God Of Soul System

Chapter 181: All destroyed! (seventh more)

"Bondi, Valdo... It’s a bit of a impression."

After Luo Ya blocked the punch of Valdoqi, although he stepped back, his look did not change. Instead, he had no sorrow and no joy, and his sword was swept away.

laugh! !

A sword suddenly slammed into Valdo.

When Vardo saw his full-speed punch, he was blocked by Roya, and his heart was slightly amazed. He originally intended to solve Roya directly.


Valdo avoided the sword and rushed to Roya again. His eyes were cold. Even if Roya blocked his blow, could he continue to block his full-speed attack? !

Hey! !

Roya continued to fight with the sword, and saw the color of the domineering full, capturing the action of Valdo, responding in advance, the figures of both of them are like the afterimage, and they will meet for more than a dozen strokes.

Not to mention the people of Domino, even those prisoners who are infinite hell, many can not see the movement of Valdo, and even those who are weaker than the domineering, can not capture the attack of Valdo.

boom! !

Valdo seized a flaw in Roya with speed and forced Roya out.

"Only this ability?"

After Valdo retreats Roja, his face shows a sneer, then he prepares to rush into the passage and leave infinite hell.

But at this time, Valdo changed his face and suddenly found that he did not know when he was surrounded by a ball formed by countless cherry blossoms!

"Yujing, Qianben Sakura is strict!"

Royna is like the indifferent voice of hell, passing through hundreds of millions of cherry blossoms, and the icy meaning of brewing is like freezing the soul into ice.

With the sound of Roya falling, the hundreds of millions of cherry blossoms that formed a spherical shape surrounded by Valdo suddenly shrank and contracted!

Such an attack, obviously speed can not escape!

laugh! laugh! !

Valdo screamed wildly, and the whole man slammed into a direction, smashing the flower ball formed by hundreds of millions of cherry blossoms, but how terrible the thousand sakura is, almost at this moment, his body is not Know how many times you cut!

The blood was sprayed wildly, and Valdo fell on the ground in the distance. After struggling for a few times, he climbed up hard, roared and wanted to continue to attack Roya.

But Roya just stepped forward and swung a sword.

Valdo’s figure was accompanied by gushing blood and crashed to the ground!

World destroyer Valdo... defeat!

The confrontation between Roya and Valdo is almost quick, from the beginning to the end of the battle, but it is only a few breathing time, and these changes in breathing have already dazzled everyone.

From Roya was suppressed by Valdo's speed, and then to the cherry blossoms of the sky, Valdo swept through, and finally Luo Yajian killed Valdo... Some prisoners have not even responded!

this moment.

Almost all prisoners showed some sorrow.

Valdo was so fast that Luo Ya was under the sword, even if Valdo had just awakened, the strength might be much weaker than the peak period. It was killed by Roya in a short period of time, still shocking. startle.

Even Domino and others did not think that Roa, who seemed to be suppressed at the previous moment, killed Valdo directly after the moment, and it was also shocking.

After Roya murdered Valdo, he continued to hold the sword before the passage.

Luo Ya's figure is not tall, but this moment of Roya, but the momentum is soaring, like an insurmountable towering giant!

The scene was caught in a strange silence.

Roya’s strong killing of Valdo really shocked most of the prisoners.

Some of them are extremely powerful. They can even compete with the Navy generals during the peak period. However, they have been detained in Infinite Hell for many years. Their physical fitness has already fallen and fell, and they have not reached the peak level.


Even so, there are two roads in front of them, one is to be detained in infinite hell, never see the sky, the other way is to kill Roya, leave here!

No other choice!

The strange silence in the field, but countless pairs of exposed, mad, revealing the scorpion of killing, but the atmosphere in the field has become extremely depressed, even the air seems to be stagnant!

"I don't want to be locked here forever!"

"Damn the navy, **** guard, go to hell!!"

"Dead! Dead! Dead!!"

At last, there were prisoners with red eyes and roaring, and they rushed toward Luo Ya without any scruples.

Although Roya is very strong, they would rather have a **** battle than they would once again be locked into the prison of no days!

this moment.

The prisoners who were released in the whole infinite hell, except for a few people who did not have any war, all of them had a crazy war and rushed to Roya.

This time it was no longer seven or eight people, more than a dozen people, but all that was released, like a flood, rushing toward Roya crazy!

Domino and others in the rear of Roya, looking at this scene, are all pale.

What they are most afraid of is that these prisoners have the same goal and reached a consensus.

If these prisoners fight each other, it is easier to suppress them, but once they are united, even the weakest of these prisoners have been rewarded with two or three hundred million sea thieves.

This is a terrible force!

The only advantage is that this place is not a plain. Roya is not besieged in all directions, but is blocked in front of the passage. Only the front is attacked!

But in the face of so many enemies, even if you only need to hold the front, what a difficult thing!

at last.

Under the gaze of the face of Domino and other people, the prisoners who rushed to the battle finally got together with Roya!

"kill and kill!"

With so many prisoners facing Roya, the war in his heart is not reduced!

At this moment, Roja, it seems that the blood in the chest has been completely ignited, and the soul of the sword that blends with the soul is also madly pouring out the war. At this time, the warfare and momentum of Luo Ya, the faint and the beast Kato Some are similar.

Even if you are an enemy, why not!

I don’t need to think about whether I can win or not, can I stop it, and only fight in my heart!

laugh! laugh! laugh! ! !

Luo Ya double-handed sword, screaming in the flames of the sky, sweeping in all directions, and then the sword swayed, scratching the void, splashing the starting point of blood.

Blood is constantly spilling.

At the foot of Roya, one and another body fell.

Everyone has already stunned, and there is only madness in the heart. The prisoners in the rear are still rushing forward. Although the place is too small, many people’s attacks cannot be united or even conflicted, but they are still extremely horrifying!

Countless ability to splash around, Roya body attached to the armed color domineering, like a dark iron man, without any sense of retreat, facing any attack and ability, is a sword!

I don't know how many swords I waved.

Luo Ya has already had full combat power. The Crescent Moon does not know how many times it has been used. Thousands of cherry blossoms have been in a state of resolving, and even the flames are sweeping in all directions, blocking the passage of this passage!

In the rear of Roya, Domino and others first paled, and then gradually became shocked.

With countless prisoners, the waves of the sky are attacking. Roya is still like a reef. It doesn't move, hundreds of millions of cherry blossoms surround, and the flames rise!

From the beginning to the end, there is no one who can cross the defense of Roja and rush into this channel!

Hundreds of thousands of cherry blossoms and flames blocked the passageway. Even though some people rushed past Roya, they were still blocked by hundreds of millions of cherry blossoms and died in the intertwined swords.

The bodies were constantly piled up, and then in the numerous terrorist attacks, they were completely blown up.

Even though Roya is attached to the armed color, he can't resist so many attacks. There are already **** wounds on his body.

With the appearance of the wound, with the splash of blood, Luo Ya's momentum has not been reduced, but more and more prosperous!

I don't know how long this battle lasted.

In front of Roya, there is no one at all.

The last prisoner who fell down was one of the powerful existences of the domineering domineering. At the moment when Roya pierced the heart, his mind was blank.

There is no hatred, no unwillingness, and some are just unbelievable.

So many people, even failed to rush over, all fell under the sword of Roya, can the strength of Roya really be strong to this extent? !

Do not!


There seems to be something else, some strange power...

At the moment before dying, the prisoner seemed to have an illusion in front of him. He seemed to see Luo Ya’s body, surrounded by a horrible atmosphere. It seemed to form a strange black and white feather weave wrapped in Luoyang’s blood. Dripping outside the body.

Not just him.

Even Domino and others saw the strange costumes, but they were like illusions. They just disappeared from the front and disappeared. Standing still there was Luo Ya’s **** figure.

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