God Of Soul System

Chapter 201: No end (fifth)

The swordsmanship of Geng Silang is extremely violent, and every sword is swung out. It seems that there is a kind of scene like a sea of ​​blood in front of people. His sword is also purely killing swords.

Luo Ya does not know whether Geng Silang is a killer, but this sword and such swordsmanship is obviously terrible!

Indeed, as Luo Ya expected.

Although the Golden Lion is a big sword, the sword is indeed a bit higher than the rain, but because it is a pair of legs instead of two-handed swords, the sword is at least 30% weaker.

The sniper sent by Geng Silang's double-handed sword is more than two or three percent stronger than the sniper of the golden lion with his legs!

By the time they are in this realm, one or two of the strengths are already extremely horrible!

Although Gyoguro does not have the ability to flutter fruit like a golden lion, the strength exerted is not inferior to the golden lion!

Every big swordsman is a man who will take his own kendo and walk to the top of the mountain. The strength of Geng Silang may not be as good as the world's largest sword eagle eye, nor comparable to the four emperors, but it is still terrible. The presence.

Hey! !

After another collision, Roya was swayed by the **** swordsmanship that was spurred by Shiro's swordsman. The hard-boiled retreat went out. The justice shackles that had been split by the golden lions had another crack.

"There is no cultivation to the fifteenth sword fusion, just the fusion of the fourteenth sword, plus the crescent moon, after all, it is not as good as the real big sword."

Luo Ya figure was repulsed, and when he fell to the distance, the earth under his feet was completely smashed, showing the horrible power he had suffered in the moment!

"You are, Ghost Sword Luo Ya, swordsmanship is very good, but unfortunately have not yet realized the true meaning of kendo."

Geng Silang stood there, and the horrible momentum suddenly came to a close. It seemed that the victory and defeat had been divided and he was not prepared to continue playing.

Looking at Geng Silang, Luo Ya suddenly chuckled.

"Is this ready to fight? The warm-up is just over..."

At the moment when the voice fell, Roya thought about it, and the robes were not windy, and a strange breath suddenly broke out from the body. The navy uniform in vitro was instantly replaced by black and white.

Death mode, open!

Hey! !

Roya once again rushed to Geng Silang, and with a pair of swords swaying, the sword mans smashed the void, as if a smashing starburst, swept through the distant horizon, suddenly fell.

Perceived by the sudden change of Royana's breath, and the power of this sword, Geng Silang's eyes suddenly changed, and the dignified sword greeted.

Ding! !

The two collided again, a horrible wave of air, swept away in all directions, and even the soil under the feet of both of them was blown up, wrapped in weeds and flew into the distance.

The field was a mess.

When this raging wave swept through, Luo Ya’s figure stood firmly in the sword and was not shaken by the ploughed Shiro.

This sword is awesome!

"This is really..."

There was also a strange color in the eyes of Geng Silang. Obviously, Luo Ya had a way to improve his strength, and he could not see through it. The strange power of Luo Ya.

Hey! !

The two men fought together again. The Jianguang was constantly flashing and staggered. The earth was swept by the swords of the two, and there was a long and long gully.

If the nearby villagers think of planting land here, they will not have to work hard to cultivate the land.

Hey! !

After Luo Ya’s swords, the explosions were used, and the face of Geng Silang suddenly changed. There was no hard connection, but he did not hesitate to retreat to one side, while wielding a blood-red sword.

boom! !

The horror of the horror suddenly swayed, and a small piece of jungle behind the Shiro will be burnt in a moment.

The moment before, it was still a green jungle. The next moment was like a fire burning for three days and three nights!

"Good terror tricks."

Geng Silang could not help but be shocked by the power of this attack. Although he avoided it and instinctively defended his sword, his clothes were still wiped out. He was only wiped and burned for a moment. Gray!

After taking a deep breath.

Geng Silang's gaze was condensed, and the momentum suddenly converges. The two-handed sword puts on a posture. The **** light flashes above the sword's front, and then suddenly rushes toward Luo Ya.

"A knife flow, blood blade... Instant!"

After Luo Ya took out the blast of the blast, Geng Silang also took his strongest sword, and the whole person seemed to be wrapped in a **** light, suddenly flashing at a very fast speed.

Luo Ya did not hesitate, and also greeted with a sword.

Ding! !

The clear sound of the sword is resounding through the clouds.

The figures of Luo Ya and Geng Silang stood still and silent, the earth behind Luo Ya, and the earth under his feet, suddenly appeared neatly, criss-crossed numerous cracks!

It seems that there is a knife and a sword sea, rolling from the ground!

This blow reveals the realm of Dajianhao. If Feiyao once fought with the Golden Lion, it may not be able to stop this trick!


Even if Roya blocked it, the hard-hitting of this move made Roya's white knife, which had long been overwhelmed, and a crack in the middle.


Geng Silang opened.

With the retreat of Geng Silang, the white knife in the hands of Luo Ya dissipated the attachment of the armed color domineering, and suddenly broke away from the middle. Half of the sword front was inserted into the ground, leaving only half of the sword in his hand.

At this time, the white knife is not the form of the liberation of Sakura Sakura. If it is broken, it will be completely broken.

Geng Silang looked at the scene and sighed, saying: "Your strength is very strong, the number of strokes is also very strong, but the damage to the sword is too big... This battle, you just lost on the sword."

Although the mouth is sighing, it is a pity for the break of a sharp knife, but the eyes of Geng Silang are also a bit shocking.

The last sword, he did not have any hands, but was completely blocked by Roya.

Unexpectedly, Roya's strength can be strong to this extent. If the sword of Feria is unable to support the break, his battle with Roya is hard to say.


What made Geng Silang a sigh of relief was that after Luo Ya’s sword was broken, his face did not show any look of unwillingness and regret. Instead, he suddenly laughed and smiled happily.

"No, this battle... is not over yet."

In front of Roya, there is a semi-transparent picture that Geng Silang can't see.

The fifth stage: the perfect sword soul +0

Attributes: attack power +1200, power +400, agility +400, physical strength +400, spirit +400

Special attributes: Senro, all are ashes! Fire damage can be added freely during the sword attack (the initial conditions are met)

Special attribute: Qianzen Sakura

Special attributes: Crescent Moon! A half-moon sword sniper can be released during a sword attack.

Enhanced energy: 0/340

From the eleven years of the sea thief era to this era, got the soul of the sword, after nearly four years, Luo Ya finally strengthened the soul of the sword to the fifth stage!

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