God Of Soul System

Chapter 188: Kill all! (seventh more)

The flames of the sky swayed on the sea and reflected in the sea. It seems that the whole sea is burning.

The audience was amazed.

"If you dare to come, leave it all!"

Luo Ya stood in the sky, coldly opening, suddenly rushed toward the next ship, the white knife in his hand flipped and fell, the air rippled, and hundreds of millions of cherry blossoms were scattered all over the sky.

Relieve, thousands of cherry blossoms!

Oh la la! !

Under the thought of Luo Ya, the cherry blossoms in the sky are pouring and swaying.

The pirate on the ship looked at the cherry blossoms in the sky, and dared to have the slightest meaning. He held a sword in his hands and put on a double-knife flow. He suddenly danced with swords and brought a piece of sword and flowers to dance. .


In the blink of an eye, the cold sword light flashed over and formed a sword flower. It swayed into the cherry blossoms of the sky, rotating the cherry blossoms and swirling around, forming a huge drill bit and flying to Luoya. .

"Want to use my tricks to attack me?"

Roya reached out and grabbed a bouquet of cherry blossoms, gathered it into a sword, and then slammed it down, instantly splitting the rotating cherry blossom into two.

At the same time, more cherry blossoms wrapped the swordsman from all directions, and they rushed over, and they took a piece of blood on the swordfisher.

The pirate screamed and screamed, but the whole figure exploded, but he was still under the parcel of hundreds of millions of cherry blossoms. He couldn’t resist the sword, and he was separated by hundreds of millions of cherry blossoms. !

Oh la la! !

The cherry blossoms swayed from the ship. If it was a massacre, it took away a life and then flew toward the next ship. If it was destroyed, it would be unstoppable!

The navy on the warships have long been sluggish and their hearts are very shocking.

I did not expect that so many powerful pirates, even more than 500 million rewards, in front of Roya, there is no resilience, and even three people!

Even if the Navy general is here, I am afraid it is no more!

"Awful, how can strength be enhanced so much?"

Dolfranming looked at Roya's swaying side, and couldn't help but bite his teeth to reveal a sly color, suddenly fell on a boat, and then waved his hands.

"Julk white line!"

The devil's fruit awakening was once again used by many flamenco brothers. Originally, many of the flamenco brothers did not intend to make full efforts. Now it seems that if they do not have enough strength, they will not be able to deal with Roya!

The rest of the pirates have also been shocked. At this time, no one dares to hide again. The strength of Luo Ya is beyond their imagination. The strength that broke out during this time is definitely the level of the navy general!

boom! boom! boom! ! !

All sorts of attacks, countless ray splashes, all with a horrible breath, rushed to Roya.

"All useless!"

Luo Ya looked cold and proud, step by step, and the two-handed sword suddenly fell, no matter what attack in front, he was a sword, all annihilated!

Hey! !

The figure suddenly flashed, a skull with a horrified expression, wrapped in blood and sky.

Roya relied on his own strength to squash the whole game. The sword light that popped up above the sword front, and the occasional blazing flame, caused the sea below to roar and tremble.


Someone roared, leaping high, hitting Luo Ya with a punch, and the fist directly hit a terrorist shock, like the shock wave of the Warring States.

However, Roya only greeted the sword and immediately smashed the impact. Then he fell into the sea directly from the sky, and he was not known.

The entire battlefield was in chaos.

Various kinds of attacks are constantly staggered and flying out. Roya goes in and out of it. Suddenly, the whole body attaches to the armed color domineering, forming an armed color hardening, and after hardening multiple swords, he will kill one person!

In just a few moments, more than a dozen sea thieves have come, leaving only three or two people including Dolfranming!



At this time, the rest of these people had already been scared, and they did not dare to fight with Luo Ya, and they ordered the ship to retreat.

The dozen or so pirate ships around the warships have been sunk by seven and eight in Luo Ya, leaving only a few ships.

"I want to go now, it’s late."

Luo Ya's body did not splash blood, but it was murderous, and there was no meaning of mercy, and it was directly chased.

The ship was cumbersome, and Roya would use the moon step again. In this sea, there was no escape. Luo Ya stepped out and went straight to the sky of a ship. The sword fell and the flames poured. under.


Another ship was directly sunk by Roya. The captain of this ship was not the devil's fruit. He fled directly and abandoned the boat and plunged into the sea.

But even so, Luo Ya still did not let him go, but also fell from the sky, into the sea.

After a few breaths.

Oh! !

The sea surface smashed the waves, and a terrible abyss suddenly separated from the sea. The blood stained some of the sea water, and the figure of Luo Ya rushed out from the sea, killing the last few people.

This is the end.

Those who came to attack Roya, the sea thief who had had a hatred with Karp, was completely destroyed!

Dolfranming brother swept the audience as early as Roya, and even when his demon fruit awakened could not stop, he resolutely withdrew and retreated. At this time, he had already retreated to the horizon, leaving only a small black spot.

"Dolfranming... Can you go?!"

Luo Ya looked at the multi-Franming brother who had already reached the end of the sky. After a cold drink, the whole person rose to the sky and chased away to the flamenco.

Luo Ya did not put too much meaning of Flamenco.

How about the original Tianlong people, how is Wang Xiawu Wuhai, dare to come over and find his own trouble twice, what rules are all ignored by Luo Ya!

boom! boom! boom! !

The moon step was spurred to the extreme by Roya. Today, Roya, the moon step has already been practiced to a perfect state, and the speed of the leap in the air is even more than the multi-Franming brother who continues to shuttle through the line of fruit!

After a few moments, Dofranco was caught up by Roya.

"Thousands of cherry blossoms are strict... the final scene, the white Emperor sword!"

Luo Ya's eyes are extremely cold, and hundreds of thousands of cherry blossoms converge, and the horrible atmosphere is brewing wildly. The horrible edge seems to smash the sky!


Feeling the horror behind him, Dolfranming did not dare to care. He could only bite his teeth and turn his hands in front of his body to push his abilities to the extreme.


In an instant, a spider-like thread spread out, followed by a second spider web, the third spider web...

A series of spider-like silk threads form a large net that is almost impenetrable, blocking the middle of Roya and him, and even attached to the black-black armed color domineering!

In the face of Dolfranming's full defense, Roya looked indifferent, no sadness and no joy, but only pushed the power to the extreme, and then went all out and suddenly swung a sword.

Hey! !

I saw a grand half-moon-shaped sword, suddenly smashed the void, and squatted on the huge spider web, making a scream.

"Block me!!"

Dolframming’s face is terrible.

He did not expect that Roya would be strong enough to exceed the strength he showed during his war in the West Sea.

Hey! !

In Roya's all-out attack, under the sniper attack, Dolfranming's spider web appeared a horrible deformation, and then it was hard to break!

At first, it was easy to block the spider web of Roya's sniper, but now it is like a ruin!


The rest of the sword, after the horror and incredulous gaze of Dofranco, swept away from it, splashing a **** flower.

In the midst of blood spurting, the figure of Dolfranming brother fell from the sky to the sea, and there was an unbelievable look in his eyes. From beginning to end, he never thought about it. This elaborately arranged ambush would actually be this. A result!

Oh! !

Dolfranming fell into the sea and the sea was stained with blood.

Wang Xia Wu Wuhai, Don Quixote, Dofranco, died in the sea!

This is the end.

The people who came to kill Luo Ya have been killed by Luo Ya, one is not left!

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