God Of Soul System

Chapter 211: Flame and magma! (fifth)

The continuous magma continued to bombard Roya, and the sword in the hands of Roya danced lightly, bringing a sword flower and splashing the magma. ?

The hot magma splashed on the ground, making the field hotter.

Looking at Roya, who was bombarded with countless magma, many naval lieutenants and major generals couldn't help but swallow and look awkward.

"The attack by General Sakaski is terrible!"

boom! boom! boom! !

There was a roar of sound throughout the square, and Roya turned over a huge sword and smashed a number of flame fists and flew to the red dog.

The red dog looks cold and the body advances into a magma split, which is directly swept by the sniper.

This sniper slammed straight to the rear of the red dog, and the entire square was opened with a deep ravine, which was finally blocked by the warring states standing in front of the fortress.

"Apart from sniper, don't you have other abilities? Flames, cherry blossom blades, how can those gadgets not come out, do you think you can't get on the table?"

The face of the red dog showed a cold and proud color, and continued to bombard Roya. The magma was like a volcanic explosion, and it was like a blast, and it bursted continuously.

For those who have the natural ability of the red dog, such as the ability to become superb and domineering, unless the big swordsman's realm is matched with the same powerful domineering, they will not be hurt.

This is why the Red Dog has always been contemptuous of Roya's power.

laugh! laugh! !

Roya continued to fight against the attack of the red dog, and sometimes a crescent moon, but was easily avoided by the red dog, a pair of pressed into the wind.

In the view of the red dog, he is the natural ability of the rock berry, and the domineering is a little stronger than Roya, so the ability of Roya to release hundreds of millions of cherry blossom blades is almost ineffective for him.

As for the flame of Roja...

When the magma is pressed from the flame, the flame can be extinguished, but the flame is pressed from the magma, but it is almost impossible to make the magma.

This is completely a relationship, and the red dog is even less afraid.


After another sword of Roya splashed the magma, the figure flickered and exited the area covered by a large magma, with a faint opening:

“The natural devil fruit is the strongest, but it is not without reason...”

"Know the gap between you and me, are you ready to give up?!"

When I heard Roya’s words, the red dog sneered, but did not stop the attack, but slammed a punch, the magma ejected from the fist turned into a dog shape, opened the blood basin, and swallowed toward Luo Yazhen’s swallow. .

Roya looked at the magma that was attacked, and a sword swung it out. After the four splashes, he smirked at the red dog and said in an understatement:

"I was just a little bored and felt that it was almost time to end the battle."

At the moment when the voice fell, Roya put the sword in his hand in front of him, and a strange force suddenly surged, accompanied by a feelingless voice.

"Senro is all gray, and it’s a fire!"

Along with the eruption of the liberation language, the thousand illusions in the hands of Luo Ya, the sword body suddenly disappeared into a red-gold swell, and a horrible blaze swept across all directions!

Hey! !

When this flame appeared, it gave people a very terrifying feeling. Even the action of the red dog's fist punching paused a little, and a strange color appeared in the eyelids.

The red dog has not seen Roy's ability to use a sword to release the flame, but the flame that Roya had released before has not been as threatening as he is now.

Luo Ya is on the court.

The hot flame came out from the slashing sword of the sickle, gradually spreading toward the surrounding, bringing a feeling of extreme heart, and the Luoya body set off seemed to have a kind of imposing manner!

"I will go down this knife and you may be burned to death."

Roya looked at the red dog in front of her eyes and said very seriously.

"A nonsense!"

When the red dog heard Roja’s words, he suddenly looked gloomy and sneered, saying: “You are just a flame of smashing, and I am a magma that even the flames can burn!”

"is it?"

Roya's light opening, holding a thousand magic in one hand, a light fluttering wave toward the red dog in front.

boom! !

A red-gold flame, with the fluttering wave of Roya, slammed directly toward the red dog. The fire of the sky was wrapped in a horrible heat, and a heat wave was set off, rolling in all directions.

Just the heat wave that was set off, let a naval school in the distance feel dry and dry, the body is anxious, and the lips are even cracked!

"So hot!"

"How is it possible, so hot from this far..."

Many of the navy’s expressions showed a shocking color.

Even the blue-and-yellow scorpion and even the Warring States trio, all of them have suddenly changed their faces, and they have a very vigilant look in the eyes, watching the flame that Roya burst out at this moment.

"The kind of flame... terrible!"

"But Sakarski's ability is magma, if it's a flame, it should be for him..."

At this moment.

Almost everyone is looking at the field with a nervous look.

In the face of Roa's sword, the flame that poured down, the red dog pressed down the depression in the heart, and after a big drink, he slammed out.

Half of the body of the red dog was directly turned into magma. This punch was thrown out, and the magma of the sky was madly surging, as if the entire sky was covered, and the red flame was pressed wildly.

Under this magma, it seems that the red-gold flame will be directly destroyed.


In the next moment, countless people, including the red dog, are shocked by the heart, because the result is exactly the opposite!

After the sky's magma and red-gold flames collided together, it turned out to be a touch!

The red-black magma released by the red dog, after touching the red-gold flame, was directly burned out by the flame for a moment, as if it was not a level power at all!

boom! !

The red-gold flame directly smashed the magma, and the red dog wrapped in the magma suddenly escaped, and was directly hit by the red-gold flame. The whole person rushed back and rolled back.

It was such an instant.

Not only the magma released by the red dog, but also burned to the ashes by the flame, even the body of the red dog is directly ignited by this flame!

boom! !

The red-gold flame fell to the ground. Under the horror and incredible gaze of countless people, the land of the area was burned to ashes, and a huge pothole appeared directly on the ground!

What a horrible flame!

Oh! !

The red dog was directly returned from the magma, and the wolverine fell on the ground in the distance. Half of the clothes were burned directly and the body was burned.

Even the elementalization of the natural system has no effect!

"This is impossible!"

Looking at the red-gold flame, the unbelievable face of the red dog is already in vain.

At that moment, if he did not directly use the armed color domineering to resist, it would be impossible to burn it directly into the ashes by the flames of the flames!

This flame... is above his magma?

How can it be! !


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