God Of Soul System

Chapter 196: The golden lion is falling! (eighth)

"My hair……"

Seeing that his hair was burned out, his body was even more black, and the golden lion was finally completely angered. It seemed as if he had to spurt a flame in his eyes.

"You **** little devil!!!"

The golden lion under the madness used his ability unscrupulously. He saw that the islands that were suspended above the celestial scorpion, all under the power of the golden lion, roared toward this side.

Seeing this scene, all the pirates are all in vain.


"This is a terrible! Schukit adults have to use this trick!"

These pirates looked at the islands of different sizes that flew in all directions, showing a look of panic and despair.

Someone tried to stop Shiji, but the raging golden lion was completely deaf, and there was only a slap in the face. At this moment, he only wanted to kill Luo Ya!

"This trick is not bad!"

Roya looked at the gathering of all directions, centered on it, and seemed to form a collision of the islands of different sizes, once again rushing to the Golden Lion.

Hey! Hey! !

The two were constantly colliding in the air.

After all, the Golden Lion is a double-knife, and the single-sword's full-strength sniper can be compared with Roya's Crescent Moon. If it is not taboo, it will be enough to suppress the Golden Lion with its old swordsmanship. Roya's.

The floating hundreds of millions of cherry blossoms, without the distraction of Roya, can hardly keep up with the speed of him and the golden lion.

Hey! !

After another collision, the Golden Lion suddenly retreated, because the island has arrived!

The big swordsman with double-knife flow, coupled with the ability to control the island arbitrarily, floating the airborne fruit, the golden lion even lost two feet, its terrible degree is still above the naval general!

The three islands were blocked in all directions, with the horror of the whistling sound, hitting Luo Ya as the center, because it is too large, it is inevitable.

Although the golden lion is also surrounded by the island, he is the initiator of the ability, of course, not afraid to be surrounded and attacked by his own ability, he looked at Roya to reveal a glimpse of color.

"Experience despair!"

"Golden Lion Shiji... If you have all the strength, there is only this degree."

Roya looked at the golden lion, and the war in his eyes subsided. His eyes became dull. The cold and proud voice said: Within ten breaths, you will die here. ”

"Hey, hahahaha! It’s just a little bit of a good devil! Even dare to say such arrogant words, it seems that I am looking at you, you can’t compare with Kapu’s bastard!”

The golden lion seemed to hear a joke, laughing at Roya.

"is it?"

Roya's gaze became calm, as if all the emotions were swept away in an instant, replaced by a strange force that surged from him.

For a moment.

This strange power emerged from Roya's body, the naval uniform worn by Roya, and the justice shackles that were pulled out of a crack, suddenly covered by this power, turned into a black and white loose robes .

Death mode, open!

At this moment, Roya, the scent of the body, gives a strange and terrifying feeling of horror, and makes the golden lion Shi Ji in the distance, and his heart is also inexplicably uneasy.

This is such a power...

Just as the policeman was alert in the heart of the Golden Lion, Roya moved!

The first breath, Luo Yajian swung out, the front defeated the golden lion's sword, and the golden lion smashed out.

The second and third breaths, Luo Ya backhanded a sword, the island that hit the rear, directly into two halves!

In the fourth and fifth breaths, Luo Ya continued to chase the golden lion, and a sword was thrown out. The horrified golden lion stalked away, and another island was smashed into two halves!

Sixth, seven breaths, the golden lion was chased by Roya in the air, a sword smashed out, and the hard-boiled sky fell from the sky and squatted on the ruins of the palace.

The eighth breath, Roya fell from the sky, holding a wave of swords.

Landing! ! !

With a blast of sound, Luo Ya will just rise from the ruins, and it is too late to dodge. The golden lion, who can only bite his teeth, has slammed into the island.

And this sword is not a crescent moon, but a blast.


In the countless pirates who retreated to the edge of the island, under the astounding gaze, a horrible mushroom cloud rose in the center of the island, and the ruins of the royal palace were directly blown into pieces.

Even the entire island is roaring and disintegrating from the middle!

"It is said that it is ten breaths. I didn't expect to use only eight breaths." Roya stood in the sky, looking at the sea where the island fell to the bottom.

The golden lion's body is inside the disintegrated island. Although the last moment is full of sniper and uses the armed color defense, it still can't hold the roaring front of Roya!

That is the moment when Luo Ya’s voice fell.

The islands that flew in all directions stopped silently and then, along with the island in the center, silently fell toward the sea below.

The pirates who are still alive, with no resistance, fall down with the island.

They looked at Roa, who was still suspended in the air, and did not fall to the sea below the island. It was unbelievable in the eyes.

"This, this is impossible, Shiji adults will actually..."

"The island, it started to fall."

Some people have a dry mouth, and there is a shock and an incredible look in the eyelids.

The island fell to the sea below, which represents what anyone knows.

These islands rely on the ability to flutter the fruit, floating in the sky, and since they began to fall toward the sea below, it proved that the ability to flutter the fruit was lifted.

In other words.

Golden Lion Shiji... defeated!

The sea thief who once had the same name as White Beard and One Piece Roger, promoted the first prisoner in the history of the city, and was the only one who escaped, the Golden Lion Shiji.

Falling into the sea!

In this sea, the three legends of the previous era, only one white beard!

The broken island fell to the sea below, and a terror of tsunami struck the sea, and it shook the earth in all directions.

Roya floated from the sky and took out a phone bug from her arms.

"Hey! I am a Warring States."

"I am Roya."

"Oh, it's Roya, is there anything?"

"The golden lion was killed by me."


The naval headquarters is holding a cup of tea with one hand and a marshal of the phone worm in one hand, and the cup in his hand slips silently.

Then slammed and smashed on the ground.

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