God Of Soul System

Chapter 210: Roya VS Red Dog! (fourth more)

After half a month. ??

In front of the fortress of the Navy headquarters, a large group of naval schools stood on the edge of the square. There were no eunuchs among them. The lowest ones were the officers at the rank of the school.

The generals were promoted and did not choose other islands as battle sites. The battle site was set in this huge square in front of the Navy headquarters!

This square is huge enough to hold 100,000 people to fight.

At the edge of the square, the officers of the school were divided into three queues, gathered in three directions, and there was no one on the other side of the harbor.

In these three directions, on the left and right sides, the person is the general of the headquarters, and the general of the headquarters, Huang Wei, and the two are behind the generals.

In the middle of the direction, the person standing in front of the main fortress is the Marshal Warring States.

The two naval generals, together with the Marshal Warring States, followed by a group of naval officers, each located in the most marginal direction of the three directions, to resist the possible aftermath of excessive fighting.

At this moment.

In the middle of this huge square, only two people stand opposite each other. One person is Luo Ya, and the other is a red dog. The red dog looks cold and haze, while Roya's expression looks pale and light.

The naval colleges in the distance are looking at the two people in the field, and their hearts are very nervous.

"I didn't expect Lieutenant General Luo Ya to choose to apply for a promotion..."

"Although I have always heard that Lieutenant General Luo Ya and General Sakarski are not in harmony, it is a bit too impulsive to apply for a promotion."

A major general of the headquarters swallowed, saying: "General Sakarski is very strong."

"Hey, which one do you think is weak?"

Another young general next to him couldn’t help but sneer at the opening: "Whether it is General Porusalino or General Kuchan, they are not weak at all. Their fruit ability is the strongest natural demon. fruit!"

Some people looked deep into the field and muttered to themselves: "The promotion is not so easy to pass. But the strength of Lieutenant General Luo Ya is not weak. Some time ago, even the legend of the Golden Lion was killed. The pirates in the middle."

"Even if General Lia's strength is not comparable to that of General Sakarski, it is estimated that it will not be much worse. The qualification for World War I is absolutely there."

Lieutenant General, who has a good relationship with Roya, is holding a cigar, with a nervous and worried color in his eyes, muttering: "I finally did it on the front."

"Roya has completely angered General Sakowski this time, and General Sakarski will never be merciless..."

Whether this victory or not in Luo Ya is a prestige strike for the Red Dog.

Because the general has a total of three people, Roya chose him. On the one hand, Roya and himself have contradictions. On the other hand, it gives people the feeling that he is the weakest of the three major players.

The atmosphere is getting more and more depressed.

No one spoke again, and the scene became silent.

The red dog standing in the middle of this huge square, the whole person is like a volcano that is about to explode, standing there, looking far away, I feel terrified.

On one of his arms, there was already a drop of magma falling, and the drop of magma fell on the ground, giving a horrible horror sound, which made people feel guilty.

Even if ordinary people are standing next to each other, they may not be able to withstand such heat.

"Why, I chose to be your opponent, but I didn't dare to shoot for me?"

The red dog did not take the initiative to take the shot, but pinched his fist and stood there, looking at Luo Ya with a cold and sullen look.

"Do not."

Roya shook his head and suddenly chuckled. He said proudly: "When I shot, the battle is over."


The red dog's face sank and snorted, and finally took the lead.

Anyway, this situation has already arrived. I don’t have to say anything. If Roya wins this battle, he will only be able to retreat to the second line and give up the position of the general of the headquarters. This is obviously unacceptable to him!

"Big fire!!"

boom! !

As the red dog's fist slammed out, his arm suddenly turned into a horrible magma, forming a huge lava fist, and bombarded the front of Luo Ya.

This fist has not yet fallen, and a horrible heat has already set off a heat wave, swaying in all directions, so that many of the headquarters in the distance will be shocked.

In the face of the red dog, Roya did not have any back.


Between the strange powers, Roya's body was covered with a black and white death tyrant, and he reached out to the empty space, and a delicate and perfect sword appeared in the hands of Roya.

Roya put the sword across the front of the body and pushed it gently, and it blocked the punch of the red dog.

"Is the ability of an animal to be an illusionary species?"

Seeing that Roya’s form has changed, there is a strange feeling. The red dog’s eyes are flashing, but they don’t care, but they’re shouting.

boom! !

The huge magma fist burst suddenly and turned into countless magma, which sprang into the front of Luoya.

Brush it! !

Luo Ya calmly stood in the same place, did not take a step back, just brushing the sword in his hand, after swinging a few sword flowers, he would easily fly all the magma.

The battle has just begun, and the power of Roya’s exhibition has already changed many people’s faces.

Roya's model of death is still used for the first time in front of so many people. Whether it is green or yellow, or the Warring States, it is the first time to see Roya.

"No wonder Luo Ya's strength has increased so much, even the Golden Lion has been killed, it turned out to be a rare animal animal species than the natural department, the ability of everyone's fruit type?"

The eyes of the Warring States are shimmering in a strange way. His fruit ability is the animal-like illusion, the shape of the Buddha in the fruit of everyone.

Qing Yan also blinked, staring at Roya in the field, muttering in his heart.

"I don't know what the fruit is."


In the field.

Luo Ya directly opened the death mode, and after swinging the sword to block the attack of the red dog, he looked at the red dog faintly and said: "Do you only have this ability?"


The red dog heard Roya's condescending, with a scornful discourse, his face became more gloomy, cold channel: "Don't think that you have got a rare magical animal demon fruit, you can be arrogant!"

At the moment when the voice fell, the red dog directly put his fists in front of him, and after the madness of the magma, he suddenly shot a huge magma fist toward Luo Yazhen!

What is even more frightening is that this huge magma fist is not one, and then the second one, the third one, in a very short time, a large number of magma fists appear, like a volcanic explosion, toward Luo Ya has fallen!

"Meteor volcano!!"

This move is almost an upgraded version of the Big Spitfire, and it is also a remote release attack.

All the jetted magma fists were bombarded toward Luo Ya, like a meteor shower, falling toward Luo Ya’s face, as if to bury Luoya directly! 8

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