“Haha, there are more than thirty more deep believers!”

After seeing the level of the believers increase, Lin Feng was also a little happy.

Because at the level of deep believers, there will be no easy conversion of faith.

And even if he no longer responds to prayers, he can maintain a steady daily power of faith.

Then comes the beginning of the great cause of God’s grace, for which he needs to devote his infinite energy!

“So many sacrifices, is it together?”

“No, no, no, let’s come one by one.”

After all, he is only a first-order demigod, and in the face of these fierce female warriors, even if he is in the God Domain, it is too late to recover his physical strength and energy.

Subsequently, Lin Feng recruited the first person to enter this temple.

“I am Bailiru, the daughter of the priest, and thank the great God of Gifts for giving Ru’er the opportunity to receive this supreme divine grace!”

It is different from the hundred miles of the white tiger bloodline.

Bailiru’s beastization turned out to be a bloodline similar to that of a giant horned deer.

The figure has become taller, and a pair of huge antlers have grown out of the head (I know that normal does do not have horns, but this is a giant horned deer in the fantasy world, and the doe also has horns ~ ask is the XP system ~)

It seems that it is not as domineering as the white tiger, but it has a calm breath.

“Sure enough, these thousands of worlds belong to fantasy worlds.”

“Even if it is only the weakest level 1 secret world, the most ordinary Terran tribe actually belongs to the fantasy race.”

“As it stands.”

“The Baili clan should be the descendants of the Tiger Race and the Deer Race in the ancient orc race.”

“Once the power of the beast hidden in the bloodline is activated, it can obtain powerful power and directly transform into an orc warrior.”

Lin Feng thought to himself secretly for a moment in his heart.

But then, with some carelessness, he almost overturned against the deer warrior for the first time.

Unexpectedly, the part of the deer people’s bloodline strengthening is endurance and endurance.

Although not as strong as Baili Crisp’s desire to take the initiative to attack.

But Bailiru’s defense is solid.

If it weren’t for the fact that this was his God Domain, with a hundred times more energy to recover, he would almost not be able to attack.

Fortunately, among the ten sacrifices selected.

Only three are giant deer bloodlines, and the rest are tiger bloodlines.

After more than ten hours of wheel battle, after giving everyone the first divine grace, Lin Feng also had to truce.

But he had always stayed in the Secret Realm and had never returned to the Origin God Realm.

Because the flow rate of time inside and outside is not the same, staying here, you can also get more rest time.

If you go out, rest for a little more than fourteen minutes, it will be equivalent to more than a day, and you have to come and give divine grace, so often, there is no room for the landlord’s house!

Just when Lin Feng picked up the nutrition express.

The magic was suddenly triggered——

【Congratulations! You and the believer Bailiru have a descendant of a god! 】

[Bailiru has received the blessing of God, and the power of the ancient bloodline has been greatly improved! ] 】


“This time it turned out to be… A shot into the soul? ”

Lin Feng also felt a hint of surprise.

The last time I fought with Baili Crisp for a few days and nights, it was only before the enemy attacked.

I didn’t expect it to be so fast this time!


The other side.

After accepting the gift, Bailiru, who returned to his room and stood upside down all day, was also very excited at the moment.

Seeing a divine light begin to bloom from his abdomen, Bailiru hurriedly dropped his raised feet from the wall, and his excited hands reached his abdomen excitedly.

“It’s a divine grace!”

“Thank you to the great God of Gifts! Ru’er will definitely protect this divine grace! ”

[Bailiru is promoted to a devout believer! 】

[Divine Grace Feedback]: You have obtained the extraordinary item white 1-star prop Deer Blood Great Supplement Pill x100

[Fetish]: Deer Blood Great Supplement Pill

[Rank]: Extraordinary order

【Quality】: White 1 star

【Quantity】: 100

[Effect]: After eating, it can instantly restore 50% of the physical state, and briefly gain ten times strength, ten times endurance, and permanently improve a small amount of physical attributes. Non-Protoss can only use one per day.

[Special]: For units below the extraordinary, it has a tenfold effect

Seeing this reward, Lin Feng was also a little excited.

Although it is a white 1 star, it is not as good as the previous purple 1 star reward.

But this time it’s an extraordinary item!

And a whole hundred so many!

“This time it’s a consumable item.”

“It can be given to believers as a reward to increase their level of faith in me!”

Taking this opportunity, Lin Feng once again displayed his divine might and summoned the thirty-six clansmen who had been seriously injured in the previous battle when they were attacked by fierce beasts in order to protect the tribe.

Then he gave them the Deer Blood Great Supplement Pill.

Although the Deer Blood Great Supplement Pill is said to restore the state of the body.

But the people in this world are all units below the extraordinary, and the tenfold effect is equivalent to eating one and restoring the state of full blood!

For the people of this tribe, this is completely a life-saving medicine!

In addition, Lin Feng divided thirty Deer Blood Great Supplement Pills and rewarded them with the ten tribal warriors who killed the most enemies and contributed the most among the resisting beasts.

Each person received three Deer Blood Pills, allowing them to exert their strength more powerful in the next battle.

Similarly, improving strength and stamina is also a tenfold increase for these people, that is, you can briefly gain a hundredfold of strength and stamina!

It is already ten times more powerful than the power given by that strange god of power in the channel of gods!


Through the two gifts, Lin Feng showed his attitude.

He will help those who are injured in order to protect the village.

He will also give rewards to those who have made meritorious contributions in the war.

In this way, these believers who received the reward, as well as the believers who envied these believers, also silently raised their faith level a lot.

Last time they fought for the tribe,

But next time, these believers will become fighting for their faith.

[Alternate Protoss]: Lin Feng

[God Name]: The god of gifts

[God Order]: A first-order demigod

[Divine Art]: Many children and many blessings (supreme).

[Divine Power]: 0 points

[Power of Faith]: 1087 (+40 per hour).

Total number of believers: 354

[Primary believers]: Ordinary believers (265).

[Intermediate Believers]: Deep Believers (76), True Believers (9).

[High believers]: devout believers (1), fanatical believers (1).

[Most High Believer]: Divine Messenger (2).

[World Influence]: Level 1 Shard World

[Extraordinary Divine Thing]: Deer Blood Great Supplement Pill x34 (White 1 Star).


“It’s only been a day, and the power of faith has broken through a thousand!”

“And last time, it took three days to get more than three hundred!”

Sure enough, after surviving a difficult start, it was much easier!

Of course, this is mainly because the rank of believers is gradually rising.

Now all pan-believers have been raised to the level of universal believers.

A quarter of the entire tribe has reached the level of deep believers.

However, the main source of faith value harvest is still his two unborn heirs, each of whom provides a fixed 20 points per hour!

“There are still more than seven fanatical believers left to complete the assessment!”

“Those Protoss who have obtained healing divine arts will make it easier to raise the difficulty of believers.”

“To make sure you can be the first to complete the mission and get the only reward, you must hurry!”

“The revolution has not yet succeeded!”

“We still need to continue to cultivate!”

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and took out a Deer Blood Great Supplement Pill and put it in his mouth.

Then he continued to call on several people who had not yet succeeded in obtaining the divine grace to come to the temple and wait for disposal.


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