God Of Soul System

Chapter 212: beat!

"Nothing is impossible.??"

"You are just an ordinary magma, and I am the fire of the sun that can burn the magma. I am completely in a relationship with you."

Luo Ya stood there with a smile, a slight sarcasm in his eyes, and transferred the words he had said in the original book of the red dog, and returned to the past as it was.

When I heard Roya's words, the expression of the red dog immediately became ugly, biting his teeth, clenching his fists, and showing bloodshot eyes in his eyes.

How can there be no substantial flame than he can have substantial magma? !


The red dog roared, and the whole person suddenly turned into a magma, traversing in all directions, and then from the ground, suddenly a horrible magma column was raised, rising from the sky, as if to bury the sky, devour it!

Seeing this scene, the Warring States Qinglan and Huang Wei, three people, refused to be shocked by the power that Roya had just revealed. They all looked like a sinking face and prepared to resist the aftermath of this terrorist attack.

This time.

There is no doubt that the Red Dog is completely unreserved, even without regard to how much damage his ability will cause, and the magma of the sky is surging, sweeping in all directions!

In the original book, the Red Dog and the Green Bar, in order to compete for the position of the Marshal, but the island of the New World Punk Hasad permanently changed the climate and turned into an ice fire island!

How powerful is the natural ability to perform fully? !

Oh la la! !

The rolling magma rushed in all directions, and even the square was completely swallowed up. The figure of the red dog has disappeared and disappeared into the numerous magma.

The earth turned into a magma wave, which rushed toward Roya, and the magma fire pillars swept across the four sides, also twisted with Roya as the center.

Such a terrible attack has already caused countless navies to be shocked.

Under such a smashing magma, Luo Ya's figure is like a boat in the sea. It seems to be crumbling and will be overturned at any time.

But just in the next moment.

Luo Ya shot.

He showed a proud color, and his body showed a kind of imperial power. Facing the magma of the sky, he still seemed to be condescending, overlooking everything!

"Hot hell!"

Luo Ya single hand-held sword, the power of the blade of fire, unscrupulous explosion, the flame of horror centered on him and spread away in all directions.

The moment when the flame touches the magma, it is like destroying the rot, and the magma is burned to the ashes!

I don't know where the red dog is in the magma sea, madly urging his ability, even if the magma is burned into ashes, it still goes to the frantic surging.

A magma fire pillar is like a sky!

at this time.


Roya's eyes were cold and arrogant, and looked at the magma that was constantly surging and burning. The thousand magic in his hand finally waved gently and made a simple guiding action.

boom! boom! boom! ! !

Under the astounding gaze of countless people, from the ground, a red-gold flame smashed the magma, smashed the magma, and rushed to the sky, turning it into a horrible tower of fire!

This road passes through the pillars of fire, and after a moment of smashing in all directions, after striking with the magma column, it is almost instantaneous, and the magma is burned to the ashes!

call! !

Along with the appearance of the towering fire pillar, the flame around Roya is also a crazy explosion, completely sweeping in all directions, directly rolling over the magma.

Wherever you go, it’s like dying and dying. The magma can’t resist this flame, and it’s been smashed directly!

The ordinary magma on the earth, and the flame on the surface of the sun, is simply the gap between heaven and earth!

Roya’s strength is already stronger than that of the red dog, not to mention the relationship between the ability and the gram, just like the Aes in the original face of the red dog. The current red dog faces Roya, and there is no any at all. The power of resistance!

Bang! !

The flames swept in all directions, and the horrible heat waves were crushed away, and even the green crickets had to release ice to cool down.

Even the distance from the distance, the naval schools still feel a sensation, as if to burn them into ashes of horrible heat!

No one is talking.

Because it has already lost its voice!

Oh! !

Under the sweep of the flame, the magma was devoured and burned out, leaving the red dog in it, incredibly stimulating the magma capacity to the extreme, and still being crushed!

Between the heavens and the earth, the magma is replaced by the red-gold flame!

When Roya retracted the thousand illusions and gently swayed the sword to extinguish the flame, there was already a huge pit like a bowl in the square. The hard stone was as hard as the special stone of steel. Next, it is still directly burned out.

At the bottom of the pit, the red dog was black and black, and there was no life and death lying there.


Everyone is looking at this huge pit. I don't know who swallowed it and looked at Roya's eyes with incredible and shocking.

The result of this promotion has no doubt.

The Navy General Red Dog... defeat!

Luo Ya was almost crushed and defeated, and even failed to leave a trace of scar on Luo Ya, although the ability to be restrained, but still proved that Luo Ya's strength, has been powerful to a level of almost unbelievable!

"The promotion war... passed."

I don't know which navy lieutenant general, muttered.

Years ago.

Roya is only a recruit in the recruiting battalion. When he graduated, he defeated the squad of the squad, and showed his amazing talent. He was promoted to be a major general.

Then, in the West Sea, Luo Ya propped up the name of the first branch of the West Sea, defeated the Don Quixote family cadres, and even defeated the multi-Franming brother!

Go back to the headquarters.

Roya served as Lieutenant General of the Department. The New World War was amazed, killing Dr. Jack and fighting for the four emperors!

And now, the strength of Roya has already made them look up!

In just a few years, Luo Ya has passed through many unknowings, and many people have been unable to cross the hurdles in their lives. Finally, they stand at the peak of this sea!

"Really done."

Qingyan was shocked by the strength of Luo Ya, and he could not help but mutter.

Roya’s scene at the beginning of the recruiting battalion seems to be still vivid. In the twinkling of an eye, Luo Ya has already defeated the red dog and passed the general promotion and will become a new naval general.


The age of the sea thief has been sixteen years.

Lieutenant General Meng Qi d Luo Ya, in the promotion of the generals, defeated the Navy Headquarters, the Red Dog, successfully passed the promotion and became the new general of the Navy.

The news came out and shocked the world! 8

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