God Of Soul System

Chapter 180: World destroyer (sixth)

"So many people... still be in a moment..."

“It’s so powerful.”

This time, even some of the most famous pirates of the year showed shock and jealousy. If the first few people were lightly enemies at the beginning, then these seven or eight people would be completely ruined by Roya. Pressure!

Even if they have been locked up in this infinite **** for many years, the physical combat effectiveness has dropped a lot, but it is not weak to this extent. The seven or eight people have also been defeated by the frontal defeat.

It can be such a scene, not that the seven or eight people are too weak, but Luo Asia Pacific is strong!

Roya’s simple two shots have already shocked the audience.

But after all, there is infinite hell. The people who are being held here, there are many people who even fought against Roger and White Beard. Of course, it is impossible to be completely scared by Roya.

The next moment, a roar came.

"Don't dare to go away!"

One person crowded out the crowd and jumped to the forefront and rushed toward Luo Ya.

This human body is extremely burly, even comparable to Kaiduo. With a horrible momentum on his body, under the roar, the whole body is attached to the black-colored armed color domineering, and it is hard to fall into the cherry blossom torrent.

"It's Didos!"

"After being closed for so many years, is the armed color still so strong?!"

Many prisoners recognized the figure that rushed to Roya, and the eyes were shocked and jealous. Didos used the powerful body and armed color to dominate the sea, even under the bombardment of ten warships. Unscathed, once killed a naval base alone!

Later, he encountered the naval hero Karp, who was defeated by hate and was arrested here.

"This powerful armed color completely resists the naval attack... The strength of Didos is still so terrible."

"The navy probably will be torn into pieces by Didos."

Many prisoners looked at Didos, who had rushed through the torrent of cherry blossoms. They now know that the cherry blossoms are all blades, and the hundreds of millions of cherry blossoms are the swords and swords.

Didos can hardly rush in the past, and the strength is really shocking.

"Just killing a few junk goods, don't be too arrogant, you navy kid!"

Didos roared, and rushed to the front of Roya, slamming his fist, and he was still overbearing and overbearing!

His fist directly hit the air blast, the position where the fist fell, the air is like a water surface, and the waves are swaying around, which makes people feel shocked.

But in the face of this punch, Luo Ya looked cold and proud, without any slight retreat.

Even Kapp’s fists were hard-wired. He did not know how many times he blocked his fist. The winner of the district was detained in the promotion city, and he wanted to let him back. !

Luo Ya has a wave of swords.

Hey! !

This sword was cut on the fist of Didos, and Luo Ya also had a domineering domineering. The two fighters were domineering and the whole infinity seemed to be roaring.

In the terrible black lightning caused by the conflict of the Naha king, Roya's sword smashed the armed color of Didos, and he was slashed into his fist!

"This is impossible!!"

Didos looked horrified, even though he was detained for many years, his physical fitness dropped a lot, but his defense should not be so simple to be broken!

"Nothing is impossible."

Luo Ya held the sword with both hands, and it was a sweep.

boom! !

Didos's body flew directly out of the chest, and there was a terrible wound in the chest and abdomen. It was directly from the front chest to the back, which was almost a two-segment!

Didos blood rushed out and fell in the distance.

The whole audience is a piece of it.

"Didos's armed color is domineering... Has it been smashed?!"

"The guy's swordsmanship is so terrible!"

Didos was placed outside, and the strength was almost second only to the level of the three disasters. However, in front of Roya, even the two strokes could not be stopped, and it was almost killed by the face.

"Prisoners, kill innocent!"

The sword in the hands of Luo Ya gently slammed the blood to the ground. A person stood in front of the passage, surrounded by cherry blossoms, and his eyes were exposed in a sly color, and he did not look at the body of Didos.

The horrible momentum of Roya gives people a feeling of invincibility, which makes many prisoners swallow, revealing the color of fear and dare not go forward.

"Useless waste, get out!"

At this time, a big hand suddenly came out from the rear, and several of the prisoners who had blocked the road, flew out without any resistance, and slammed into the cage.

I saw a man with a strange horn cap on his head, and a man with a broken horn came over. The prisoner next to him saw him and recognized his identity. He looked at the road with horror.

"Yes... the world destroyer Bondi, Valdo!"

"Is he awake?!"

Valdo’s eyes showed a deep hatred, step by step, and walked to the forefront of the prisoners, looking coldly at Roya.

Momo... hundred times faster!

Hey! !

Suddenly, Valdo’s speed was incredible, like a shadow, directly flashing in front of Roya, punching Roja’s head.

At this horrible speed, Roya was able to cross the sword in front of him.


The boxing sword collided, and Luo Ya was swiftly punched by Valdo.

"What speed!"

"Waldo is a Momo fruit capable person who can instantly multiply his own speed. At the beginning, it was a headache for the world government. In that era, he was rewarded with 500 million Bailey."

"The extremely horrible guy is said to have been concealed by the world government and was defeated by his own subordinates. He has been detained here for more than 20 years. He has been in a state of freezing and lethality. He did not expect to wake up this time. It is."

Some of the prisoners who knew Valdo had a heart-opening voice. Obviously, even if they were, they were somewhat afraid of Valdo.

The other side.

Domino and other guards saw Roya being attacked by Valdo at a very fast speed and stepped back. Suddenly, tension and anxiety arose in his heart.

Roya is a person guarding the passage, not to mention being defeated by Valdo, even if it is dragged by Valdo, it will be a very bad situation!

I don't know how many prisoners have been released. There are more than one character like Valdo. Only Magellan, who has the poisonous fruit ability, can hope to hold it.


There is also a beast Keduo outside, and the entire propulsion city is in turmoil. In this case, it is already the limit to be able to distribute such a huge combat power to Ronaldo.

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