God Of Soul System

Chapter 197: East China Sea

"Golden Lion? Which Golden Lion?! Golden Lion Shiji?"

The Warring States had a full table of water sprays, but they had no time to take care of the documents being wet. Instead, they took the phone and wormed their eyes and asked incredulously.

Although there seems to be no second golden lion in the sea, the Warring States is still somewhat unbelievable and feels that he is wrong.

I am still discussing the issue of the Golden Lion.

Not to mention finding it, even if it is found, even if the Navy general shot, it is enough to catch the golden lion, now Roya actually said that he killed the golden lion? !

"If there is no second guy called Golden Lion Shiji."

Roja fell to the broken islands that lingered in the sea. The sea was shallow, and the islands were scattered together to form a new island with a ruin.


The Warring States was silent.

He knew that Roya couldn't lie and make a joke because it didn't make sense at all.

Luo Ya has not really shot for half a year, although the Warring States know that Roya is very strong and the speed of cultivation is very fast. He was very close to the Navy General six months ago, but he did not know the strength of Roya in the past six months. How much has been improved.

We must know that after reaching the three disasters, the Dolfranming brothers, and even the Navy generals, it is extremely difficult to go further.

Otherwise, it will not appear. There are many levels of DoFrammingo at this level, but there are very few cases that can compete with the Navy generals.

Half a year.

Has the strength of Roya really reached the level of the Navy general?

Or is it that after the Golden Lion lost two legs, the strength has weakened more than expected, and it has not been so strong?

After the silence of the Warring States, I asked: "Roya, where are you now?"

Roya took the phone bug and looked at the surrounding waters. The brows were slightly picked. The surrounding waters did not have his warships, and he was also sure that it was not the place before him.

It seems that the island of the Golden Lion is constantly moving in the sky, and the speed is not slow. When a battle comes down, he does not know where it is.

Royton suddenly showed a touch of helplessness.

"I don't know where I am."

He is also not very good at judging the geographical position, so he has only one permanent pointer to the Naval headquarters Marin Foddo. No matter where in the world, he can walk straight in the direction of the pointer to reach the naval headquarters.

When I heard Roya, the Warring States suddenly twitched.

If it is not certain that Luo Ya is unlikely to lie, he will think that Luo Ya deliberately made him happy.

The Warring States reluctantly sighed and shook his head:

"Let's determine where you are."

After hanging up the phone in the Warring States, Roya put the phone bug in his pocket, and he looked at the vast sea without a word.

Let him and the Golden Lion play again, let him judge the location...

This is really a headache.

It is obviously impossible to determine where you are by relying solely on the record pointer, not to mention that Luo Ya has only one permanent pointer to the naval headquarters.

Roya shook her head and first cleaned up the broken island. Then she glanced at the property bar and got a lot of energy with the Golden Lion.

Strengthening the energy distance from the fifth stage, still a little bit worse.

It seems that it will take a few days to reach it. After Roya shook his head again, his mind moved and he put away the property bar. He randomly picked a direction and went straight in this direction.

Although he is not able to judge the geographical position, he is not a road idiot. According to the permanent pointer that does not change, it is still possible to keep walking in a straight line.

As long as you encounter an island along the way, you can tell where it is.

Oh la la! !

Roya stepped on the water in the sea, and there were a lot of waves splashing under his feet. It was natural to step on the water to save more effort than the stepping on the moon.

What Luo Ya did not think was that he did not know how far he had gone, and he did not see a manned island. The uninhabited island encountered two or three, but could not judge the geographical location. Take a short break.

One day later.

In front of Roya, there was finally a seemingly large island. As I got closer, I also decided that it was not a desert island because there were some boats parked outside the island.

Hey! Hey! !

Seeing the island in front, Luo Ya suddenly accelerated, the body turned into a shadow, after a few flashes, he boarded the island.

The island is a medium-sized island with a number of verdant peaks and it seems that there should be many villages.

The location of the island of Roaden is not a port. There are a lot of boats parked on the other side of the port, but it should be on the other side of the island. Roya is too lazy to go, seeing the domineering, and after finding the nearest person, go straight. The past.

Although it was a bit strange to ask where this is, the man saw the navy uniform worn by Roja and answered the question of Roya very seriously.

"Donghai, Goya Kingdom... Seymour Zhiji Village..."

After Roya got the answer, his face could not help but reveal a stunned color.

If he remembers correctly, this place should be the hometown of Luffy, the place where the windmill village is located, and the hometown of Sauron and others. It is also the hometown of his identity in this world, Mengqi d Luoya.

"It’s been a long time since I saw Master Kapp. It’s not bad to see you.”

Roya touched his chin and revealed a gentle smile. He used the phone bug to simply inform the Warring States.

After telling the specific location of the Warring States, Luo Ya suddenly remembered, he did not know where the Windmill Village is, so he shook his head helplessly, ready to ask someone to ask.

But this time, after Luo Ya’s savvy and arrogant sweep, he found an unexpected person in a distant forest.

Luo Ya's eyes flashed a strange color, and after a few flashes, it came like a ghost, and came to the jungle. When the figure in the jungle was seen, Luo Ya finally lost.

"Simo Zhiji Village... no wonder there is a familiar feeling!"

In front of Roya.

In the middle of this grove, there is an open space. There are several targets on the open space for practicing swords. They stand around and form a triangle.

And a green-haired teenager, biting a wooden sword in his mouth, holding a wooden sword in his hands, sweating, but his face has a tenacity, and his sword is constantly hitting the stake.

boom! boom! boom! !

After a burst of banging, the boy’s face showed a hint of embarrassment, and he used all his strength. After the sword in his hand struck out, he took a strong wind and broke all three wooden stakes with wooden swords. Come!

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