God Of Soul System

Chapter 189: Don Quixote

On the warship.

After the First World War, the warship that Roya took was already damaged. Fortunately, it did not reach the level of sinking. Some navies were rushing around and carrying out emergency repairs on the warships.

All the navy, even now, the shock in the heart is still difficult to calm down, even if it is the adjutant of Roya, recalling the scene of the scene just now, the heart still shakes.

DoFrammingo designed that so many sea thieves besieged, it was a desperate situation, but it was blocked by Luo Ya with one's own strength, and all annihilated, even Fran Mingge himself could not escape!


In a cabin on the upper level of the warship.

Luo Ya is sitting there leisurely. He is holding a telephone bug in his hand. The other end of the telephone bug is the Marshal Warring States that was urgently called from the headquarters.

The Warring States did not expect that Dolframming would arrange such a sinister ambush against Roya, but did not even think that it was annihilated by Luo Ya!

If other people die, it will be a problem. After all, Fleminger is the king of the seven seas. If he is dead, it is still a very troublesome thing.

The world government has not received news yet.

The Warring States have not yet informed the world government that he is neutral on this matter. Wang Xia Wu Wu seems to be a group of people in the sea in the Warring States. If they are not relying on them to maintain the stability and balance of the sea, these guys should be a Annihilation!

Listening to the other side of the phone bug, the voice of the Warring States, Roya said very casually.

"Death a king under the seven Wuhai, just change one."

"What you said is very light, Roya..."

The Warring States tone was a headache. Sitting in his office and squatting on his forehead, he said: "But it is already here, and only one successor can be found. Dufranming brother dared to attack the Navy in a blatant manner. It is also a deadly bastard."

For the attack on Roya, the Warring States’ heart is also very annoyed. In his view, the meaning of Roya’s existence is much higher than that of the multi-Franming brothers.

"The world government is going to explain it to me..." The Warring States took a deep breath and made a decision. In the eyelids, a flash of coldness was said. "In addition, since this is already the case, then Tang Jizhen The German family hasn't reacted yet, you go to annihilate them all."

Since Dolfranming is dead, there is no need for the Don Quixote family to continue to exist.

"I think so too."

Luo Ya responded faintly and said: "I will send the location information of the members of the Don Quixote family to me."

"Well, I will let the intelligence department send it to you immediately."

The Warring States nodded, hung up the phone bug, and stood up. After issuing a few orders, they were ready to go to the holy place of Mary Joa.

Wang Xia Wu Wuhai died one, and he still has to go to the Holy Land in person for this kind of thing, and explain it in detail with the five old stars.


On an island controlled by the Don Quixote family.

It is built like a palace, with a swimming pool and a garden, which is extremely luxurious.

At this time, several of the top cadres of the Don Quixote family were by the pool. Diamanti was sitting on a lounge chair, holding a goblet and holding a half cup of red wine.

"Dover is almost back."

"The phone bug didn't work, I don't know what's going on, I can't contact Dover."

Like a snot, Torreble slipped on the ground and said, "Oh... oh... But if you count the time, Dover should be back soon."

"There will be no surprises."

The highest cadre, Leica, folded his hands on his chest and adjusted the opening with a sharp cavity.

Diamanti carried a goblet and spread his hands. He smiled and said: "How could there be an accident? Although not all of them have been contacted, there are more than a dozen forces responding. Dover is insured for safety. Also personally in the past."

"All of them are sea thieves who have rewarded 500 million. This lineup, even if the navy generals have encountered it, I am afraid I will not be able to eat it."

The other side.

Torrepol also waved his scepter, and he said in a wretched way: "Hey...hey...and it’s still a specially selected sea. Even the nearest naval base, support is not for a while. When they arrived, Roya’s body was cold."

When I heard Diamanti, Leica relaxed and nodded.

That's right.

This lineup, and more Fleming brother personally flocked, and ambush in the sea, escape inescapable, avoiding inevitable, in this situation, Roya should be dead!

Several top cadres quietly waited for the return of Dolfranming.


After waiting for a long time, I still couldn’t see more of Fleminger’s return. At this time, the three top cadres, even if they were relieved, were beginning to wonder.

"According to the plan and time, if nothing unexpected, Dover should be back?"

When they drafted the plan, they even considered that if Luo Ya could not be killed in a short period of time, it was really supported by Roya to support the Navy.

Although the probability is very low, if this happens, then the plan is terminated.

Now according to the time calculation, even if this happens, the plan is terminated and Du Fleminger should be back.

Just at this time.

In the back of the three people, there was a sudden sound that made the three people suddenly cool in the back, cold sweat, and a look of horror.

"Are you waiting for more Fleminger to come back?"

Luo Ya’s figure didn’t know when he came here, holding a white knife in his hand, and walking from the rear, the lightness of the step, with a hint of indifference in his tone, like a group of ants, without any feelings.

Diamanti is most familiar with Roya's voice. When he heard this voice, he almost had a stiff body. He turned extremely hard and saw Luo Ya's figure with a stunned and incredible eye. look.

"How... how could it be! How come you come here?!"

"Ro, Luo... Roya!!"

Diamanti is also scared that even the snot is sprayed out. Although he has not seen Roya with his own eyes, he has also obtained information from Roa through various channels and recognized it at a glance.

"Impossible! You... what about Dover?!"

Leica was also looking at Roya with a shocked face, and a terrible thought rose in her mind.

Could it be that……

Luo Ya looked at the three people indifferently, and suddenly smiled and said: "You can see him soon."

Hey! !

The next moment, Luo Ya's figure suddenly flashed, the white knife in his hand slammed.

The three top cadres of the Don Quixote family, Torrepol and others, have already thought of terrible thoughts at this time. In the face of Roya’s attack, they failed to react in the first place.

Originally their strength was far less than that of Roya. When Roya’s attack came, they all lost the opportunity to dodge, and they all resisted with horror.


But even with the power of three people, it still can't stop the sword of Roya.

Diamanti's steel cloak was directly divided into two by the sword, and a huge stone pillar raised by Leica to control the earth was directly cut off. The mucus that Torepol took out was also split in two!

laugh! !

This sword is swaying, like a ruin, and it passes through the three people.

Three people in Torre Bol, there was a blood mark on his body, and the eyes were full of fear and despair. In the splash of blood, they fell to the ground.

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