God Of Soul System

Chapter 190: Reverse order

The Don Quixote family, all within a day.

Roya couldn't forget that there was another spy lurking in the navy. After the identity of the ghost bamboo, the last highest cadre of the Don Quixote family, also died under the navy's cofferdam.

The entire Don Quixote family, in addition to the role of baby-5, the nature of not bad, Roya did not annihilate, as long as the rest of the evil, and all were eliminated by Roya.

A few days later.

The world government spread the news that DoFranming brother was removed from the king's seven seas, and spread the whole sea. At the same time, the world's navy began to annihilate the organization of the Don Quixote family from the bottom up.

In just two months, the Don Quixote family died out completely and disappeared into the sea forever.


Naval headquarters.

After destroying the Don Quixote family, Roya returned to the headquarters. This time he killed more than ten sea thieves who had rewarded 500 million, although the symbolic deduction of the Warring States was due to the reasons of Dolan Fleming. Part of the battle, but the remaining part still has 300,000.

Roya’s accumulated military exploits have now reached more than 500,000. Even if it is the military’s military exchange, there is almost no exchange for him.

This kind of warfare has nothing to do with the Navy generals and even the marshals. Although Luo Ya is now only a lieutenant general, the strength is almost the same as that of the generals. Many people have already regarded Roya as a reserve future. Looked.

After the death of Don Quixote.

The World Government convened a meeting of Wang Xia and Wuhai, preparing to discuss and discuss various aspects of the de-Fleminger’s delisting.

The convening of the Seventh Wuhai Conference of the Kings, naturally dispatched warships to pick up the other five kings who have died in the sea, and the other six kings.

Roya took it for granted, to pick up the thief female emperor and Poya Hancock to attend the meeting.

"It’s really idle when I’m free, and I’m really busy when I’m busy.”

Standing on the deck of the warship that sailed to the Nine Snake Island, Roya couldn't help but laugh. When he returned to the Navy headquarters, he would go out to sea again. Since he came to Hancock, Luo Ya did not refuse the task.

His shackles of the soul to the soul have now opened more than 45 percent, and it is already close to the critical point of 50 percent.

Not up to 50%, it is difficult to actively enter the form of death.

Once it exceeds 50%, it will form a qualitative change, and the soul power will become completely dominant. That is to say, Roya will completely master the power of death!

"The peak of the world... is getting closer."

Roya stretched out her hand and smiled slightly. There was a kind of breath that appeared above everything else. Like this grip, the whole world was held in the hands.

A few days later.

The warships came to the sea outside the island of Nine Snakes. Roya still left the warships on the sea, letting several sea kings guard the warships, and then boarded the nine snake islands.

Inside the palace of the Nine Snake Island.

"Wang Xiawu Wuhai, Tianyue Fore, Dolfranming, was it delisted?" Hancock's two sisters were looking at a newspaper with a shocked look.

Nine Snake Island is located in a windless zone, and news birds rarely come here. The communication with the outside world is relatively poor. Until recently, they got the news that Du Fleminger was delisted.

Both women could not help but be nervous.

Originally thought that Hancock became a seven-Wuhai, it was enough to shelter this country, there is no longer any crisis, I did not expect that the Qiwuhai system was established not long after, there is a seven Wuhai was removed.

Even Hancock himself is a bit different, but he has not said anything.

"Wang Xia Wu Wuhai and the world government are only mutual use. Once the world government loses its use value, it will be removed from the world government and will be erased."

My mother-in-law did not know where it came from, and walked over with the snake stick step by step. She said solemnly: "The big Don Quixote family has completely overturned in a short period of time, which is really shocking. ”

"And the most important thing is... you look at this newspaper carefully."

My mother-in-law took a deep breath and looked at the heart with a horror. "The above said that Dolan Fleming violated the Seven Wuhai regulations, the world government removed it, and then the Central Lieutenant General Luo Ya annihilated it. ""

"But according to some news I got before, this order should be the opposite."

Just when her mother-in-law was shocked to say her point of view.

A sound is floating.

"Guess the good, the order is indeed the reverse, the guy of the Flemish brother, was first killed by me, and then delisted."

Roya came from outside the palace. No one dared to step forward along the way. All the waitresses saw Luo Ya, almost all of them had a cold sweat on their foreheads and could not help but retreat.

Roya came to the palace like this, and picked up an apple on the table and took a bite.

"You are here... Is there anything?"

Hankook’s brow was picking up, and he was going to get used to it, but when he got to his lips, his tone was a little lower, not so sharp.

"I can't come without it?"

Roya ate the apple a few mouthfuls, and the core was thrown out of the window, then smiled at Hancock. "Because of the delisting of the Seven Wuhai Duo Fleming, the world government held the Seven Wuhai in the Holy Land Mary Joa. The meeting discussed the specific matters of the departure of Dolfranming from the king's seven Wuhai."

"Not interested in."

"That's not going well."

Luo Ya shrugged casually. It doesn't matter whether or not this kind of thing goes. When the original Zhongsha crocodile was removed, Hankook did not attend the Qiwuhai meeting.

This guy……

Hancock did not expect that Roya would say such a casual word, and thought that Roya had to force her to go, and the beauty could not help but flash a trace.

"Sure enough."

On the other side of the mother-in-law, I heard that Roya admitted that it was the first to kill Dufranming, and then that the multi-Fleminger was removed from the world government, could not help but reveal a dignified color.

She waved her hand first, indicating that the waitresses around her had retired, and then they snorted.

"Roya, Dolfranming, the guy, although he doesn't know what's going on, but there is Donji Jude's surname, mostly related to the world's nobility Tianlong people..."

When I mentioned the Tianlong people, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became suppressed, and even Hankook’s expression suddenly fell.

"It's not related. He used to be one of the Tianlong people, but he has lost the privilege of the Tianlong people." Luo Yayi said without hesitation.

"As for what you want to say about the Tianlong people, and don't say that other Tianlong people will not pay attention to the things of Fleminger, even if they care about it, how?"

Luo Ya underestimated a few words, but he was domineering.

Nowadays, in less than half a month, he can completely master the power of death, and once he masters the death, in this world, he will be completely fearless.

Not to mention that the world government will not be stupid enough to distinguish between him and Dolfranming, which is important, even if the world government really turned over to deal with him, then what?

Wang Xia Wu Wu can change one, the world government can also change one!

These words of Luo Ya were not deliberately said, and this kind of random tone is even more shocking, leaving a sudden silence in the field.

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