God Of Soul System

Chapter 263: Kerla (fifth)

Kerla carefully passed through the roadway and walked all the way to an inconspicuous corner. There was a dark door here, and she pushed the door open and went in.

"It's Kerla, you are back."

In the darkness, a figure appeared, and the color of the alert appeared in the eyelids. When he saw the figure of Kerla, he put down his alert and sighed with relief: "How?"

This figure is also a member of the Revolutionary Army, the fisher Haku, often acting with Kerla.

Kerla said with a serious expression, "This country has temporarily settled down. What is our next action plan?"

Haku looked at Kerla, and he said: "Saab and Dragon will come soon."


When he heard that Saab was coming, Kerla did not reveal any surprise, but when he heard that the dragon had to come in person, he could not help but be a little surprised. "Do you want to come over in person?"

"Well, it is estimated that it will arrive soon."

Upon hearing Haku's response, Kerla's nephew showed a wise color, and after a little thought, nodded.

"Also, this country is a very important place. After the fire fist Ace incident, although the situation has stabilized, it has advantages and disadvantages for us."

Ace and Saab and Luffy are the three brothers of the righteousness, but now Saab is saved by the dragon as in the original book. After the amnesia, he joined the revolutionary army. Krall and Haku naturally did not know about it.

And in the conversation between Kerla and Haku.

The outside door was suddenly pushed away again, so that the voices of both of them stopped abruptly, and the heart jerked, and they turned their heads and looked at it. They immediately saw a figure pushing the door and coming in.

Who is not Roya?

With Roja's current strength, it is not too easy to sneak into Kerr, and even after crossing the wall, I can clearly hear the dialogue between Kerla and Haku.


Kerla and Haku are almost all pupils, and the two have shown a very alert look.

"The revolutionary army also has undercover and layout in this country. You are really everywhere."

Luo Ya walked in leisurely and glanced at Kerla and Haku, and said: "Listen to what you just said, it seems that the dragon is coming here?"

"This guy……"

When Haku heard Roya’s words, he suddenly sank in his heart and his eyes were cold and cold. “I heard our conversation.”

After taking a deep breath, Haku barely hesitated and directly put up the attacking posture.

"Fishman Karate..."

Haku was ready to attack Roya, but did not notice the Kerra around him, staring at Roya's face, revealing an incredible and terrifying look.

Seeing Haku’s attack on Roja, Kerla exclaimed.

"Haku is fast!"

However, Haku couldn’t hold his hand and rushed to Luo Yazhen’s bang.

So care.

boom! !

Roya's understatement raises his hand and throws Haku, the fisherman's strongman, directly to the bottom, and the strength is not at a level.

Seeing this scene, Kerla's pupils contracted violently, and a pair of big eyes were full of horror, and the forehead was sweaty.

Really him!

Luo Ya did not shoot, she is not quite sure, and now seeing Roya waved directly to Haku, she is clever and responsible for all kinds of intelligence, has already confirmed the identity of Roya.

Naval Head General, Ghost Sword Roya!

"Really, I didn't intend to start, I said... Can you move me a chair and stand up and talk very tired."

After Luo Ya raised his hand and flew to Haku, he deliberately showed a slightly helpless tone, and then he looked at Kerla with a sly look and smiled.

If she asked Kella a question, what she had seen the most horrible smile, she would not hesitate to choose Roya's smile, which looks like a harmless face.

Kerla thoughts continually flashed in her mind. Rao is smart, ghostly, and she is also full of cold sweat. I don't know how to tell Long and Saab about the exposure.

If she falls, it will be a problem. After a while, Dragon and Saab are coming, but it is a big problem!

But whatever she thought, she didn't think she could play some small moves in front of Roya, who was hailed as the strongest naval general.

In order to delay the time.

Kerla's gave Luo Ya a chair, and Luo Ya was directly made by the Malaysian Golden Knife, a very leisurely look.

"When did you join the Revolutionary Army?"

"What is the revolutionary army?"

Kerla showed a fascinating expression that I didn't understand.

Luo Ya snorted and said: "I will give you ninety-nine points for your expression. I am afraid that you will be less proud."


Kerla was almost picked up, but it also showed a touch of surprise. I didn't expect Roy, the navy general, to be completely different from what I imagined.

Legend has it that Luo Ya, a naval general, is a horrible demon than a monster.

Roya sat there looking at Kerla, and said slowly: "To answer my questions honestly, you can eat less."

Kerla bites his silver teeth and turns his face across the jar. He said: "I will never betray! I want to get information from me, impossible!!"


Roya narrowed her eyes and looked at Kerla. She smiled and said, "Is it? I like you, the beautiful girl who is unyielding. You said how should I force you to confess?"

Roya deliberately added a tone to the word 'strict torture.'

Kerla's body trembled a little, but still showed a tenacious gaze, standing with his little mouth standing, it seems that the idea was not revealed.

When Roja saw it, she showed a ‘evil’ and an evil expression. She stood up and walked up to her, staring at her and looking up and down.

Kerla was scared by Roya's gaze. She couldn't help but step back and her body trembled. "You...what do you want?!"

"Strictly tortured confessions."

Roya continued to stare at her slow opening with ‘evil’ eyes.

Kerla bites her silver teeth and finally completely closes her heart. She closes her eyes directly. She looks at Luo Ya in this movement, and she wants to tease a few more times. She also thinks that she and Hancock were together. As a slave to the Tianlong people.


Luo Ya finally reached out her finger and bounced **** her forehead. She screamed and slammed back a few steps, rubbing her forehead and opening her eyes.

Is this also a torture confession? !

"Hey, I wanted to send a boring time before the dragon came over."

Roya returned to the chair just next to sit down, tilted her leg, and dragged her chin in one hand, sitting there without the image of a naval general.

Looking at the ‘original form of Lulu’, Ronaldo, Kerla glared at her forehead, and stunned.

You are not the navy general I imagined!

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