God Of Soul System

Chapter 177: Upper riots (third more)

"Crescent rush!!"

Luo Yayi sword swung out, a grand white sword burst out, cut on the shoulders of the beast Kayto, the beast Kaydo used the armed color hardening, resisting Roya's attack.

However, Roa did not stop at all, and once again, the sword was hard.

Kay, the beast, wants to attack Roya, but he is stopped by the sword of Rain. The rain is close to the big sword, and can even be called the sword of the half-step sword. No, much worse than Roa, who uses the crescent moon.

Both of them slammed and were able to withstand the attack of Kadto.

The only pity is that Magellan can't help much, and sometimes his venom splashes, and the forced Roya and Rainy have to retreat.

Such a combination, the efficiency is so low that the strength of the three people is very close to the generals, and even enough to confront the generals, but playing a Caddo can only be deadlocked.

It is already a long-lasting battle.

After Luo Ya was tempted, knowing that he still killed the undead beast, he had already prepared for a protracted war. His sword soul has been improved by two levels in the past, the spiritual pressure has improved a lot, and the spiritual power has also improved. A lot.

Coupled with the practice of the extremely cold **** during this time, Roya's endurance has gradually improved, and the protracted war is no longer his shortcoming, has gradually been added.

Compared with the navy general, Roya lacks endurance, speed, domineering and so on.

If all is upgraded, even if it is not necessary to liberate the flow of fire, he is already the strength of the generals, and may still be the strongest general!

If in the battle of the g6 branch base, it is difficult for Luo Ya to intervene in the battlefield between the generals and Kato, then he is now fully qualified to be one of the people who fight with Kato.

boom! boom! boom! !

The battle between the four people, the entire extremely cold **** hit the collapse.

Fortunately, the area of ​​the extremely cold **** is very large, enough for Luo Ya and others to exert their full strength, not afraid of destruction, and the ground is also tough because of the freezing, compared with the burning **** above, and Magellan and Yu Zhixi are careful Note, so this layer is not broken.

Occasionally, the swordsmanship of Roya will smash one or two cages and release a bunch of prisoners, but these prisoners are wearing sea slabs, and in the cold for many years, there is little left.


Even if they are at their peak, what about?

For Roya and the beasts of Kato and others, they are too lazy to take a look at them, and they can directly kill small characters with a single stroke.

Only the next layer, the existence of infinite **** imprisonment, can make Roya and Kaido people look at it.

The war continued continuously.

ten minutes……

twenty minutes……

thirty minutes……

The war has lasted for half an hour, and there is still no intention to stop. The Warring States and the Qing Dynasty and others have used the half-day to suppress the beasts, and the rain is reserved for others.

If it is not absolute suppression, or even overwhelming power, with the physical strength of Kaiduo, playing ten days and ten nights is the same as playing!

Roya and others maintain such a high-intensity battle, and the consumption is even larger than that of the beast. If the beast Kaydo has ten days and ten nights without feeling, then they will play a day and a night, and the physical fitness will begin to decline. .

However, Magellan is not worried.

The Navy headquarters must have received intelligence long ago, and the Navy generals should arrive soon. From the propulsion city to the naval headquarters, it will take almost a few hours to reach the vortex.

From the naval headquarters to the promotion of the city, it will not take long.

As long as the generals of the Navy arrive, even if they only come to a naval general, it is enough to break such a stalemate and completely suppress the beast Kayto, so that Kaito's physical strength will soon be lighted.


What Magellan didn't think was that, due to the arrival of Kaido, the prisoners of the four-story sea of ​​hell had a big riot!

Just as they fought with Kaido, nearly an hour later, the guards wore coats, anxious and panicked, and rushed to the battlefield near Roya and others.

"Reporting Director! The inmates of the burning **** and the hungry **** have rioted. The deputy director and deputy chief of the guards are bringing people to suppress the riots. Now some of the crackdowns are not enough..."

"what did you say?!"

Magellan heard the emergency report of the guard, and his face suddenly showed the color of anger. He said: "How can Hannibal suppress the riots of the four- and three-tier prisoners?!"

"This one……"

The guard was hesitant and didn't know how to respond. Didn't he answer that Hannibal wanted to shirk his responsibility to Magellan and then become the director? !

"I just got down from the third floor. The three layers of the dross began to riot..." Rainy Xiliu also heard the guardian’s words, suddenly murderous, rushing to Magellan and Luo Yadao: "You two top Live here?"

Magellan continued to attack the beast Kaydo while using the poison dragon, while watching the rain to stay.

"What do you want?! Xiliu!"

"I am going to kill."

Yu Zhixi left the cigar with a cold answer, then he withdrew from the battlefield and rushed to the passage leading to the burning hell.

Seeing the departure of Rainy, Magellan snorted in his heart, but he was relieved.

Although the rain will stay more and more, killing and killing, but those prisoners who dare to riot and try to escape from prison, all damn, there is rain to stay in, the above riots do not have to care.

Rainy Xi left.

The pressures of Roya and Magellan have surged a lot. Fortunately, the strength of Roya today is indeed better than that of the previous g6 branch base.

At this level, not to mention that it is to double the strength, even if it only enhances the strength of 10%, it is extremely terrible.

Luo Ya’s 10% strength is almost enough to sweep the characters below the rank of Lieutenant.

This battlefield has completely become a battlefield dominated by Roja, supplemented by Magellan. Magellan's poison has little effect on Kayto. At most, it can numb the feeling of Kaiduo and make Kaidu's speed slower.

Fortunately, what Roa needs is that his speed is getting faster. If he has the speed of rain, he can completely drag the beast to Kato, and Magellan slows down a little more, and it plays the same. Effect.

Roya can still drag the beast Kayto.

"Is this guy's strength getting stronger again?"

At first, Caddo didn't pay much attention to it. Now Rainy has left. It is Luo Ya who is hard to resist his attack. He suddenly finds that Luo Ya's strength seems to be stronger than before.

Otherwise, it will not be so easy, it will be able to resist his attack.

Roya's strength has improved, and Kaiduo has been excited for a while, and wants to have a good battle with Roya. Magellan is constantly interfering with him, which makes him annoyed.

"Get away from Laozi!!"

Kedu was continuously disturbed and covered with various complex toxins, which caused his body to be slightly numb, the speed dropped, and the anger increased.

Ten strokes of attack, eight strokes are all going to Magellan.

Kedo wants to explode Magellan first, then fight with Roya, but Magellan's strength is not a name. Although the toxin can only play a role in Kaiduo, he still calmly resists the beast. s attack.

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