God Of Soul System

Chapter 176: Pushing up the chaos in the city

boom! !

The punch of the beast, Kato, once again smashed the poisonous dragon of Magellan, and then explored a big hand and grabbed the rain to stay in the rain, regardless of the attack of the rain.

Yu Zhixi stayed in the face and changed, avoiding it, and Kaido rushed to Magellan again. The fist of the cockroach fell, the venom splashed, and Magellan flew out again.

Magellan and Yu Zhixi left the two together, the strength is ultimately not comparable to the Qing and the Warring States, and can only barely entangle the beast.

And it is at this time.

Roya's figure was in the snow and ice, and the sword's front in his hand crossed an arc, and the thorn was stabbed on the back of the beast.

Ding! !

The tip of the sword pierced a half inch and was stuck on the bone.

"Hey!! You are here too!"

Injured by Roya, the beast Kay was not angry and rejoicing, with a scream of excitement and excitement, suddenly turned around and slammed into Roya.

Roya has the heart to try again the power of the beast, and to take out the crescent moon, and fight with the beast Kay.

boom! ! !

A shouting sound, Luo Ya's crescent moon rushed by the beast Kay, but it also hardly blocked the fist of the beast Kayto.

But then, the other fist of the beast, Kato, slammed into Luo Ya, completely ignoring Magellan, who was constantly poisoning behind him.


Yu Zhixi stayed out from the oblique side and blocked another punch of the beast.

"You have come over too."

Yu Zhixi left the salty and not faint, and opened his mouth at Luo Ya.

Roya smiled awkwardly, and there seemed to be a flame in his eyes. "How can I not come because of such a big movement?"

drink! !

At this time, Magellan behind Kaidu screamed, a venom flooded out and slammed on the back of Kaido, while the venom splashed, making Luo Ya and Yu Zhixi both frown. At the same time, back off.

Magellan’s attack is sharp, but on this battlefield, his role does not seem to be as good as that of Roya and Rain. His venom has little effect on the beast Kay.

If you take out the ban, the poisonous giants, may have some effect, but as a result, Luo Ya and Yu Zhixi can not stay close, and can only be remote assistance.

"I told you that this thing is useless!"

Keduo’s backhand was a palm of his hand. He took Magellan’s venom to fly, and rolled a few laps on the distant ice before he stopped.


Magellan gritted his teeth, his ability is the least fear of the sea tactics, so he will guard the propulsion city, as the director of the propulsion city, because even if there are more criminals, he can all suppress by himself.

His venom, even those of the Warring States Kapp, can't wait for it.

But in the face of the monster of the beast Kayto, his venom can hardly play any role, that is to say, in front of the beast Kayto, it is not like the ability of poisonous fruit, but it is like a mud fruit ability. Only with mud.


Naval headquarters.

"The beast Kaydo invades the city?!"

The Warring States received emergency information from the propulsion city, and suddenly changed his face. Although he had already prepared for it, he still felt the shock when he heard that the beast Kaydo really invaded the propulsion city.

On the other side of the city, Luo Ya and Yu Zhixi and Magellan are the three masters. Even if the beast is invaded, it should be able to stabilize the situation. But the warring states are worried because of Kaidu, which leads to prison riots. It’s too much trouble.

"Since the invasion of the propulsion city, you can't sit back and ignore it."

After the Warring States hanged the phone bug, the face sank and gave orders to the youth who were in the headquarters. Then Qing Yan immediately took the warship and set off to advance the city.


Push the city.

boom! boom! boom! !

Luo Ya, Yu Zhixi, Magellan, the three men joined forces to fight the beasts Kato, the momentum of the whole propulsion city, if the non-propelled city is built as if the copper wall is generally strong, it may be just this kind of vibration, enough to completely collapse this place.

Many guards and jailers came to the extremely cold **** on the fifth floor of the underground, but they did not dare to approach the battlefield where the four of Roya were located. They could only look at the tension and look far away.

In the scorching **** above, many guards and jailers are kneeling at the big hole that is pierced, looking at the extremely cold **** below.

Originally here is a very burning sea of ​​hell, but it was broken by the hard work of Kaiduo, breaking the gap between the cold and the hell, the cold air of the extremely cold **** came in, and neutralized with the hot breath of the hot hell. The environment here is getting more comfortable.

Many guards stood by the big hole that was pierced, and they felt cool.

It is at this time.

Oh la la! !

The sound of a chain of chains came, and several guards were thrown to the ground in an instant, leaving only two or three guards, and several prisoners tightened their necks.

The faces of these prisoners showed a sly and evil expression on their faces. "Oh... do you know where the keys are?!"

The beast Keduo invaded the city.

These excellent escape opportunities are simply a godsend. If you don't escape from prison at this time, I am afraid that I will suffer here in the next life.

Although the hope of knowing the jailbreak is not particularly large, but for a lot of prisoners who have not yet died, even if there is a bright line, they have to work hard to catch.


The underground five floors are extremely cold and hell.

The battle between Luo Ya and Kato is still going on. The ice on the whole cold and **** of the battle seems to have been shaken out of the road and spread everywhere.

Numerous pirates detained in the extremely cold hell, many of them are shocking colors, looking at the distance.

"What a terrible battle..."

"Who is that? Invaded the propulsion city?!"

"Magellan and Yu Zhixi stayed... and the madman navy, all here, can the three people join hands to barely be flat, and that guy is sacred!"

Some people are being held very early, not even knowing the beast.

"That is the beast!"

"In today's world, one of the four emperors, the presence of the sea, is the same name as the white beard!"

Some people also recognized the beast of the beast, a face with a shocking color, apparently they felt shocked, and the four emperors actually invaded the propulsion city, that is, the promotion of the city ... is likely to be broken? !

If the propulsion city really collapses, wouldn’t it be that they all have the opportunity to escape?

For a time.

In the extremely cold hell, many pirates who had no idea of ​​being jailbroken, a cold heart, once again became active, and the eyes were full of excitement.

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