God Of Soul System

Chapter 200: Roya VS Gyoguro (fourth more)

Geng Silang came out and Roya’s eyes did not have any contempt.

Although this guy has never been shot in the original, even his daughter's sabre is a great knife, and teaches Sauron's swordsmanship. The guidance on the kendo is also extremely succinct, pointing to the essence of kendo.

Everything is a constant sword, breaking all the swords...

Such a discourse, even for Roja, who has reached the current level of swordsmanship, still has a more mysterious and mysterious experience. It seems that even the realm of Dajianhao is related to this simple sentence. .

"It seems that even if I say that I don't know their identity, they just sell them a little food, and you are not likely to believe it."

Geng Silang stood there with some headaches and opened his way at Roya.

Everyone on the four-day heart of the road, some of them were confused at this time, and each of them stood there in a daze, looking at Geng Silang and Luo Ya in the field.

"What do you say?"

Luo Ya looked at Geng Silang with a smile and smiled, then glanced at the people around the heart, suddenly thought of a move, the overlord color domineering again.

Hey! !

This time, Roya did not impose restrictions. The tyrannical tyrannical tyranny swept the world and even the ground beneath Roya’s feet showed signs of cracking.

In the whole heart of the field, even the entire Ximo Zhiji village, all of them were under the trepidation of Roya's domineering color, and they all stunned.


Geng Silang in front of Luo Ya, but has not been affected!

The horrible tyrannical domineering, swept through him, as if the sky suddenly encountered a reef, was cut from the middle by a hard, unable to shake.

Although it was only a short moment, Roya felt a strong sword in the body of Geng Silang. Although it is not certain how strong Gengsilang is, this guy is definitely not weak!

"I haven't used a sword for a long time."

When Gyoguro saw a heart-to-heart, all of them were fainted by Luo Yazhen, and the eyes flashed in the eyes, then shook his head slightly, and his eyes suddenly became deep.

Luo Ya heard the words and smiled. "Do you not want your dojo?"


Geng Silang sighed and turned into a room in the dojo.

Roya did not follow up and stood still in the quiet place.

After a while.

Geng Silang came out again, still the loose robes, but there was a sword at the waist, a scabbard red, and the hilt was also blood red, like a **** sword.

When he saw the moment of the sword, Luo Ya recognized it. He could not recognize the work of the knife. He couldn’t recognize it, but he did not have a great knife. He had specially inquired about the information.

this is……

No big knife, twelve knives, blood knife, meditation!

If the black knife night and the white knife are all styles that are biased towards 'positive', then this is a great knife, which is similar to the first generation, and the style is biased towards ‘flaw’!

"Go to the back mountain."

Although Gyoguro took out the sword, his body was still a harmless atmosphere of humans and animals, and no special momentum emerged.

It seems to be ordinary, but it is even more amazing, because Geng Silang converges not only his own breath, but he obviously converges on the sharp edge of this fast knife, which is not even possible for Luo Ya.

It is this time.

Luo Ya’s judgment on Geng Silang has already been determined. If this guy is not a big swordsman, he will eat his own white knife!

Why did Gyoguro stay in such a small place in the East China Sea, why is it linked to the Revolutionary Army, etc., this series of mysteries, Roya is not interested...

What Luo Ya really interested in is the sword of Geng Silang!

Although the Golden Lion is also a big sword, but lost his legs, using his legs instead of his hands to use the sword, after all, can not be regarded as a pure big sword, swordsmanship is at least three points weaker than the peak period.

Even with the power of the fluttering fruit, the golden lion is between the navy general and the four emperors. There is no such thing as a peak period, and it can even approach the strength of the white beard.

"I don't know how strong I am today, compared to the real big swordsman like Geng Silang."

Luo Ya and Geng Silang walked toward the back hill. Geng Silang was adjusting his state, and Luo Ya was also adjusting his state.

For the existence of Dajianhao, Luo Ya will not have any contempt and underestimation.

Walking on the side.

Luo Ya also glanced at the property bar of the Soul Soul. The distance between the intensified energy and the next reinforcement was already only four points. The fifth stage of the soul of the sword, Roya has been looking forward to it for a long time.


Luo Ya and Geng Silang came to Houshan.

Here is a verdant mountain with dense vegetation on the mountain, three villages on three sides, and another mountain on the last side.

So they came to the junction of the two peaks. It is a valley, and it is relatively empty. There are no jungles of trees, only some bushes and weeds.

Geng Silang looked at the sword in his hand and showed a sigh of color in his eyes.

"In the beginning, I used this sword to injure my best friend and vowed not to use it. I didn't expect to draw the sword again today."

After muttering, Geng Silang slowly pulled the sword out.

Blood knife, meditation.

The whole body is blood red, like a cast of blood, just looking at the sword's sword front, you can feel the feeling of a **** sea.

When the sword was unsheathed, the momentum of the whole person was suddenly changed. The gentle moment of the moment was the gentle smile, the harmless expression of humans and animals. The next moment seemed to be a person, from the blood of the dead body. The demons coming out!

This sudden change in momentum and character allowed Luo Ya to bear the thought of the captain of the Four Teams in the world of death.

"Besides gender, it’s a bit like it."

Perceived that the momentum of Geng Silang suddenly changed, and Luo Ya’s thoughts flashed past. There was no fear of this horrible momentum, but a flash of war in the eyes.

Hey! !

The white knives were also unsheathed and held in the hands of Roya.

The momentum of Geng Silang has become like a demon. The tone of Luo Ya’s opening, although still very gentle, gives a very terrifying feeling.

"Although I don't know what happened, I noticed it before, your sword... is about to be completely damaged. It may not be enough to support your battle."

"Beat you, enough."

Roya's light opening, the armed color domineering around the sword body, and then suddenly rushed toward Geng Silang, a sword.

Hey! !

The sturdy swordsman flickered above the sword front, fighting in this place, the two will not be too outrageous, the powerful sword pressure is all hidden above the blade, forming a sword.

When the sword pressure bursts out, it is Jianqi, and hidden above the sword front, it is Jianmang.

Jianqi is a long-range attack by the swordsman, and Jianmang is a melee attack by the swordsman.

Ding! !

In the face of Luo Ya's glimpse, Geng Silang held the sword with one hand and waved upwards. The two swords suddenly staggered in the air, giving a crisp sword.


An air wave erupted from the middle of the two people, wrapped in dust and rushing in all directions. The weeds on the ground were blown to the distance.

The next moment, Luo Ya and Geng Silang, the figure began to flash and staggered.

The blood-colored swordsmanship, wrapped in white swordsmanship, is constantly flashing in this valley. Occasionally, a star-and-a-half-point swordsman smashes out and turns into a sword, and suddenly the earth opens a terrible gully of nearly 100 meters in length!

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