God Of Soul System

Chapter 194: Roya VS Golden Lion! (sixth more)

Naval headquarters, Marin Verdo.

In the office of the Marshal Warring States, Huang Wei is sitting on the sofa on one side, while the Warring States is a headache with one hand on his forehead, the other hand on the desk, standing there.

"The shampoo islands have found the trace of Pluto Reilly, hateful... the guy stayed in that place, what do you want to do?!"

"Pluto, Raleigh... This is a terrible figure. If you want to catch him, our navy must be fully prepared for it."

Huang Wei sat there with his legs crossed, took a sip of tea, and said in a wit.

Pluto Reilly is the deputy captain of One Piece Roger. If the Navy headquarters is working on Pluto, then the old crew of the Roger Pirates can’t sit idly by. The four emperors are also Roger pirates. The trainee crew of the regiment.

In other words, once the shot of Pluto, the Navy must face the power of nearly two four emperor pirates!


The Warring States face a headache, shook his head, stood up straight, and sighed: "Roger, white beard...and the golden lions that have not known where to go, these so-called 'legends' on the sea, each one is difficult to deal with ""

Huang Wei listened to the Golden Lions, and could not help but sip a cup of tea. If thoughtfully said: "The Golden Lion, I have never heard of his movements for more than ten years, so the terrible guy should not Will die in a corner of the world."

"Although it hasn't appeared for a long time, but that guy is not an Ansheng role. Since he chose to escape from prison, he must have his plan, but it has not been implemented yet."

The face of the Warring States is heavy, the strength of the Golden Lion is extremely terrible. It is second only to the white beard at the peak, and the fruit is extremely flexible. If you want to go, almost no one can stop it.

Even if you find the trace of the golden lion, I am afraid it is difficult to catch him. The golden lion has lost two feet, but there are fluttering fruits, and the impact is not particularly large.

Thinking of this, the Warring States could not help but sigh.

In the current sea, the four emperors, and then the prince Raleigh appeared in the shampoo islands near the navy headquarters, and there are gold lions and other pirates, not knowing to hide in that corner.

This sea does not know when it will really calm down.


Floating in the sky in the archipelago.

In the center of the largest island, there is a palace, and most of it is destroyed in front of it. In the palace in the center, there is a horrible atmosphere, as if to tear the sky.

boom! !

Suddenly, the entire palace burst, and the two swords were criss-crossed, and the earth instantly smashed two horrible abyss of hundreds of meters in length!

Countless pirates rolled out from inside, and desperately fled to the distance. After fleeing to a distant place, they turned their heads and looked at the palace to the rear with a sullen look.

"The navy actually blocked the sniper of Shiji adults!"

"I didn't expect him to have such strength, but... he also completely provoked Shiji adults."

These pirates are looking at the face with awe and guilt, floating from the ruins of the palace, suspended into the sky, the golden lion Shi Ji.

The golden lion at this moment, the horror of the body, is shocking.

They haven't seen the Golden Lions for many years, and now the Golden Lion's simple blow has awakened them to the memory of the golden lion's horror power many years ago.

The golden lion was the same as the white beard and Roger!

Even forced Roger into a desperate situation!

At this moment, the golden lion was suspended in the sky, looking down at the condescending, easily blocking his cross-smashing Roya, a look of sorrow.

"Is it blocked by my sniper? It really has a bit of strength, but it is enough to make you proud, let me die!"

At the moment when the voice fell, the golden lion Shiji's legs repeatedly provoked, and in the blink of an eye, more than ten golden swords were kicked out, just like the golden glow of the sky.

"Lion, Thousand Cuts!"

"Happiness tricks... Is your strength only this level?"

Luo Ya stood in the ruins of the palace, sneered, and the sword with both hands suddenly waved, and a white sword with a slap in the air suddenly flew out and flew up to the sword.

Crescent Moon! !

The white sword of the scorpion smashed into the air with the more than ten swords in the air, as if it were ruined and ruined, and annihilated more than ten swords in a row!

The sudden eruption of Roya suddenly eclipsed countless people.


The Golden Lion did not expect Roa to be so powerful. The pupils shrank slightly, and finally they never dared to neglect. Their faces became extremely dignified and serious, and they kicked one leg.

boom! !

An equally huge golden sword, suddenly burst out, collided with the crescent moon, and finally annihilated the crescent moon.

This sniper was terrible. After the Crescent Moon was wiped out, there was still a wave of ripples that fell to the top of Luo Ya.

Ding! !

Roya swept his sword and defeated the sword and the aftermath of the sword. He did not reveal any shocking color, but his eyes showed a touch of excitement.

"Sure enough... big swordsman?!"

Just this time, the feeling given to him is completely different, the strange and unpredictable power, even above the realm of Rain!

As a legendary sea thief, the strength is second only to the white beard, and the existence of the same name as the One Piece Roger, how may not have some strength.

If Sauron is destined to become the big swordsman of the three-blade flow, and the Hawkeye is a recognized sword, the world's largest swordsman, then the Golden Lion Shiji is the sword of the double sword!

This is the first time that Luo Ya has encountered the real big swordsman. The rain is still only a half-step big swordsman. He has a hot war in his eyes, and there is only one thought in his heart.

war! war! war! !

How is Dajianhao, and now he is afraid of a battle!

"Good again!"

Luo Ya held the sword with both hands, and slammed into the sky with a low voice.

Today's Roya, swordsmanship has been cultivated to the fourteenth sword fusion, the all-out sniper and superimposed crescent moon, even if compared with the real big sword, the gap will not be too big.

What's more, the Golden Lion lost two feet and replaced the hand with his foot to swing the sword. Even if the realm of Dajianhao will not be affected, the intensity of the attack will be affected more or less.

This sword of Roya, the crescent moon rushes without firing, forming a sturdy sword mans, flowing over the sword front, faint as if to tear the sky!

"This guy……"

The Golden Lion did not have the contempt for the beginning. With a touch of solemnity in his eyes, Luo Ya was already regarded as a real opponent. After a sigh of sigh, he suddenly lifted his leg and squatted down.

Roya and the Golden Lion.

One person swung the sword from the bottom up, and one person swung the sword from top to bottom. The swords of the two men were in midair and suddenly collided.

If Dajianhao is a higher realm, then Luoya’s crescent-shaped rush is the ability to simply increase the strength of the sniper, and strengthen the power of the low realm to the extreme!

This kind of power can be a big sword!

Hey! !

this moment.

As if thousands of rays converge here, the heavens and the earth are eclipsed.

The two sides seem to be able to tear the sky and split the edge of the earth. In this sudden collision, an earth-shattering power broke out.

boom! !

Centered on the place where Roja and the Golden Lion collided, a horrible wave of ripples spread, the white clouds in the sky suddenly torn, and the island below suddenly appeared a deep abyss of kilometers!

The naval justice behind Roya suddenly showed a horizontal crack, and the golden lion was also slammed by Royna’s horror, and the earthquake flew backwards.

This hit, evenly divided!

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