God Of Soul System

Chapter 178: Magellan is going away! (fourth more)

boom! boom! !

The extremely cold **** of the fifth floor is still in constant vibration.

The battle between Roya and Magellan continued, and Rainy has stayed up to suppress the riots of the burning **** and the hungry hell.

At this time, there were guards who panicked and reported to Magellan urgently, saying that the underground six-story, infinite **** prisoners also appeared riots!

This Magellan was also shocked.

Magellan was horrified, and while resisting the attack of the beast, Kato, he yelled at the guard who reported the emergency to him.

"Infinite **** prisoners, all the keys are here, how is the riot?!"

"Yes... is a prisoner who is burning in hell. He ran to the infinite hell. As for how they opened the towers...

The caretaker was terrified and looked at Magellan and reported to Magellan.

But before he finished, the aftermath of Roya and Kayto’s hard work in the battlefield suddenly swayed in all directions. Even if he was so far away, he was still affected by the aftermath of the attack. If he had not finished, he was A horrible shock shocked and flew out, and blood spouted.


Magellan finally got anxious, even because of anxiousness in the heart, one did not pay attention, hard to eat Kedu’s fist, and spit blood in his mouth.

If the attack power of non-Kedo is not particularly strong, and replaced with a white beard's fist, Magellan has such a trick, it is likely to be seriously injured and can not climb.

The riots of the six layers of infinite **** can make Magellan extremely anxious.

In the above riots, Magellan didn't care at all. Even if there was no riot, it would be impossible to escape the promotion of the city. When the navy came, the crackdown would be fine.

The pirates can be infinitely different from hell!

Infinite hell, although there are a lot of weak, reward 230 million, Luo Ya this level can directly kill them, but the same, there are many powerful!

If the riots in infinite **** are not suppressed as soon as possible, the situation will be completely out of control.

Magellan bit his teeth and shouted at Roya: "Roya, you heard it, there is a riot in Infinite Hell, can you hand it over to you?!"

"Are you alone against the beast Kay?"

Roya was fighting with the beast Kay, while facing the Magellan.

The strength of the beast Kayto is extremely abnormal. The two of them can only drag together, and the rain can stay flat. Roya asks him now, and one person can't stand the beast.

In a short time, it may be okay within a dozen strokes. If it is a long time, it will not be able to withstand it.

"Give it to me!"

Magellan’s face was resolute.

"it is good."

Luo Ya looked at Magellan deeply and nodded. If the riots in infinite **** were not suppressed, the situation would indeed be out of control.

The pirates who are burning in **** and hungry in hell, the possibility of being able to escape from prison is very low, they may not be able to pass the door of justice, but if the prisoners of Infinite Hell are not stopped, the jailbreak is too easy for them!

Once you run out of eight or eight, the whole world will be chaotic.

He is now a Lieutenant General of the Department, and he is the Lieutenant of the Defence and Advancement City. Magellan does not want to see this happening, and he also does not want to see it!

"I will give it to you here, infinite hell... no one can come out!"

Roya's eyes flashed a cold cold mang, and after a hard fight with Kay, the whole person suddenly withdrew from the battle circle.

Kaido tried to stop Roya from leaving, but was forcibly blocked by Magellan.

"Do you want to block Laozi alone?!"

Kayto looked at the color of the face, looking at Magellan in a condescending manner, the momentum is like a catastrophe, it seems to be Magellan directly crushed.

However, Magellan at this moment, but his eyes are red and bloody, his mouth overflowing with blood, seeing that Roya has gone far, and his body is surging, like a demon crawling out of hell, colliding with the momentum of Kaido, without any fear. .

"Hilary and Roya are gone, I can do my best!"

Luo Ya and Yu Zhixi stayed here, and his ban could not be used, because it was too easy to spread to Luo Ya and Yu Zhixi. Now that both of them are gone, he can also shoot with all his strength!

"Forbidden, poisonous soldiers!!"

Oh la la! !

The horrible venom rushed, a huge venom giant rose from the venom, wrapped Magellan, and these horrible venoms began to spread along the ground in all directions!

It's not so much poison, it's like something like 'poisonous insects'. Whether it's ice or the floor, everything is spread by these poisons.

This is a ban that will expand wildly!

If Magellan does not control it and use it unscrupulously, for a long time, the whole city will be covered by this horrible poison and even spread into the sea!

"A good momentum!"

Kaido thought that Luo Ya had left. Only Magellan left alone. The battle didn't mean anything. But when he saw Magellan taking out these tricks, he couldn't help but grin, showing the hustle and excitement, and punching out.

Magellan manipulated the poisonous giants, without fear, but also in the roar, greeted the beast Kayto, the two began a crazy battle.


Unlimited hell.

"Fast! Let me go out!"

"Wow, hahaha! I can finally see the sky again, this time I must unscrew my white beard!"

"Warring States, Karp and Zefa... You **** navy, after Laozi goes out, you must live your whole family!"

Countless ferocious prisoners were released, mad and arrogant.

The four prisoners and beasts that pushed the city were urgently dispatched to this level, but in the hands of the fierce pirates on this level, there was no resistance at all.

The thousands of guards who were dispatched and led by the deputy chieftain Domino were not opponents at all. Even if they were all armed with fire and even light artillery, they could not resist the released prisoners.

Fortunately, these prisoners seem to have hatred between each other, and they are not completely single-minded. They are still fighting each other. There is no consensus, and unlimited **** is the biggest layer, so no one has rushed to it.

But for these people, it is only a matter of time before they rush out of infinite hell.

"You guards and jailers, but the tortured Laozi is very miserable!"

"Come and come, give Laozi another laugh!"

After many prisoners were released, they even began to kill the jailers and guards and vent their hatred.

"Damn!! The third team is holding on! Don't stop the shelling!"

The deputy guardian Domino bites the silver teeth and directs the artillery units to intercept and suppress. Although the situation is getting worse and worse, it is good to be able to hold for one minute!

If these guys ran out...

Domino’s heart does not dare to think about it. Once these prisoners are really jailbroken, what kind of storm will be set on the sea. For the world, it is definitely a disaster!

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