Hidden Flower Valley.

In the tribe.

I saw a delicate figure tossing and turning back and forth, entering every household.

All the clansmen were given the life-saving elixir they had prayed for.

Although at first, Xiao Wei was still a little doubtful.

However, when she saw with her own eyes a weak clan who couldn’t even breathe steadily eating this miracle medicine, it took less than two seconds, and she was instantly shocked.

The movement was so loud that it scared her.

There was even a moment when Xiao Wei and this clan member just returned to the light.

However, then it was found that instead of consuming life in exchange for short-term health, it was even really a direct return to the vitality consumed by the epidemic before!

Later, more and more people were saved, and Xiao Wei’s heart became more and more excited and happy.

That great being was really willing to save the entire tribe just because of her prayers!

Xiao Wei was moved in her heart.

At the same time, this faith has become more firm.

She followed the divine guidance until everyone was saved and she returned home with the last two pills.

One was put in my sister’s mouth, and one was put in my own.

A moment later.


Huge life energy gushed out.

At this time, Xiao Wei understood why each clan took the miracle medicine, not only cured the epidemic, but even became healthier.

What a gift from the gods!

God of gifts, is this what a gift means?

“Xiaowei? You…… Did you cure my disease? ”

Xiao Yao, her sister who had just woken up after passing out, looked at herself who had completely returned to normal, with a hint of confusion in her eyes.


Seeing that her loved ones had finally recovered, Xiao Wei was also excited and threw herself directly into Xiao Yao’s arms and cried.

And at the same time.

The other recovered flower fairies of the tribe also surrounded in disbelief.

They all asked Xiao Wei what was going on.

“This is not my credit, it is the magic medicine that Lord God gave me!”

“It was the God of Grace who saved everyone!”

Xiao Wei explained while sobbing and explaining.

At this time, the surrounding flower fairy spirits showed surprised eyes.

“Half a year ago, the statue of the god who appeared in the flower field…”

“Could it be that Lord God predicted that we would have this calamity, so he gave us the opportunity to redeem in advance!”

“On the contrary, we didn’t cherish this opportunity before, and we never really prayed to Lord God!”

“Unexpectedly, we were so insincere, Lord God is still willing to save us!”

“This great god of gifts is worth following for the rest of our lives!”

An elderly elf of the tribe had a passionate glint in his eyes.

However, Lin Feng did not expect that the randomly refreshed white god statue actually allowed these flower fairies to complete their self-raiding.

I thought that he deliberately left the statue there, just for this moment.

However, this also happens that most of the flower fairies, after learning this god name, directly passed the pan-believers and directly reached the belief level of the general believers.

“By the way, Xiaowei, when you prayed to the God of Gifts, what kind of tribute did you offer?”

The older elf asked.

However, Xiao Wei shook her head in confusion.


“I just prayed to the God of Gifts, and I got a response and a blessing!”

“Even the God of Gifts urged me to hurry back with the magic medicine to save you, because Lord God sensed the weakening vitality of several elders.”

Hearing this, the surrounding flower fairy spirits deepened their loyalty to the god name of the God of Gifts.

However, the Flower Fairy Elder instead showed a solemn expression.

“The ancient books say that no god will interfere in the mortal world for no reason, otherwise there will be serious consequences!”

“Therefore, when believers want to receive the blessings of the gods, they will hold sacrifices and offer offerings in exchange for the blessings of the gods.”

“This kind of transaction-like way can not be regarded as meddling in the mortal world for no reason.”

Hearing this, someone soon realized.

“What does the elder mean by this, if we enjoy this divine grace without sacrifice, it means that the gods are receiving punishment in our place?”

“This can’t work, let’s quickly make up the tribute and sacrifice it to Lord God!”

However, someone soon frowned and said, “But… Because of this month’s epidemic, the finest flowers of our tribe have withered, and the nectar has been eaten, and there is nothing to come up with



Xiao Wei suddenly showed a firm look and said, “I said in my prayer, as long as I save the whole clan, even if I give my life!” ”

“So, if I make a sacrifice, I am willing to sacrifice myself to Lord God!”

“The God of Gifts is a good God, Xiao Wei is not willing to let Lord Shenming be punished for my prayers!”

Xiao Yao on the side also looked firm.

“Well, my sister is right, Lord God treats our entire tribe like this, and we can’t live up to it!”

“I will join my sister as a tribute to the God of Gifts!”

In fact, those that the flower fairy elder said.

It’s just incorrect knowledge that comes out of a fragment of ancient books.

But there is a level of godhood involved.

They didn’t dare to snub.

Therefore, the two sisters also sincerely and voluntarily sacrificed their lives in order to complete the sacrificial ceremony and avoid the bad consequences of the gods and lords because of their tribe.

And then….

“Hmm… That’s why you’re going together? ”

Because it went through a formal sacrificial ceremony.

Therefore, the ancestral temple here naturally became Lin Feng’s second temple.

His essence can finally descend to this side.

Looking at the two white and tender flower fairies.

Lin Feng thought about it.

“Originally, I planned to take back the Baili tribe’s side and slowly win over the faith of these people.”

“I intend to wait until my faith is raised before granting divine grace.”

“But now it seems that although the beliefs of other tribes are average, at least the beliefs of these two sisters have reached the level of true believers.”

At this time, some god-given activities are carried out, and the rewards are not small.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng did not refuse.

How can the little white sheep delivered to the mouth be released?

“Do you know that as my offering, I do not offer my life, but my body?”

Hearing this, her sister Xiaowei still didn’t know why

Instead, Xiao Yao flew around the library in her thoughts, and suddenly her face turned red and she lowered her head shyly.

Then explained in a whisper in Xiao Wei’s ear.

Hearing this, Xiao Wei was extremely decisive.

“That’s a good thing!”

“I thought it was a loss of life…”

I am not afraid of death, what else is terrible about this kind of thing.

Rather, let’s say….

She longed for Lord God.

“People are willing to… Come on, God-sama! ”

While speaking, Xiao Wei directly ripped off the clothes woven with flowers on her body.

Then he stepped in front of Lin Feng in one step, stretched out his hand, and pushed Lin Feng down the soft big bed behind him.

Lin Feng, who had to show a comfortable expression, couldn’t help but feel shocked in his heart.

Aren’t the elves all very simple and restrained?

How about this flower fairy.

So raw, so professional?

Stronger than the attack type of the little white tiger!


ps: Ask for flowers and ask for votes

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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