God Of Soul System

Chapter 179: Suppress hell! (fifth)

The guards in the front row were armed with artillery, and they constantly fired prison ammunition. After the prison shot out, they suddenly exploded like a net. The sea stone was inlaid on it, which was much more effective than ordinary shells.

Even so, these guards are ordinary people after all, even if they hold the sea stone weapons, they are not the opponents of the infinite **** prisoners.

Under the impact of a large number of prisoners, they quickly fell into pieces.

"The seventh team made up, the eighth team..."

Domino also holds artillery in his hands, and while constantly launching the prison bombs, the guards who are commanding the rear are constantly filling up. This is completely filled by people.

There were very few prisoners who fell, and the guards were beaten up.

"No, no one is already there?!"

Just as Domino kept making orders, she found that she was not guarded behind her, and all of them had already rushed up. The rest of the people also couldn’t stand it, and couldn’t help but feel cold.

This is bad...

"Ha ha ha, do you only have this means?!"

More than a dozen prisoners who rushed to the forefront smirked, and the momentum was fierce and violent.

Seeing that the last guards were all defeated, a large number of prisoners had to pass by, an extremely cold voice, from the rear of Domino, from the passage.

"Today, you want to take a step out of here!"

Accompanied by this voice, a figure came out of the passage, wearing a justice scream, it was Luo Ya, his face was cold, holding a white knife, his eyes were cold.

"Who do you think you are?!"

"Dare to block the way of Laozi, kill innocent!!"

The more than ten prisoners who rushed to the front, their eyes and red faces showed a sly smile and an evil smile, and they did not even see who Luo Ya was.

Just all the way to the massacre, the blood abused all directions, they were so powerful that they did not put Luo Ya, the sudden emergence of the navy, in the eyes, rushed up, to tear Roya torn.

In the face of the rush of the more than ten prisoners, Luo Ya looked cold, the sword was reversed, the tip of the sword was down, and the hilt was released.

"Relieve, thousands of cherry blossoms are strict!"

Hey! !

The cherry blossoms in the sky were swaying, and the passage was almost completely closed. The more than ten prisoners swept away. The more than ten prisoners were shocked. When the reaction came, the cherry blossoms had already passed.

laugh! laugh! laugh! ! !

Accompanied by the sound of screaming, the blood splattered in an instant, and the cherry blossoms with the starting point of blood swayed, and the red beads were dotted in the pink, beautiful and tremulous!

Even if more than a dozen prisoners did not have the time to display their own abilities, they were directly swept down by Luo Ya’s thousand sakura, and turned into a bone and fell to the ground in blood.

Roya came from the torrent of cherry blossoms and passed the blood and the body.

If God is coming, step into infinite hell!

"Rom... Lieutenant General Luo Ya!"

Seeing this scene, Domino’s eyes finally showed joy. It was the joy of the tension to the extreme, and then relaxed, so that she was somewhat detached in an instant, unable to stand, barely supported the wall on one side. .

The other scattered guards, seeing the arrival of Roya, instantly suppressed the more than a dozen prisoners who were about to rush out, and they all showed joy and admiration.

"Give it to me here, you will retreat."

Roya reached out and grabbed a bouquet of cherry blossoms, which turned into a sword, held in the hands of Roya, and directed at the dull opening of Domino.

The appearance of Roya has already alerted the prisoners of Infinite Hell.

Although not every prisoner, I have seen Roya, but Roya has been infinitely infernal before, and there are still prisoners who know Luo Ya. These people look at Roya's figure and can't help but stop the action.

"Yes... that navy!"

"It is said that this guy is outside and is known as the Ghost Roa."

There are a large number of prisoners in infinite hell, some are fighting each other, some are slaughtering those guards and jailers, and these people almost stopped their actions and looked at this side.

Some of the prisoners looked at Luo Ya for a moment, all the more than ten prisoners who fell to the ground, could not help but shake the heart, the forehead overflowed with cold sweat.

"Take them all in a flash..."

Infinitely imprisoned, not every one can reach the level of seven Wuhai, four emperors, and even the ranks of the generals, who have just been killed by Luo Ya, apparently all relatively weak.

But even so, can kill more than ten infinite **** prisoners in an instant, Roya's strength is absolutely extremely powerful!

"You guy, want to stop us?!"

"Although you are strong, don't forget that you only have one person."

Many of the prisoners showed a cold color and looked at Roya. They did not rush to attack, but screamed at Roya.

Luo Ya stood by the sword, surrounded by cherry blossoms, faint response.

"so what?!"

Here is the infinite hell, the powerful prisoners don’t know much, but...

so what? !

Everyone who is detained here is almost a character that burns and robs and kills evil. If they let them go out, it is equivalent to releasing the devil from hell.

How about promoting the sixth floor of the city? How about infinite hell? Since he is responsible for guarding this place, infinite **** riots, he will suppress this infinite hell!

"If this is the case..."

The foremost seven or eight prisoners looked cold and incomparably. Even though Roya had exposed the tyrannical domineering color before, they were so many people here, could they retreat because of Roja? !


Someone holds a sword in his hand, and a sword is coming in, and the sword is swaying.

Someone, with both hands, gathered a green beam of light at the chest and rushed toward Roya. Everywhere, there was a trace of horrible corrosion.

Seven or eight prisoners took their hands and showed their magic.

"The light of rice grains also dares to compete with Haoyue."

Roya’s smugness has long been spurred to the extreme, and all the attacks have been under his perception. In the face of many attacks, Roya just waved the sword in his hand.

A sword spurt out, and the torrent of cherry blossoms in the sky, also under Roya's wave, rushing toward the front, like a storm, inciting the audience!

The swordsmanship that was attacked was destroyed by Roya, and the corrosive and strange light was hardened by thousands of sakura. Various attacks were blocked by Luo Ya.

boom! !

It seems to be devastating. Under the gaze of seven or eight prisoners, the thousands of cherry blossoms swept through them. When they wanted to pull back, it was too late.

laugh! laugh! laugh! !

It was the sound of screams accompanied by blood, thousands of cherry blossoms passed by, and then returned to the side of Roya, there are only seven or eight bones left on the ground, blood is surging!

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