“What? The elite beast tamer of my clan was actually killed? ”

“This can’t be!”

“He was personally taught by me, the most talented beast trainer in the entire tribe!”

Beast taming tribe, in front of the ancestral temple.

The patriarch’s face was full of disbelief.

“That Baili Clan tribe?”


“They are just physically strong, and they have no ability beyond that!”

“No matter how powerful ordinary people are, how can they compare with our beasts?”

Although the patriarch is still explaining strongly.

But after death, the beast soul returned to the architectural beast altar unique to their tribe, which made him know very well.

The enemy that the army of beasts can’t bear, as a relatively weak beast tamer, will definitely not be able to live.

The high priests of the beast taming tribes are responsible for pacifying the souls of these beasts, while also obtaining some special information from them.

“The beast soul seems to express a strong sense of fear!”

“There is no doubt that the Baili Clan has also been protected by the Divine Clan!”

After hearing this, the beast taming patriarch sneered.

“Hmph, our beast taming tribe is the strongest tribe in this barbaric continent for millions of miles!”

“And our great, eternal, handsome, and strong god of fury is also the most powerful god race among the ancient gods!”

“District, a hundred miles clan, watch me destroy his prestige!”

“High Priest, prepare for the worship ceremony, I will ask for the blessing of the gods!”

In the temple.

The God of Rage also enjoyed hearing the prefix of his god’s name called by his people.

At the same time, he was proud of his luck, and the initially allocated force was such a powerful tribe.

Although because the tribal people themselves are powerful, they are not so dependent on him.

As a result, the level of faith has been raised relatively slowly, and so far all believers are pan-believers.

But as long as the tribe is strong and lasts longer, he can develop more steadily without worrying about these believers dying all at once.

“On the other hand, another friend who is bound to the Baili clan, I can’t stop!”

“Who told you to provoke the beast trainer of our tribe!”

Although the God of Fury said these words, his expression was full of the attitude of watching the play.

After all, people are selfish, and the new generation of the Protoss is all crossed by earthlings, and naturally the same.

Soon, he accepted the request of his clansmen.

A berserk divine spell was used on them, attaching a berserk blessing to each tamer.

The opponent can choose to turn on the Berserk Aura at the right time and cover the Beast Legion.

And the beast tamers of the beast taming tribe, although not every one of them is like a dead genius beast tamer, one person can train sixty fierce beasts.

But even the weakest beast trainer can train at least ten fierce beasts.

The population of the taming tribe is around six hundred.

Half of them became official trainers.

With the strength of the entire clan, he was easily able to create a terrifying legion of five thousand fierce beasts.

This is the main reason why they dare to dominate in a million miles!

It has been many years since a tamer has been killed by another tribe.

And this time it was the genius beast tamer who died.

So the patriarch is even more ruthless.

Directly decided to pour out and show the surrounding tribes the strength of their tribe!

“Leave a thousand beasts behind, bring an army of four thousand beasts, bring fire and grain to prepare for a long battle, I will sweep the surroundings within a month!”

“The first target is the Baili Clan who doesn’t have long eyes!”


Channel of the Gods.

I saw that the God of Rage continued to show his strength here because he had nothing to do, showing off to other gods.

[Brothers, look, my beast taming tribe, isn’t it awesome?] (Tribal photo)].

[Five thousand beast army, just ask who can get this kind of start in the Tier 1 Secret Realm World? (Beast tide photo)].

[It seems that the god king of this generation is none other than me! ] 】

The God of Rage took photos through divine photography and posted them to the Gods Channel.

Sure enough, seeing the mighty army of beast tides, and the ordinary tribes, thousands of crushing blows, immediately aroused the envy of many people.

[Lying groove, a glance of thimbles, the God of Fury identified as the thigh of the Protoss! ] 】

[Is this name wrong?] It should be called the god of luck, right? Otherwise, why are you so lucky? 】

[Fart, Lao Tzu is the god of luck, and as a result, he was assigned to a small tribe with an initial population of less than a hundred people, and they were all old, weak, sick and disabled! ] 】

[I’m too difficult, my cold god, assigned to a cold ice world, everyone’s ice resistance here is full, my divine magic has no effect at all! ] 】

[It seems that this assessment reward cannot be won ~].

[With such a big guy as the God of Rage, how could we possibly grab the assessment reward?] 】

[That is, it is good to be able to complete it in a month, and I dare not expect it in the first place! ] 】

However, just when everyone was chatting hotly.

The ethereal divine consciousness prompt sounded again after a long absence——

[Congratulations to the God of Gifts, the first to complete assessment two [Develop ten believers into fanatical believers (medium)]].

[Reward God of Gifts Sublimation Rank Orange Chest x1! ] 】

[Please continue to work hard with other new Protoss candidates and strive to get other assessment rewards!] 】

This tip came out.

Immediately, the channel of gods was silenced for several seconds.

Immediately after, frantically brushed up.

【Groove??? 】

【What’s the situation?】 That’s it? 】

[Even if it is the time of the secret world, it has only been a week and!?] 】

[God of gifts? It seems that I haven’t seen his speech before, but he made a fortune in a muffled voice? 】

[@狂暴之神老哥, your reward is grabbed ~].

[This reward is so cool!] It turned out to be a sublimation step, and it was also an orange treasure chest! 】

[How is this possible?] Even if it is my healing god, the highest level of believers is only deep believers, and there are no more than ten! 】

[Deep believers – true believers – devout believers – fanatical believers… This spans several stages! 】

[@恩赐之神大佬, can you come out and teach how to improve the faith level of believers?] 】

[Strategy! ] 】

【Guide+10086!!! 】


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