“God Lord ~ The people from the Blood Moon Sect are here!”

In the temple.

Sunset Moon was still kneeling in front of Lin Feng, tirelessly offending Lin Feng.

By the way, he opened his mouth and reported the news to Lin Feng vaguely.

Lin Feng snorted and pressed Xiyue’s head in satisfaction.

It took a while before letting go and chuckling

“Very good, sure enough, as I thought, they poured out every time they went out.”

“Migetsu’s side should be almost there, right?”

Sunset Moon “grunted”, her throat moved, and then licked the corner of her mouth and replied:

“Yes, God Lord, my aunt is responsible for leading the way, and the two hundred and eighty imperial beast masters established have already set off.”

“When the Blood Moon Sect attacks, my aunt should be able to reach her destination.”

“But… Lord God, the Blood Moon Sect Mountain Gate has arranged the Blood Moon War, even if only the four great elders remain, it is enough to resist the attack of thousands of troops…”

“Moreover, the three thousand disciples of the Blood Moon Sect went out together, but the extraordinary professionals in the City of Divine Grace were less than one thousand and fifteen…”

The enemy is huge, and his own side is far inferior in numbers, but he must take the initiative to divide the army into two ways.

This made Xiyue a little worried.

If it was the little white tiger, they would definitely not have the slightest doubt about Lin Feng’s decision.

After all, with less fighting, they can also play the result of crushing, they have already seen it.

After Sunset Moon joined the City of Divine Grace, this was the first time she faced a crisis.

And in the end, it was because of her, and I couldn’t help but feel very worried in my heart and feel some self-blame.

Lin Feng stretched out his hand and caressed Xiyue’s lips: “Don’t worry, the God of the Blood Moon killed all the high-level members of your Xuanyue Sect, including your parents and various elders, which also made me lose more powerful believers.” ”

“And I also promised you and Migetsu’s wish, and it will definitely be done.”

“I know you also want to kill the enemy, go.”

Xiyue really wanted to make a move in person, and hearing Lin Feng’s words, she couldn’t help but show gratitude and surprise in her eyes.

“By the way, when you go out, by the way, let the female believers who are qualified to live in the temple city come over~”

The big battle was imminent, but anyway, it was not Lin Feng’s turn to make a move, so he decided to seize the opportunity and increase his chances of obtaining the divine heir.

Ordinary residents, though mostly his followers.

But after all, because he has just arrived in the extraordinary world, he has just begun to contact extraordinary things.

Therefore, almost all of them are lacking in strength, and almost all of them are slowly improving in the sublimation step.

Only by ascending to the tenth level of sublimation can he have the probability of successfully transferring to the two extraordinary professions he currently possesses: Royal Beast Master and Beast Whisperer.

After that, there was one more option to join the Xuanyue Sect and become an extraordinary cultivator.

For now, though.

The combat power of the City of Divine Grace is still dominated by the Divine Heir Legion.

At present, the six hundred and eighty gods are the most powerful main combat force in the city of divine grace.

The second was the Imperial Beast Division troops, which numbered almost three hundred.

There are also more than two hundred half-orcs from the Baili tribe, and after the bloodline has been improved, they have become extraordinary tiger warriors and deer warriors.

Finally, there are more than two hundred flower fairy elves, because they have been shrouded in the eternal branches for a long time, the elven bloodline in their bodies has been improved, and they have barely reached the sequence of extraordinary races, and have been promoted to the extraordinary first order one after another.



Because the location of the City of Grace is excellent.

If you want to attack in a big way, there is only one way.

And on this road, it is necessary to pass through the outposts of the City of God’s Grace.

The one who has been stationed here for a long time is Lin Feng’s strongest combat power God Heir Legion.

The dispute over the location of the outpost will not affect the stability of the City of God’s Grace.

As long as the enemy does not break through here, it will not affect the inhabitants of the City of Divine Grace at all.

It can avoid the inhabitants fleeing because of the fighting, resulting in the loss of a large number of people and believers in the town.

Of course, for the enemy, breaking through the outpost is also the most beneficial blow.

“Blood Moon Sect disciple!”

“Sacrifice the heads of all evil false god believers to the great god of the blood moon!”


The sect master of the Blood Moon Sect, Blood River, drew the blood-colored great sword behind his back and shouted.

Then the Blood Moon Secret Technique broke out.

The moon hanging high in the sky turned a little blood-red at this moment.

Blood Moon Blessing: When the moon is empty, blood is infected, and the blood moon can greatly improve all friendly forces, increasing the power and effect of the Blood Moon Secret Technique.

Yes, the secret technique of the Blood Moon God is a relatively slight secret technique that can affect the environment.

Directly cast the moon with a layer of blood.

And the disciples of the Blood Moon Sect who had cultivated the Blood Moon Secret Technique had obtained extremely high amplification effects.

With each round of swing of the long sword in his hand, it was as fierce and ruthless as being able to cut a bloodstain in the air.

“Guardian God Supreme Glory!”

The head of the Son of God did not have the slightest fear in the face of the enemy’s attack.

As a berserker, he directly shouted angrily, and launched a fearless charge.

And at the same time.

The God of the Blood Moon, who locked the perspective of the believers, laughed directly when he saw this scene.

“Oh, it’s really just a little new god.”

“After hundreds of subordinates, they can use it, and they dare to compare with the Blood Moon Sect that I have carefully operated for almost twenty years?”

“Although the City of Divine Grace has a total population of more than six thousand, it is twice as large as my Blood Moon Sect.”

“But this kind of mixed city of faith is simply useless, it is better to run a sect of faith!”

In the eyes of the Blood Moon God, this is where a newcomer Protoss is inexperienced.

Only the quantity of believers is pursued, not quality.

However, the moment the believers on both sides made contact, he was a little dumbfounded


I saw a punch from the Son of God, and a sword came down from the blood river, and there was a deep blood mark on his fist, but other than that, there was no big problem.

On the other hand, on the side of the blood river, the long sword in his hand broke, and the whole person was blasted backwards tens of meters by a punch, smashed the ground and rolled several times before stopping.

“This… How can it be? Blood River is an extremely talented Blood Moon Secret Technique user! ”

“At a young age, less than thirty years old, he is already a genius at the peak of the extraordinary fifth order!”

“It turned out to be a … A little fart who looks less than thirteen years old, flying ??? ”

The God of the Blood Moon was stunned.

Only then did he sit up straight and quickly scout the strength of the other party.

I don’t know if I don’t look, but I’m shocked when I see it.

“Sixth-order pinnacle ???”

“Dozens of sixth orders??”

“Isn’t this the outer edge of the transcendent world?”

“People who can cultivate beyond the transcendent third order are already rare, right??”

“Where did this God of Gifts find so many gifted believers?!”

At this time, the forehead of the Blood Moon God had begun to slowly ooze a drop of sweat.


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