God Of Soul System

Chapter 202: If the blade is hot! (sixth more)

In front of Roya, the illusory soul space is presented.

In the center of the soul space, there is a sword that cannot be described in words and is amazing to near perfection. This is the fifth stage of the soul of the sword.

Roya gently reached out his hand, and in the mode of death, his hand touched the soul of the sword.

Then... hold it in your hand!

"Sure enough, as I expected, you are my sickle!"

When Roya took the moment of the soul of the sword, he only felt that the joy that originated from the soul was conveyed into his heart.

And along with this joy, there is a vague picture.

It is a space of emptiness and nothingness, or can not be called space, because there is a lot of chaotic space power here, here is the time and space turbulence on the back of the space.

A sword swayed in this time and space, drifting with the waves.

It was continually washed away by this time and space, gradually broken, and there were cracks.

And just as it was about to collapse completely, a strange thing flashed through the void, it seems that it is the soul of Roya.


The two just collided together, and instantly merged, and then immediately slashed the void and fell into a world...

The blurred picture ends here.

“Although there is still a lot of confusion, it does solve most of the mystery in my heart.”

Luo Yawei smiled, he took the sword of the soul... He took the sickle belonging to him and gently extracted it from the soul space.

What happened at this level of the soul is only a moment relative to the outside world.

For Gyoguro.

After seeing the broken sword of Roya, I laughed inexplicably there, and then suddenly put my hand into the void. From the void, I took out a whole body that was crystal clear, the light flowed, and the shape was almost perfect. Sword!

Looking at this scene, Geng Silang’s eyes were once again showing a strange color.

"this is?!"

"It's my sword, not... my sickle."

Luo Ya looked very happy and responded with a smile at Geng Silang.

Holding the sickle belonging to him, it seems that the soul blends, as if flesh and blood are connected, far more than the Yanyue and the white knife, like this sword, is a part of himself!

No need to hone, no need to adapt.

It exists like its own arm, its own palm.

"This way, that is to say the battle will continue..."

Geng Silang shook his head. He didn't know what the slasher meant. Instead, he used the word 斩魄 斩魄 knife as the name of the sword in Luo Ya's hand.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with thinking about it.

Roya looked at Geng Silang and smiled. "Will you continue to fight... can... but you have to be careful."

The voice fell.

Roya's expression restored calm, joy and happiness, and all the emotions instantly converge. At this moment, Roya reveals an unprecedented seriousness and sternness.

Luo Ya holding a sword, lying across the front, whispered, as if the soul level sounded, without any emotional sound, ** opened.

"Senro is all gray, it's a blaze!"

If the blade is hot, the solution will begin!

boom! ! !

I saw a red-red flame that erupted from the sword in Roa's hand. The sword in Roa's hand, directly with the release of this flame, turned into a reddish color.

The temperature of terror has suddenly spread!

The red-red flame, wrapped in a raging heat, is centered on Roya and suddenly sweeps across all directions!


Although I have seen the flame power of Roya's display just now, this moment of Roya, the sudden horror of the heat, made the face of Geng Silang suddenly change, and the figure without hesitation exploded.

Even so, his hair was directly smashed by a heat wave, which was directly burned and rolled up, even with a scorching smell, and the lips were almost chapped!

Even if I directly quit the distance of nearly 100 meters, I still feel that I can't resist the horrible heat!

What makes Geng Silang even more shocking.

The jungle around Roya did not burn, nor was it turned into coke, but under the flame, it was directly burned out by hard life!

Even the ground below was burned into magma, and then burned into a gas state!

Haven't shot yet.

Just a simple liberation, it has already blossomed into a stunning horror scene. This is the sword of the fire, the sword of the fire that can burn everything, the strongest and oldest sickle. !

Perceived by this horrible heat, Geng Silang did not dare to wait any longer.

He held the sword with both eyes, his eyes were low, and he sighed lightly. The sniper field of Dajianhao spread, and he went all out to Luoya in the distance, and swung a sword away.

"A knife, a blood blade, a wind!"

Hey! !

A grand **** sword, suddenly smashed the void, and went to the position where Roya was, and divided the land along the way into two, and took out a terrible abyss.

This sword seems to divide the entire island into two!

That is, in the moment when Geng Silang shot, in the flame, Luo Ya, holding a sword alone, completely controlled the power of the blade, and the light in the eye flashed.

"The first step of the blade is fire...hey!"

With the sword in the hands of Roya slamming down, the **** swords that smashed the earth, under the sword of Roja, were directly crushed and broken, and instantly burst!

Under this sword, the flames surged, and the land in front of Roya suddenly became a piece of magma, and then it was burned out by hard burning!

Look at this scene.

There is some sorrow in the heart of Geng Silang. This is the temperature of horror. It is impossible for a general flame to reach this level. In the face of such a flame, even if it is dominated by armed color, I am afraid that it cannot resist!

"Fire burning city Guo!"

Roya looked at Geng Silang, who had already retreated to a great distance. He held the sword in his right hand and swung from the right to the front, waving to the front.

boom! ! !

On the top of the sword in the hands of Luo Ya, there was a sudden explosion of horror. He swayed directly toward the front of Gengsilang. The place where the flame passed, the earth was hardly burned out of a river of magma!

Geng Silang’s face changed greatly.

He had already retreated to a far distance, and there was no point in retreating further, so he held the sword with both hands, and swayed at the flames that came.

Hey! !

The huge **** swords, like the gushing out of the sea of ​​corpse, smashed into the flames.

This **** sword is like a solid body, scratching the void, but after hitting into the flame, it seems that the stone falls into the water, suddenly slows down, and constantly shrinks.

It is almost a moment.

The huge **** sword, just a half of the flame, was swallowed up by this horrible flame!

Geng Silang looked at this scene, and his heart was already in vain. This horrible flame, even the sword gas can be burned out, is simply unheard of!

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