The land of a hundred barbares.

Next to the confluence of a river and a valley.

There is a huge field of flowers.

Located not far from this land full of flowers, there is a tribe that is not too large.

However, the people who live here are not ordinary humans.

It is not a half-orc with the bloodline of the beast clan like the Baili clan.

The people here have sharp ears, everyone has beautiful facial features and clear eyes.

The race that lives here is the flower fairy.

It feeds on nectar and exudes the fragrance of flowers.

Because there is a deep mountain forest here, and there is a large rift valley as a heavenly graben, it is difficult to find this place, and there are almost no traces of foreign invasion.

Because of the peace here for a long time.

The people of this tribe never considered seeking the protection of the gods.

But I didn’t expect that in the recent period, it was as if a natural disaster had come.

The flowers in the flower field have withered, and these flower fairies have fallen into a serious epidemic.

Everyone became weak and weak, and their life force was rapidly passing.

Just a few days have passed.

There is no single healthy person in the tribe.

The loss of labor means slow death for the entire village.

Until this time.

It occurred to some people that they must rely on external forces to help them solve this crisis.


In fact, they had already discovered the white god statue that Lin Feng had activated a year ago.

It’s just that it was only placed in the ancestral temple before, and this statue was offered by the way when the ancestor was worshipped by the way, but I never prayed to him.

To this day.

It is used as a prayer.

Kneeling in front of the statue was a young, pale, pitiful elf girl.

Xiao Wei used all her strength and said all the words of prayer she could think of, waiting for the gods to respond.

But she didn’t know if it worked.

“Lord God…”


“Even if you take Xiao Wei’s life, if you can exchange one life for another, at least, can you save my sister?”

“Xiao Wei is the only one left of her dearest…”

“Lord God…”

Xiao Wei’s breath became weaker and weaker.

At this moment, the white statue suddenly bloomed with a divine light, covering the entire ancestral temple.

A voice came out of it.

“My God, the God of Grace, has heard your prayer.”

“I will save you and your sister, and all your people.”

Hearing this, Xiao Wei’s desperate eyes suddenly bloomed with a highlight.

The gods really responded to her!

Moreover, not only can she save her dear sister, but even her people?

“Thank the God of Gifts!”

“Xiao Wei promises that in this life, she will follow in the footsteps of the God of Gifts and strengthen the belief in the God of Gifts!”

Xiao Wei’s whole person was extremely excited, and she quickly supported her weak body and knocked on the statue one after another.

The other side.

Lin Feng descended to the statue through divine thoughts, and he had almost probed the specific situation.

Sure enough, everyone fell into weakness, and their vitality was constantly draining.

And these conditions are highly similar to the situation that Little Luoli reported to him that the beast was sick!

That is, this is caused by the same means.

But fortunately, although he did not heal the divine art, he had the fetish to heal the other party!

Through the daughter of the sacrifice, Bailiru, the reward that the little horned deer gave him feedback was the Deer Blood Great Supplement Pill.

And when the second round of divine grace was given, the same item did not change, but the number was increased, giving a full three hundred!

Come to think of it.

Lin Feng didn’t waste any more time doing more divine stick gestures.

After all, if you delay a little longer, maybe a few more clansmen will die.

These are his potential disciples, and none of them can die easily!

“I will give you 316 pills for healing, and you will bring them back and give each of your clansmen one each!”

“Remember, give priority to saving a few seriously ill clansmen, and I can feel that their lives are close to exhaustion.”

Through his divine perception, Lin Feng accurately knew the remaining number of the other party’s tribe.

He also did not hesitate in the slightest, and directly took the three hundred pieces he just obtained, plus the leftovers from the last time, adding up to enough for one per person.

The statue of the god flashes with white light.

The next moment, Xiao Wei saw a beautiful black box containing many white pills suddenly appear in front of her.

Xiao Wei was immediately grateful, and quickly kowtowed to Lin Feng a few more times.

And because this prayer life and death are approaching.

And Lin Feng completed the prayer task extremely quickly.

It actually directly produced a hundred points of faith power.

Even Xiao Wei was directly promoted from the level of a pan-believer to a true believer.

It’s just…

The little girl seemed to be too attached to Lin Feng’s words.

After getting the pill, he didn’t eat it first.

Instead, he held the entire box and left with his weak body, ready to give it to the severely ill people first.

“Oh… Girl, you should hurry up and eat one yourself…”

“Forget it, according to my perception, Xiao Wei’s condition is the mildest, and at most it will not fall down after a hard work.”

Lin Feng’s divine thoughts returned.

Immediately, he activated his divine consciousness and summoned his seventy-six divine sons and goddesses.

“Go to this secret flower valley and bring the believers back there!”

“At the same time, find out the main cause of the disease of the flower fairy there.”

His gods were born with divine power protection, extremely high physique, extremely high potential, extremely high resistance, and extremely high talent.

Now he has become a powerful extraordinary berserker through the secret art of divine magic.

In this world without a cultivation system, it is completely an invincible existence.

Sending a god to accomplish this is the most suitable thing.

Even ordinary toxins are difficult to poison them.

“Obey, Great Father!”

More than seventy boys and girls replied in a childish voice.

But there was determination in his voice, without the slightest fear.

“Well, very good my children, I will bless you with the aura of beasts, and each of you will hurry to your destination as soon as possible!”


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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