God Of Soul System

Chapter 182: Key to death

Push outside the city prison.

The door of justice slowly opened, and a naval warship came, and the last one leaped into the city gate of the propulsion city, and saw the color domineering directly sweeping into the city.

This figure is the general of the Navy.

"Ah, Lala, it’s a mess."

Qing Lan shook his head, but there was a touch of headache in his eyes. Kaidoo invaded the city and caused such a big mess. It was a headache, and it was said that even the infinite **** prisoners had gone.

If it is only Kaiduo, and if the infinite **** prisoner violently walks away, I am afraid that he will come alone, but it is still not enough.

Shake his head.

Qingyan did not think too much. He stepped directly into the propulsion city. With a cold sweep, the riots in the first few layers of the city were suppressed and the ice sculptures were left behind.

When Qing Lan came to Hunger Hell, he happened to meet the rain that had just suppressed the hunger of **** and the blazing **** of the burning hell. After the two met, they went to the extremely cold hell.

Extremely cold in hell.

Magellan had blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and the poisonous giant had already been beaten, but he still insisted on his teeth. Before the arrival of the Navy’s support, he could not let Kaido be arrogant here!

After using the ban, Magellan's kind of poison that can spread, even if it has a certain effect on Kaidu, can make Kaidu body numb, even if it is far from poisonous Kato, but at least slow down the speed of Kaiduo and one. The power of becoming.


Coupled with Magellan's poisonous giants, they were extremely powerful, and they were able to block the beast and Kato in a short time.

Otherwise, except for him, whether it is Luo Ya or Yu Zhixi, in the case of one-on-one, it is almost impossible to stop the beast.

boom! !

Kayto was another shot, and the venom splashed and Magellan flew out.

"It seems that you only have this ability, I have already had enough of your poison, and die!"

The face of Kaido’s face was stunned, and he rushed to Magellan and waved his fist, ready to kill Magellan.

And just in the next moment.

Hey! !

The venom suddenly condensed into ice, and an ice wall suddenly stopped in front of Kaido. Kaido slammed on the ice wall, even though the ice wall was directly smashed, but lost the opportunity to continue to pursue Magellan.

"Green 雉..."

The face of Kaiduo was gloomy. Magellan's poison can reduce his speed and strength. The ice of the green can also produce similar effects. The constant freezing has made him particularly annoying.

"It’s really bad to be beaten, Magellan."

Yu Zhixi left a lot of blood stains on his body. At this time, holding a cigar, he grinned at Magellan.

Magellan refused to keep up with Yu Zhixi. When he saw the two coming, he immediately said: "Qing, Xiliu, here is yours, I have to go to infinite hell."

As he spoke, Magellan stepped out of the battlefield and rushed to infinite hell.

In fact, he is the one who should most suppress the infinite hell. As the director, he is able to achieve a non-discriminatory attack with one hand and block the passage of infinite hell. No one can come.

Can be a beast, Kay must have someone to block, if it is rainy, stay better, with speed may be entangled, although Roya's attack power is strong, but the speed is not fast enough, the defense is not high enough, it is difficult to entangle The beast is more than Kato.

So he can only let Roya go to the infinite hell.

Magellan whistling in the venom, galloping all the way, and soon went to the passage of infinite hell, rushed into the infinite hell.

After rushing into infinite hell, the scene in front of him made him the director of the propulsion city, and there was some shock.

The whole infinite **** seems to really become hell!

The blood of the corpse and the blood flowing into the river are not enough to describe the horror here!

In the center of the **** sea of ​​the corpse, only Luo Ya’s figure stood there, like a **** Shura in hell, which made people feel terrible.


This is a battle that has not been recorded in history and detailed records.

Because the promotion of the city is invaded, it is a very shameful thing for the world government, for the navy, and even for the promotion of the city itself. The world government will naturally not publicize it.

For many of the guards in the promotion city, including the deputy chieftain Domino and others, they will never forget, and Luo Ya will use his own power to suppress the scene of the six underground riots in the city!

One person suppresses hell!

Even though there are still many prisoners in Infinite Hell, they are being held deeper and not released, but they have been released as a great part, and they are all killed by Luo Ya.

Even the rainy rain of the killing, staying behind the news after the news, is also a shock.


In a room.

"Fortunately, there is you here, otherwise, things don't know how bad it will be." Qing Yan smiled at Luo Ya and said: "There are two months, it is estimated that Kaidu will not be so short. Invade again."

While talking, he touched his chin and continued: "And most of the prisoners infinite **** have been executed by you. Even if Kaido invades and causes riots, it will not be as dangerous as this one.

"Unlimited **** is nothing. The prisoners have been detained for many years. They are all losers. Even if they have some strength, they don't know how much the recession is. The one who kills the beast, Kato, is the problem."

Luo Ya was wrapped around some bandages, and he was tearing off one of his own roots.

Most of his injuries, after the end of the battle, healed after a break, and only a few of them were severely treated with bandages and drugs.

Listening to Roya's words, Qing Lan could not help but smile a bit, even as Luo Ya said, the prisoners of Infinite Hell have no strength at the peak, but the amount of terror is also extremely terrible.

"Yeah, Kaido is a big problem, and there is no way to deal with it for the time being."

Qing Lan shook his head and said: "We have tried all the methods to kill him, but they have no effect."

Roya ripped off the last bandage, and the biggest scar on his body was already scarred. It seemed that it would take a long time to recover.

After Luo Ya indulged in a moment, he did not talk about the topic of Kaiduo. Instead, he smiled at the green and said: "Before you said you would like to treat you, don't forget."

"This is not forgotten..."

Qing Yan is also a smile, said: "Then I will go first, waiting for you to return to the headquarters."

After leaving Roya's room, the young man returned to the navy headquarters on a warship, and after the green leaves left, Luo Ya sat there and continued to sink.

In the battle to suppress infinite hell, his intensified energy has increased by hundreds.

At the last moment, not only the prisoner who was killed by him, but also Domino and others, even Roya himself had a strange feeling.

The feeling is as if the line of sight is out of the body, or the soul is out of the **** of the flesh, and there is an extremely light feeling.

It is a pity that it is only a moment.

In that state, he only kept it for a moment, and the soul was once again pulled back into the body.

The reason why this happens is because Roya's physical strength is almost overdraft, and the spiritual power is also overdraft, but the soul is further enhanced by that stimuli, and it is strengthened to a short break of the physical bondage.

The state in which the soul is outside, the state dominated by the soul, is much stronger than the soul, and the state dominated by the physical strength is much stronger!

"The feeling... is it dead?"

Roya looked at her fist and seemed to not only feel her body, but also the soul that was bound inside the flesh.

"I use the sickle ability, and I am also able to die, but my death seems to be different from those in memory."

Hey! ! !

Roya tried to let the soul break free from the shackles and restraints of the flesh, but felt a strong **** from the flesh, making it difficult for his soul to break the bondage.

"Deathification requires the soul to be completely out of the flesh, but my body is too strong, but the soul is firmly bound in the flesh, is it difficult to break away?"

Luo Ya was indulged. This is not the world of death, but the world of One Piece. It is obviously impossible for him to commit suicide. He easily gives up his body and only exists in the form of soul.

And the point is that Roya finds that he wants to die, and does not need to let the soul completely out of the flesh.

The flesh binds the soul to the body, forming the flesh and the soul, which is the normal state.

And if the soul breaks the **** and forms the soul outside, the flesh, this is the state that Roa had entered briefly before. This state is also dead, and belongs to Roya's special death.

The key to death is to let the power of the soul completely break the **** of the flesh, from the inside out, let the power of the soul become the dominant.

Roya can feel that this step is not only the key to death, but also one of the most critical points of his own path of transformation.

Is it based on the power of the world, or is it based on the power of death and sickle?

It seems that there is no choice at all, the latter is much stronger than the former!

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