This kind of star map can never be re-drawn and cannot be remembered. Only by holding the star map all the time, constantly searching with the soul, guided by the energy, can slowly move closer to the destination, until one day comes to the precise position, the star map will be otherwise indicated."

"No wonder." Shi Yan nodded. "The star map is unique. Only if it is always held, and constantly searching for the direction, can you approach the direction of the new star field. So, I will hand over the star map. Unless you are with a star charter, you will never be able to reach the new star field."

"That's it." Feng said with a smile.

"Your father, really give up a star of life?" Shi Yan was silent for a while, and suddenly asked.

"How can you not be willing?" Feng Shui is natural. "If there are dozens of stars of life in the new star field, give you one. It should be normal for me to see it."

"Where are you looking?" Shi Yan frowned, half-sounding, and suddenly said: "I believe in you, but I don't really believe in your father. I am afraid that once the star map is handed over, I will not only get nothing but suffer. The fate of being killed."

Feng Wei's face changed.

The violent, thorny, and wave-like three people stood far apart, and did not come close together, just quietly looked at the two.

"You don't believe my father?" Feng Xiaomei said slightly. "If you want to save the three of them, you must pass my father. If you take the star map to see the refining pharmacist, you won't be able to retreat." Although my father’s reputation is not good, it is still a heavy commitment. Once the transaction is reached, it will not be repented. Also, if you don’t believe him, you should believe me, I... I won’t harm you.”

"I believe in you, but the star map is of great importance. I have to give myself a way." Shi Yan said seriously.

"What road to stay?" Feng Wei was amazed.

"When you are in the land of divine punishment, you take the violent three to see your father, and then wait for the violent three to recover. You will hand them over to the **** Kato. When I make sure they are innocent, will Give the star map to you, as if you want me to go all the way, explore the new star field, and then you will be free, as long as the three of them are safe and sound, even if your father repents afterwards and does not give me the star of life, I can accept "Shi Yan said indifferently.

"You are not so optimistic about us?" Feng Qi secluated.

Shiyan looked into the distance and his eyes were dark. "Since I came to the Flames, I have not seen a good class. It is a calculation all the way. I don't believe in your father because my realm is too low and power is not enough for you. The father does not pose any threat. A warrior in the kingdom of heaven and earth, your father will be the same thing? To ruin the credibility unilaterally, kill me, can I find someone to complain?"

Feng Qi is the strongest warrior in the area of ​​God's punishment. The source of God is the second most powerful, the most powerful force of the predator. For this kind of giant hegemony, there are countless heroes who have a strong king, and a promise of only two heavenly guys. Will he be valued by him?

What's more, it also contains a star of life, splitting such a huge treasure, how can he be so generous?

Shi Yan is very suspicious.

Feng Yu knew that he was cautious, frowning and thinking for a while, suddenly said: "How can you know the blood butcher? You believe him?"

"There is a side, I have a bit of a relationship with Cato. Compared with your father, I believe him more." Shi Yan explained.

"Well, I promise you, let my father help you to restore the three to the original. I will personally hand them over to the blood butcher, but you don't play with me, or I... I hate you forever!" He bit his teeth and looked at him deeply.

"Trust me, I can't do this kind of thing, and it won't make you difficult to be a human." Shi Yan smiled and said relief.

"Then let's go, you follow me, I know that the remote way of walking can avoid encountering those murderers. The order of God's punishment is the order of God's punishment. Once you enter, you will not have too much danger." Feng Qi nodded and agreed to his decision.

"After the land of God's punishment, we will come apart. Right, I want to contact you, what should I do?" Shiyan nodded, and made up his mind to immediately contact the blood butcher, as soon as he reached the land of punishment, this person and He has a lot of origins. Compared to Feng Wei, he thinks Cato is more trustworthy.

"The center of God's punishment, there is a day of punishment, my father's contacts are stationed all the year round, you can find Mott." Feng Yi thought about it, and said: "I will tell him, you call Shi Yan, as long as you Give the name, he will show you to me."


The five people set foot on formation again, and the destination was the land of divine punishment.


Ps: New week, ask for the recommended ticket, today will be three more ~~

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