God Of Soul System

Chapter 193: Golden Lion Shiji! (fifth)

Many islands vary in size and are placed on top of this sky.

After a few flashes, Roja embarked on one of the islands. When he saw the rough scandal, he shook his head slightly and then left the island and ran to the next island.

After passing through several islands in succession, Roa came to the largest island and finally stopped and walked slowly towards the center of the island.

The center of the island.

Here is a huge palace built like a palace.

There are a large number of pirates outside the palace acting as guards, and the atmosphere is solemn and solemn. It seems that there is a meeting in it.

However, most of these guards are yawning. In fact, there is no need to guard at all. For more than a decade, no one has ever invaded here. They are just doing it.


Just as a guard yawned, and some stupid, his gaze suddenly saw a figure coming from afar, and immediately a spirit, suddenly woke up.

Looking at the dress of the person who came over, the guard's face suddenly showed a touch of surprise, and even could not help but lick his own eyes.

Not just him.

The other guards also showed an incredible look.

"Is it a blind eye?"

"That guy... is the navy?!"

"How could the Navy appear here!"

All the guards were horrified, and they all had an unbelievable look. They lived on the islands that the Golden Lions had mastered and flew in the air, and they did not know how many years they had seen the Navy.

Even seeing that Roya wore a navy uniform and walked over with the justice of the Navy, their first reaction thought they were wrong!

"only one person?"

"It’s weird... kill this guy!"

These pirates, who served as guards under the Golden Lions, watched the figure of Roya come over. When they were shocked, they showed a sizzling color on their faces and each took out a weapon.

Roya came step by step, although it seemed to be slow, but in fact it was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it came to the front of the palace from a distance, and then stopped.

"This should be the golden lion's nest, and I don't know if he is not there."

Roya's eyes glanced at the palace indifferently. For those pirates surrounded by weapons in all directions, they did not look at it.

When the mind is moving, a horrible pressure will sweep across all directions!


Inside the palace at this time.

Here is a solemn and solemn hall. Inside the hall, there is a half rudder on the head, like a cock-like golden lion Shiji, sitting at the top, holding a large bowl of wine in his hand.

Below the Golden Lion Shiji, many thieves at the leader level gathered there.

"In a few more years, the research is completed, and then the world can be made to understand the true pirate horror!"

The golden lion Shi Ji’s tone was filled with a sly meaning, and then everyone at the scene smiled and picked up the big bowl of wine.

"To this end, cheers!"


The pirates below all laughed in a rough way.


Just as they put the glasses on their lips and prepared to drink, there was a sudden roar around.

boom! !

The whole earth seems to be shaking, and the wine spilled out of the glass of countless people, but at this time no one has ever cared about the problem of wine. Everyone stood up straight and looked suspicious.

Golden Lion Shiji was also in a mood to drink alcohol. He stood up and looked at the people around him and said, "What happened? Is it a storm?!"

The golden lion is most afraid of the storm. His ability can make things float to the sky, but they can't resist the strong storms in the sky. On the one hand, the devil's fruit is afraid of water, and on the other hand, things floating in the sky are also more. Vulnerable to attack.

The golden lion asked, but no one answered.

His subordinates are also a look of amazement, and those who are in charge of the weather are also confused, and there is no storm!

And just in the next moment.

boom! !

The main entrance of the hall suddenly burst, and the sun was coming in. It was glaring and could not help but close your eyes.

A figure walked through the shattered main entrance of the hall and came in.

Seeing the moment of this figure, the pirates who were present could not help but look at the horror, revealing a completely unintended look, and even felt that they were blind.

This guy is... the navy? !

How did the navy come here?

"Golden Lion Shiji, since the imprisonment of the city, has been hiding in such a high place, it really did not find the Navy for more than a decade."

Roya stepped into the palace and looked at the light opening.

Looking down the direction of Roya, I saw the ruins completely destroyed outside the palace. Countless pirates lay flat on the ground, and the scene was terrible!

Such a scene does not know how many years have not seen it. The pirates of the pirates in one time have not even responded.


Looking at Roya, and the half of the broken palace in the rear of Roya, the expression of the golden lion suddenly became extremely gloomy, as if it could drip out water, and a smothering coldness was revealed in the eyelids.

"You bastard, dare to be so arrogant in my territory... Want to catch Laozi?!"

"You said."

Roya stood there, holding a white knife in his hand, and a faint glow on the top of the sword.

The pirates who were present were watching this scene, and they couldn’t help but face each other.

At this time they all found out that it seems that only the Luo Ya is a man who came here. One person wants to catch their boss, the legendary pirate, the golden lion Shiji? !

Their boss, but invaded the naval headquarters alone, in the case of the combination of Karp and the Warring States, still can fight for three days and three nights, destroying the legend of half of the naval headquarters!

Look at Roja's dress, but he is a naval lieutenant.

For their boss, the Golden Lion, even if the Navy general can be here, let alone a lieutenant in the district of Roya!

"The devils in the district dare to be so arrogant, even if the generals of your naval headquarters are here, do not dare to talk to Laozi!"

The golden lion Shiji’s face showed a cold color, and the killing suddenly surged. He threw two legs in the propulsion city. Now the two legs are replaced by his own two swords.

At the same time as the leaping, the golden lion swept the two swords at Roja.

Hey! !

Two grand blue swords formed a cross shape and headed for Roya.

Under the cross-shaped sword-cutting of the entire palace, a crack appeared directly in the center, and the surrounding walls were suddenly split!

The pirates in the field saw the appearance of awe, and some of them panicked back, apparently not willing to be involved.

"After retreating!"

"The navy angered the boss."

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