God Of Soul System

Chapter 264: Monch D Dragon

On the sea.

A large sailing ship without a pirate flag is slowing down, not far from a large island.

On the deck of the sailboat, the revolutionary army leader with a dark green cloak, Monchi dlong, was standing there, the dark green cloak half blocked his face, the sea breeze blew, and the corner of the cloak fluttered in the wind.

"It’s coming soon."

Next to the dragon, a golden-haired teenager who looked like a lot of sunshine, Saab, who had been sympathetic with Ais Luffy, was standing there and yelling at the dragon.


The dragon nodded and looked at the island far away. The corner of his mouth slightly raised a smile. During this time, the revolutionary army developed more and more rapidly, and the spread of thought was also a festival.

He has gradually seen the dawn of overthrowing the world government and overthrowing the rule of the nobility. Although this dawn is still far away, it has finally emerged.

"After waiting, you should go to Kelhahacu to meet, and be careful not to cause any trouble." The dragon looked at the island in front of him and was getting closer, and Saab, who was on the side, told him.

The revolutionary army is the dissemination of ideas, the resistance to world government rule from the grassroots level, and not the positive struggle with the world government. The dragon has been avoiding positive struggles.


Saab nodded.

Soon, the ship finally landed on the inconspicuous corner of the large island. Saab jumped directly from the deck and landed on the shore of the island, taking out a telephone bug and walking towards the island.


In a hidden building on the island, Luo Ya is sitting there leisurely, and Kerla, the beautiful girl, is standing behind Roya and carefully giving Luo Ya a hammer.

The gaze in her eyes continued to flash, her heart was extremely nervous, her forehead was sweaty, and she wanted to try to kill Roya directly, but she never dared to try.

Even standing behind Roya, she didn't dare to do small tricks.

"If you want to kill me, you can try it."

Roya sat there, and it seemed that Kerra, who was behind, wanted to do a little trick, and suddenly looked at her like a smile.

When I heard Roya’s words, Kerla’s movement suddenly became stiff and could not help but angrily said: “You are a naval general. I am afraid to lend me a courage, saying that you are a good navy general, so bullying. Really okay?!"

Luo Ya smiled and said: "I asked you about the revolutionary army. You don't answer me. Let you come over and shoulder your shoulders. You still don't want to, how do you want to be, I am half-dead and thrown into jail. ?"

When I heard Roya, Kerla bites her silver teeth, and she is a little crazy. If she doesn't know that Roya is a naval general, if she doesn't know that she can't win Roya, if she is not worried about the dragon and Saab, she I have already picked up my little fist and Luo Ya is desperate.

"It’s really going to be a big problem in this way..."

Kerla’s heart is constantly leaping. It is estimated that Saab and the dragon may have arrived. Once something happens with the Navy general, Kerla simply can’t think.

And it is at this time.

Kerla’s voice sounded like a phone bug.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The sound of this phone bug suddenly made Kerla's movements once again stiff, and in this hidden building, it gave a feeling of solitude and horror.

"Take it."

Luo Ya sat up straight and glanced at Kerla sideways. He said, "Is it a dragon? What do you say when you say something, you should not have to teach me how to speak."

Kerla only thought that this moment seemed to be like a year, as if every second had been extremely difficult, she took out the phone bug from her pocket little by little.

"Hey? Kerla, where are you and Haku? I have arrived." The other end of the phone bug came to Saab's voice.

Kerla's watery eyes flashed a hesitant look.

Luo Ya's meaning she is very clear, is to let her normal answer to normal response, so that Dragon and Saab will come here naturally.


Didn't hear Kerla's answer, Saab's tone suddenly brought a trace of strangeness.

"Ah, that... is Mr. Long now with you?" Kerla knew that he couldn't hesitate, and he was tightened by Roya's eyes, and he couldn't help but cautiously ask at the phone.

Saab felt that Kerla's tone was a bit strange, but he replied: "We are temporarily separated. Where are you? I will come and join you."

"I'm here……"

Kerla bit his teeth and suddenly shouted at the phone bug: "You are leaving the island! The Navy is on this island! He is here now!!"

When Kerla suddenly shouted out, Saab was suddenly sluggish.

"what did you say?!"

"Hey! Kerla! Kerla!"

Saab on the other end of the phone bug, after the reaction, a pair of eyes suddenly widened, the voice anxiously yelled at the phone worm, but the call has been interrupted.


Kerla shouted a word, as if she had already drained her strength, and after hanging the phone bug, she looked at Roya with her eyes closed and waiting to die.

When Roya looked at her, she couldn’t help but smile. He said, "You broke the jar, or what happened. How can you be smart and clever? You think that you are shouting like this, the dragon is not. Will you come?!"

Roja’s words woke up to Kerla, who was about to die.


Even if she said what the Navy generals can do here, will Long and Saab be retreating? Even if there are two naval generals here, I am afraid that it is impossible for Dragon and Saab to retreat!

In her heart, she couldn't help but conceal that she was an idiot. At this critical moment, she was in a chaotic mood and did such an idiot.

"Oh, it seems that the identity of the dragon is really not known to many people, even you don't know."

Looking at Kerla's look, Roya couldn't help but reveal a helpless color. "Do you know who I am?"

Kerla was desperate in her heart, she was crying by herself, and when she heard the words of Roya, she suddenly felt inexplicable

The identity of the dragon? !

She had a look of uncertainty in her eyes and looked at Roya.

Luo Ya rushed at her and said: "My full name, you should know, Mengqi d Luoya, then the full name of the dragon... Don't you know that it is a monk d dragon?!"


When Kerla heard Roja’s words, she finally straightened her eyes and revealed a look of 'dogs and dogs’, and looked at Roya unbelievably.

It is no secret that Roya is the nephew of the hero of the navy, Karp. Many people in the sea are saying that there is an iron fist in front of the club, and there is a ghost sword in the back.

But in addition to Roya, there are no other relatives in Karp, or Roja has no other relatives, and the news is almost completely unchecked by the world government!

Mengqi d Luoya...Monge d dragon...

Is this not to say that the naval hero Tekken Kapu, and Roya, the mighty sea, have made the naval generals of the countless pirates fearful, and the leader of the revolutionary army, has a blood relationship? !

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