God Of Soul System

Chapter 262: See also the Revolutionary Army (fourth)

boom! !

Ace was once again turned over by Roya, but still struggled to get up and continue to fight, but the will is firmer and his physical strength is limited.

"It's almost gone. You can't even get up if you get up."

Luo Ya stood there, and there was a smile in his eyes. Before in the East China Sea, he wanted to teach the two disobedient scorpions, Luffy and Ace, but at that time Ace was too small to bully the children. Things are too much to lose face.

Now, no problem!

"You guy..."

"Well, then I have to say a few words, clear the field first."

Roya looked at Ace, who was still struggling to get up. He smiled and smiled. His face became serious and stood still, but there was a sudden horror in his body.

Overlord color domineering!

boom! !

Luo Ya's overlord color tyrants swept across all directions, in addition to avoiding Ace, directly pushing everyone down.

Ace blinked, and if he felt it, the next moment he saw the distant, all the people in all directions, all like dominoes, one by one, fell into pieces in pieces!

Between the moments.

There were only two people in the field and he and Luo Ya.

Roya didn't take Ace again, but turned his hands and turned around, taking a few steps at random.

Looking at Roya's back, Ace did not attack again, but took a deep breath and slowly calmed down the body's soreness and exhaustion.

"In fact, it is useless to say more. You know what I mean. Uncle Kapp is also taking it for granted. You can't be a navy. It's never possible. The world government can't pull this face."

Roya sank for a while and slowly spoke.

Ace is the son of One Piece Roger. If he really joined the Navy and became a naval general, the news will leak out one day in the future. The impact on the Navy is absolutely unprecedented.

Even if it is Karp and the Warring States, or even the world government, it is impossible to suppress it!

Does Karp not understand this?

In fact, Kapu’s mind is very clear. He only deliberately “does not understand”. Karp is not stupid at all. He just deliberately pretends to be stupid, and he is stupid for Ace.

When he heard Roya's words, Ace was silent for a moment, and immediately ridiculed himself: "How can the sin of the sin be a navy, and the same is true of Luffy."

"Luffy does not mention it for the time being, he is still different from you."

Luo Ya waved his hand and said: "I won't say anything to make you quit the great route. If I want to say something, the only point is to focus on it... I have to think about things and less trouble for Capu."

"Although you have to be a pirate, but the pirates are different from the pirates, some things can be avoided. I don't think you are going to do anything to kill and rob the pirates. If that is the case, then you don't have to give Capu. I am in trouble, I will throw you into the prison directly."

"Okay, let's do it, I am leaving."

After Roya turned his head and looked at Ace, he shook his head slightly and then stepped away.

Ace looked at Roya and left, the physical strength that supported him standing seemed to be exhausted. He fell down with some powerlessness and looked at the sky.

Karp, Roya, Luffy, Saab...

One figure after another flashed in front of his eyes, and finally turned into a sigh.


Roya taught Ace, and before leaving the island, the phone bug rang.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

When Roya took out the phone bug, after the connection, it was not the voice of the Warring States, but the sound of Karp, and he heard the Karp at the other end of the phone bug laughing.

"Roya, have you seen Ace's stinky boy?"

"I saw it, and I slammed it." Roya smiled and responded.

"It’s the trick!"

Karp clenched his fist at the other end of the phone bug and slammed two times. "The stinky boy actually ran to be a pirate. It really meant to mad at me."

Luo Ya couldn't help but smile and shook his head. "Eas if you think about it, you can understand that you can understand that unless we overthrow the world government, it doesn't make any sense."


Rao is Karp's nerves, and it is not too light for Roya to smash the world government. Even if he hates the world government most, he has no idea of ​​overthrowing the world government.

Most of this stinky boy will do something more than Ace and Luffy. Karp’s inexplicable feeling is this.

"When it comes to Luffy, should you still be a pirate all day? I can't avoid it." Roya chuckled and shifted the subject.

Not to mention Luffy okay, when it comes to Luffy, Karp is irritated, almost hate iron and not steel: "Luffy that kid!!"

"No! I have to take time off to return to the East China Sea!"

Through the phone, Luo Ya can hear the madness of Kapu Na, and when he heard that Karp had to return to the East China Sea, Luo Ya couldn't help but smack his mouth, so that the little scorpion of Lu Fei had a silent sorrow.

Hang up after the phone bug.

Luo Ya went to the beach and looked at the innocent sea. Suddenly she felt a burst of laughter, then shook her head helplessly and muttered: "The world has me, what should not happen, it will not happen, you Just rest assured."


Great route.

On a large island, in a very luxurious hotel, Roya is sitting by the window, holding a delicate goblet in his hand, filled with crystal wine.

Roya doesn't hate to enjoy, and sometimes enjoys it.

After dealing with Ace's affairs and a bunch of chaos that Ace directly provoked, Roya did not return directly to the naval headquarters, but stayed in this for a while, and Ace had caused a lot of trouble in the country.

Leaning against the window, Roya leisurely tasted the wine and looked at the scenery on the street outside.

It is at this time.

Roya suddenly blinked and looked at a corner of the street, narrowing her eyes.

In that direction, a girl with orange hair is slowly crossing the street and disappearing into a small alleyway.

"A very familiar figure... Who is it?"

Luo Ya vaguely felt very familiar. In the mind, she first flashed Nami, but shook her head. Nami could not appear on the great route, and then thought about it, and finally locked a person.


Like the female Emperor Hancock, they were slaves of the Tianlong people. They were liberated at the same time. After a series of incidents, they joined the revolutionary army. They were calm and have strong working abilities. They often helped Saab to handle various trivial matters. As for Saab, there is nothing to do.

"The revolutionary army will appear here. It seems that Ace has caused a big trouble here. There is no reason. I have always said that this has always been a little weird."

Roya touched her chin, revealing a thoughtful expression.

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