God Of Soul System

Chapter 195: The power of fluttering fruit (seventh)

The golden lion that flew out, only felt that his legs were a little numb, and his face could not help but reveal a shocking color. He was in Luo Ya, clearly did not feel the meaning of '斩', but Luo Ya can rely on brute force , issued such a strong sniper!

These snipers, from the point of view of strength, even in his peak period, the use of two-handed sword stunts, I am afraid it can only be flat, difficult to suppress!

The other side.

Roya glanced at his back, and he was thrown out of a rift of justice.

"Is this the realm of Dajianhao? Even if it blocks the positive sniper, there is still some power that can be forcibly infiltrated."

Luo Ya vaguely remembers that after the original work of Pluto and Huang Wei in the original hard work, Huang Hao, despite the change from the Yunjian, blocked the frontal sword of Raleigh, but still has a subtle face. The wound.

Pluto Rea, Roja has not met him yet, but he is sure that in the kendo, it is definitely a big sword!

Big Jianhao.

Looking at the whole world is also one of the few.

Luo Ya and the Golden Lion struggled hard. After the fall of the autumn, there was a terrible abyss on the ground, and the sky was nearly a thousand meters. This is just the aftermath of the collision.

All the pirates, including those who followed the golden lion before the thief era, the nearest pirates, also had a shocking color on their faces.

"A glimpse of Shiji adults is blocked..."

"Who is the navy, it can be strong!"

Countless pirates looked at the sky with a blank look. I thought that the Golden Lion could easily kill Luo Ya, the naval lieutenant, but who knows, the Golden Lion took all the effort and could not even take advantage of it!

"I remembered, the guy seems to be... Ghost Roa!"

It was at this time that someone finally recognized Roya, and although they were in the sky, they occasionally touched some news on the ground.

Upon hearing the name of the ghost sword Roja, many pirates suddenly reacted.

Ghost Sword Roja.

This name was resounded to the sea six months ago. Even in the sky, the occasional contact with the information from the sea below is all over the place!

Killing the Jack who has retraced the 860 million Baileys of the drought, killing the Skyforge and more than a dozen antique pirates who have crossed the sea more than ten years ago...

The title of Ghost Sword is built on countless killings and resounds through the sea!

The golden lion Shi Ji in the sky also heard the voices of the subordinates below, and looked at Roya's gaze and could not help but sneer.

"Hey, hahaha, who am I, it was the scorpion of Capu's bastard... It was a blink of an eye. After you made a name on the sea, you came to me again!"

Karp is known as a naval hero. On the one hand, Karp is in the sea. A pair of iron fists don’t know how many pirates have been turned over. On the other hand, Roger’s surrender is counted on the head of Karp, and the world government has no The propaganda is that Roger surrendered, but propaganda Karp caught Roger.

It was because of this incident that the golden lion was angry and lost his senses. He was alone in the naval headquarters. After three days and three nights of the war, he was suppressed by Karp and the Warring States.

"It seems that Master Kapp has left you a lot of trauma."

Roya stood in front of the golden lion and stood up in the air. The moment when the voice fell, he rushed directly to the golden lion and waved his sword again.


The golden lion snorted, and the killings appeared in the eyelids. They greeted Luo Ya, and the two swords squatted. "There is no account for Karp and me. You guys dare to kill me, then Let me collect some interest!"

boom! !

Roya and the Golden Lion collided again, and the swords were criss-crossed, tearing the earth, causing the countless pirates underneath to tremble, and fled to a farther place.

"Don't think that Laozi will only be a sword!"

When the golden lion burst in the air of the sword, the body turned into a stream of light and flew out. At the remote side of Luo Ya, two swords were pulled out, forcing Luo Ya to fend off the sword and screaming at Luo Ya.

He suddenly used the fruit ability, and a strange power suddenly swayed.

Oh la la! !

The earth was dragged by the fluttering fruit, and the whole ground suddenly rose up and turned into countless lion heads of hundreds of meters. Roya wrapped them in it, and after roaring wildly, they slammed into Roya.

"Lion, land roll!"

This is the ability of the Golden Lion to use the fluttering fruit all the way. The wave of the earth that has been set up is far more powerful than the one in which he teased Luffy and others.

If the situation is landslide, it will move!

The huge stone lions, which were gathered from these soils, swept from all directions, surrounded Roya, and then crushed them to crush Roya into meatloaf.

But just in the moment when these huge stone lions suddenly closed to the middle and contracted, the voice of Roya's indifference came out, and the extrusion and contraction of the soil also came to an abrupt end.

"Relieve, thousands of cherry blossoms are strict."

boom! boom! boom! !

Hundreds of thousands of cherry blossoms roared in all directions, and suddenly the lions of the golden lions were rolled up, and the bombardment was blown up, turning into the earth and flying in all directions.

This shocking scene made the pirates who had retreated to the edge of the island all stunned.

Hey! !

After hundreds of millions of cherry blossoms crushed countless mudstones, they suddenly dispersed from the middle, and Roya grabbed a sword and rushed out from the hundreds of millions of cherry blossoms to the front of the golden lion, and the sword fell.

The strangeness of the sword is red, and it has not yet fallen. It seems that the meaning of destruction that has been burned out by all means is already shocking.

Explosive days! !

Luo Ya’s sword fell, and the red-red sword was wrapped in a smashing glory.

"not good!"

The Golden Lion sensed the power of this move, and his heart was shocked. He knew that this trick could not be hard-wired, so the whole person was sideways in the air, trying to avoid this blow.

The golden lion is extremely fast. In this blink of an eye, it does avoid the front, but Roja seems to have expected one side, and the eyes are flashing.


This is a simple attack!

Bang! !

The sound of the earth-shattering explosion, the horrible mushroom cloud suddenly rose up, and at the moment when the golden lion did not react, it enveloped the whole person.

In addition to the horror of the Golden Lion, he did not hesitate to use the armed color domineering, while the shocking sword waved, trying to open the heat wave that broke out at this moment.

But the heat wave hit too fast, and the Golden Lion still suffered the first wave of attacks.

boom! !

He smashed the mushroom cloud into two halves, but the whole person still became a blackened, many burns, and a long blond hair was burned out!

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