God Of Soul System

Chapter 203: The downside is that the power is too great!

Seeing that the flames of the day ignited his sword, Geng Silang could only push the armed color to the extreme, and then held the sword with both hands.

The flames that have been smashed by the **** swords have finally been smashed by the sword of the shovel, and the two fire curtains of the sky, flying over the sides of the shogun, fell to the distant peaks.

boom! ! !

The sky-fire curtain swept from the mountain peak, and it was the time to turn this green mountain peak into ashes. The jungle of trees on it was burned to dust in an instant. Even the mountain was covered by the mountain. The horrible heat, roasting into magma!

It seems as if under this trick, directly into a volcano that is erupting!

Although Geng Silang barely opened his sword, and his body was attached to the armed color domineering, his physical condition was not as good as that of Karp and the beast.

Even if the use of armed color domineering, even if it is only slightly rubbed, it is still in an instant, it is almost hit hard by the horrible heat, burning!

laugh! !

The clothes on Geng Silang were almost completely burned, the hair was burnt, and the sword was placed on the ground, leaning against the sword to barely stand.

The lingering light in his eyes looked at the mountain behind him, and in a moment it was burnt by the flames, and the heart was extremely shocked.

"Flame... can it reach this level?!"

"Ordinary flames, of course, cannot reach this level, but if it is the fire of the sun, then it is another matter."

Roya did not continue to attack, but stood in the same place, smiling lightly, watching the red-gold flame on his sword, and his eyes showed amazement.

The surface of the sun is six thousand degrees high!

This kind of flame, even steel can be burned to ashes, almost no material can withstand these forces!

If there is any shortcoming in the blade, then its only drawback is that it is too powerful!

Powerful to the world of the death of the captain of the mountain, Yamamoto Yuzawa, the country, do not dare to use the ability to blaze, and fear that the damage caused is too great!

"you win."

Geng Silang looked at the scene behind him and couldn't help but smile. Although he has not completely lost his fighting ability, this battle has no longer been played.

The gap is too big!

The mountain behind him was blown into the erupting volcano by the flame of Roya, but the horror is that the magma did not flow in all directions, because even this magma is still burning and being continuously burned. ash!

Another village near the mountain peak, the villagers of Frostmoon Village.

They almost all threw away the things in their hands, watching the moment, from the verdant to the peak of the burning volcano, revealing the shock to the unrecognizable look.

"This is... Is the volcano erupting?!"

Countless people are shocked.

Such a scene in their view is just like destroying the earth.

Luo Ya was also watching the mountain behind Gengsilang. He put the sword in front of him, the flame on the sword disappeared, and the surrounding fire curtain disappeared.

"The only downside is that the damage is too great."

Watching the flames on the mountain go out and losing the horrible heat, the magma on the mountain was a little drooling and it gradually went out.

The whole mountain has been transformed from green to the scene of destruction without any vitality.

in this world.

Because of the ability to be too strong to dare to display, only the white beard Edward Newgate, who is known as the world's strongest man.

The strength of the earthquake-stricken fruit, if it is fully exerted, is enough to hit an island that collapses, even the white beard will lose its foothold.

Nowadays, if Roya does not do any containment, it will completely break through the flames and achieve the same effect, burning an island directly!

"I don't know how powerful I am now, compared to the white beard at the peak."

Luo Ya muttered in his heart, he did not know how strong he is now, at least like the Navy general, Geng Silang Golden Lion, he can easily defeat!

His current strength is determined to reach the level of the white beard at the peak. Only the strongman of the four emperors is qualified to sneak a slap with his present.

In other words.

From this day on, he is already at the top of the world!


After Geng Silang admit defeat, Luo Ya did not continue to shoot.

Liberation of the blade of fire, the strength finally stood at the peak of the world, Luo Ya is still not proud and complacent, but asked Geng Silang some questions about Kendo.

Luo Ya has come all the way. The kendo is all groping for practice. For a higher level of realm, many places have a little understanding.

Geng Silang was surprised by Roya's advice, but he still answered Roya's question.

For the realm of Dajianhao, simply using the language is unclear, the road is unclear, and comprehension is to comprehend. If you don't understand, you don't understand. Gengsilang can only explain it a little.

But even so.

The brief explanation of Geng Silang also made Luo Ya's heart clear. After the fifteenth sword, Da Jianhao's ‘斩’ was right.

If the blade is a fire, it is the ability of the sickle, and the sword is its own strength.

Roya didn't have to work hard for the four francs. For those revolutionary troops, they did not pay attention to it. They went straight to the water and left the island.

On the sea.

Sparkling, hopeless, Roya came from the West, stepping on the water, suddenly emerged from the water a huge strange fish, want to swallow Roya, but Roya casually waved, Then they flew out dozens of meters away, and then they burst into a **** fog.

The soul of the sword...or Roa's sickle.

At the end of the battle, it is directly integrated into the soul of Roya. As the pattern of death disappears, it returns to the body, and only needs to be moved to call it again.

Roya continued on the sea, and after a while, stopped a little.

When the mind moves, the property bar appears in front of Roya.

The fifth stage: the perfect sword soul +0

Attributes: attack power +1200, power +400, agility +400, physical strength +400, spirit +400

Special attributes: Senro, all are ashes! Fire damage can be added freely during the sword attack (the initial conditions are met)

Special attribute: Qianzen Sakura

Special attributes: Crescent Moon! A half-moon sword sniper can be released during a sword attack.

Strengthen energy: 1/340

I haven't been able to sort out the sword soul until the fifth stage, and the changes brought by Roya walked on the sea while watching the brand new property bar.

After strengthening to the fifth stage, in addition to the three attributes of strength, agility and physical strength, there is another spirit of green attributes. This attribute is actually an enhancement of the soul.

Without this attribute, it may be a little difficult for Roya to control the flow of the blade. Now that this part has been upgraded, there is no sense of oysters.

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