God Of Soul System

Chapter 199: Revolutionary Army (third)

Outside the village of Seymour.

Roya walked out of the grove and recalled the scene just now. He couldn't help but smile a few times. I don't know if he is a substitute for the role of the eagle eye.

This island is relatively large.

Next to Seymour Zhiji Village is Frostmoon Village. There are more villages in this direction. This island is not the seat of the Royal Palace of Goya.

The windmill village is located in the remote location of the island in the king's palace of King Goya. I want to ask where the windmill village is more difficult, but ask where the kingdom of Goya is, and Roa gets directions as soon as he asks.


When Roja came to the port and was about to leave, he found that he was parked on a ship on the shore. When someone saw him, he immediately became a little sneaky.

"How could the Navy appear here... and this guy seems to be a lieutenant."

A bearded man, hiding on the deck of this large sailboat, barely reveals his head and carefully looks at Roa, who is walking down the dock.

"It shouldn't look like we are coming to us."

It was found that Roya seemed to have only one person, and it was not directed at the ship, so he was relieved, but still did not relax his vigilance and kept staring at Roya.

It can be in the next moment.

Hey! !

He has been staring at Roya, and the whole person suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

"Can you ask a way?"

Roya flickered like a man, sitting next to the bearded man, sitting on the railing of the sailboat, touching his chin, and looking at him in a harmless manner.

The bearded man's forehead instantly overflowed with cold sweat, and the whole person was still standing in place.

"Ask... ask what way..."

The bearded man forced himself to remain calm, but he was cold and sweaty, his tone was shuddering, and he could not calm down.

Roya narrowed his eyes and looked at him. He asked in a calm tone: "Do you know... how do you go to hell?"


After tossing a sneaky peek at his bearded man, Roya got an answer that surprised him.

At first I thought this bearded man was a pirate. As a result, what Roya didn't think was that this guy turned out to be a revolutionary army!

The ship was the ship of the Revolutionary Army. It was docked here. Most of the people on board were buying some items on the island. Even Roya asked, this group of revolutionary forces are carrying out information on food supplies.

"Revolutionary army, I have come to this world for so long, this is the first time I have met."

Roya stood on the ship of this revolutionary army, and he was too lazy to use it. He directly used the overlord to dominate, and stunned several people scattered on the ship.

His cousin Meng Qi D Long is the leader of the Revolutionary Army.

But he has not seen the cousin of the dragon so far.

"Since you have encountered the revolutionary army, you can't completely ignore it. If you want to go to the field... then take a trip!"

After coming down from the ship of the Revolutionary Army, Roya walked toward the interior of the island and soon stepped into the village of Seymour Zhiji and came to the heart of the Sauron’s master Geng Silang.

Out of the warehouse outside the heart of the field.

Many members of the Revolutionary Army are carrying some food and other materials. They noticed that Roya came over. These people were suddenly a spirit and stopped their movements.

"Sea, sea, sea... Navy?!"

They are the revolutionary army. When they saw that a naval general such as Roya suddenly appeared, all of them were guilty and could not be disguised as ordinary people.

When you look at it, you can see that these guys are not normal.

"You are all revolutionary soldiers."

Luo Ya stood there, looking at the members of this group of revolutionary troops, a faint opening, said: "Then you are ready to smash, or are you stubborn?"

"It's damn!"

When they heard Roya, these members of the revolutionary army suddenly sinked into their hearts and knew that they had already been exposed.

One of them suddenly took out a musket and pointed at Roya. At the same time, he yelled at other people: "Get rid of this guy! Then hurry out of here!"

At the moment he took out the rifle, everyone else took out the gun.

One heart in the field.

Many people were passively attracted, and each walked out of the room. When they saw the situation here, they suddenly showed a surprised expression.

They don't know about the revolutionary army.

Looking at the confrontational sides of the field, they are more inclined to become the Navy's Roya. At this time, there is only one person in Luoya, and at least a dozen people, and all of them hold the fire and point to Roya. Ya pinched a sweat.

"Would those guys be pirates?"

Some people looked at the group of revolutionary soldiers coldly, but they saw that the revolutionary army had guns in their hands, and they could not help but be afraid of going forward.

boom! !

I don't know who took the lead and fired it. Then there was a burst of gunshots in the air.

Many swordsmen who are eager to see this scene can't help but close their eyes. With so many guns, I am afraid that the Navy, the navy, will be screened in the next moment.


In the eyes of Roya, or in the perception of Roja, the speed of these bullets flying is really too slow and too slow, just like slow motion, almost one inch and one inch moved.

Roya took out the white knives hanging from the waist and shook it twice in the air, so he picked all the bullets from the front.

After a burst of intensive guns, Luo Ya stood calmly.

What is astonishing is that all the bullets are concentrated at the foot of Roja, concentrated in front of Roya, forming a small circle!

The audience was silent.

The swordsmen who are all in the heart of the field are almost all looking at this scene with a dull look, and their eyes are almost unbelievable.

Although they couldn't see what happened in that moment, but... Roya blocked the bullet with a sword, and also bombed all the bullets and concentrated them under their feet? !

What is this sword? !

Do not!

Should swordsmanship be strong enough to this extent? !

"I thought I could have a few masters, but I didn't expect them to be all ants."

Luo Ya shook his head, but did not expect that this group of revolutionary army, most of them are ordinary people, this is even too lazy to wave the sword, a direct thought, a horrible momentum will suddenly suppress the past.

The revolutionary army saw that Roya had blocked the bullets with his sword. Almost all of them were ordinary people, and their eyes were full of incredulous and unbelievable looks.

next moment.

Roya's momentum came to the fore, this horrible momentum gave them the feeling of falling into the sky, as if the surrounding scenes were magnified without limit, only the huge and horrible figure of Luo Ya was left in front of him. .

Almost for a moment, everyone screamed and lost consciousness.

噗通!噗通! !

This group of revolutionary troops lay down directly on the ground.

After Luo Ya used the overlord color to directly stun the people, he did not put the sword away, but turned his head to look at the direction of one heart, the faint opening:

"Working with the Revolutionary Army, as the owner of this dojo, should you give an explanation?"

Everyone in the field was still horrified by those people who were inexplicably lost. After hearing the words of Roya, they could not help but look at Roya's gaze.


The master of the heart of the field, the master of Sauron, Geng Shilang, walked out from behind the crowd, with a bitter smile on his face, looking at Luo Ya.

"Today is a really bad day."

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