God Of Soul System

Chapter 183: Binding and lifting

After Roya came to this world, whether it was cultivation of domineering, tempering physical fitness, excavating physical potential, or practicing swordsmanship, all were to enhance the ability of the sword soul to bring him various sickles.

Roya’s practice direction has never changed, nor has it been offset. Constantly strengthening the power of death and sickle has always been his way forward.

For Roja, there is no such thing as a causal lock. His soul is actually the soul of death. If he now has the world of death, he can shoot the soul out of the glove, maybe it can be directly Death.

But unfortunately, he did not.

Moreover, the existence of Roya is even a different kind of person relative to the world of death, so his death can only be explored by himself and cannot be borrowed.

"Without the help of external forces, the soul must break the **** of the flesh... If the soul is extremely powerful, far stronger than the flesh, perhaps it is possible to force the force to break the bondage. This is a way."

Thinking of this, Luo Ya shook his head slightly.

His physical strength has not been weak until now, and he wants to make the power of the soul far exceed the flesh, not in a short time.

And if it does, perhaps his soul of the sword has been strengthened to the seventh or even the eighth stage, and there is no need to die.

"Another way, it should be to make the flesh weak, so that the **** and shackles weaken, so that the soul is out of bondage... I briefly entered the death, which may be the reason."

This way still makes Luo Ya shook his head slightly. He couldn't have reached the battle. He licked his own knife and made the flesh weak. It was a nonsense.

Perhaps he is now dying of himself, and he can really exist directly in the way of the soul.

But he is not in the world of death now, but in the world of One Piece, without the flesh, how can he be ashamed of his sister paper? !

This is a very serious question!

"The last way is to make the soul and the body resonate, so that the shackles of the flesh no longer bind the soul, to achieve complete freedom, and to enter the state of death as desired."

The first of these three ways is to temporarily abandon the death, and wait until the soul becomes stronger and then consider it. The second is not suitable for Roya. On the contrary, the third way, Luo Ya is not unpredictable. There is a cultivation direction.

There is a connection between the soul and the flesh, or the power of his **** of death, and the power of the world, there is a place where the kingdom is domineering.

Once the domineering domineering is awakened, it can be erupted at any time after cultivation and mastery. There is no such thing as a 'binding'.

And Luo Ya's overlord color is due to his spiritual pressure. Since the domineering color can be released at any time, then his soul power should be able to do it right.

The flesh and soul are ultimately closely connected.


The next two months.

Roya is still in the cold and hell, but his practice has made the prisoners of the extremely cold hell, all day, amazed, almost become a bird of surprise.

Because Roya is in the process of cultivation, from time to time will emit a horrible overlord color domineering!

Sometimes it only spreads a little, and it converges instantaneously. Sometimes it spreads away in an instant, and all the prisoners in the whole area are stunned.

Roya's overlord color is so powerful, even if it is unconsciously issued, it still makes the pirates with a reward of 100 million, which are unbearable.

"The previous thoughts were wrong. The physical shackles of the soul did not actually exist."

In the process of cultivation, Roya gradually overthrew his previous theory. The so-called shackles between the flesh and the soul are actually the intricate connection between the flesh and the soul.

It is like a human body, muscles under the skin, bones deep in the muscles, and internal organs under the protection of bones and muscles.

Without the soul, the flesh loses the meaning of existence.

During these two months, Roya tried to let the soul break these connections...or let the soul control these connections and let the soul become dominant from the inside out.

In this process, Roya occasionally appears one or two deaths, but they are unstable, disappearing in a flash, and the longest is only a few breaths.

Hey! !

Roya closed his eyes and sat there. Suddenly, a tyrannical tyrannical domineering broke out, but it was stopped by Roya in an instant and did not spread.

"It’s almost 20% complete..."

Roya opened her eyes and nodded slightly.

During these two months, he almost released the body's **** to the soul by 20%. For him, as long as he was lifted to 50%, he could master the state of death. If it is completely lifted, then it is completely free and perfect.

In the process of dispelling the soul, Luo Ya also found that with the physical restraint of the soul, he can get a lot of enhanced energy value!

The idea is moving, the semi-transparent property bar is suspended.

The fourth stage: exquisite sword soul +6

Attributes: attack power +720, power +240, agility +240, physical strength +240

Special attributes: Senro, all are ashes! Fire damage can be added freely during sword attack (not satisfied with evolutionary conditions)

Special attribute: Qianzen Sakura

Special attributes: Crescent Moon! A half-moon sword sniper can be released during a sword attack.

Enhanced energy: 291/290

As early as more than a month ago, he had strengthened the Sword of Soul to +6, and now it takes more than a month to meet the conditions for the next strengthening.

This speed is not like the strengthening of the fourth stage.

The practice of starting from the soul level is far more than the cultivation of the body.


In the heart of Roya, the thoughts moved, the golden light flashed, and the soul of the sword suddenly strengthened again.

The fourth stage: exquisite sword soul +7

Attributes: attack power +780, power +260, agility +260, physical strength +260

Special attributes: Senro, all are ashes! Fire damage can be added freely during sword attack (not satisfied with evolutionary conditions)

Special attribute: Qianzen Sakura

Special attributes: Crescent Moon! A half-moon sword sniper can be released during a sword attack.

Enhanced energy: 1/300

With the strengthening of the Soul of the Sword, Roya feels that his soul has increased a lot, and then continues to lift the body's **** to the soul, and it will become easier.

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