“It’s okay!”

“I have another advantage over the new gods!”

“That is, there are more divine arts than the other party!”

After all, the God of the Blood Moon is the god race that came to the previous session, and it has naturally gone through several holy wars and divine wars so far.

Moreover, as a well-known powerhouse in their session, he naturally mastered a lot of divine arts.

“I wanted to play with you.”

“Now, you forced me to give my full strength first!”

“In that case, let’s simply destroy you believers and use the flesh and blood of your group to start a holy war!”

The Blood Moon God’s eyes froze.

Then he began to condense his divine power and trigger the divine technique.

“Ghost Blessing-”

In the dark, gain a half-spirit state, ignore 50% physical damage, and increase your speed by 100%!

“Night Raid Divine Blessing-”

In the dark, attack power is increased by 300%, and attacks from behind deal 100% critical hits, and critical damage is doubled!

Blood Moon, Ghost, Night Raid.

This is all the magic of the Blood Moon God.

It is only the first order, and it is already rare to master the three divine arts.

At the same time, the three divine arts can cooperate with each other and take effect superimposed, which is even more difficult to pursue!

Three of them, even stronger than the four or five kinds of second-order and third-order demigods combined!

This is his strongest hole card!

In the dark night, the strength of the Blood Moon Sect has been greatly improved, and it is not a problem at all to kill beyond the ranks!

Boom —

Sure enough, the blessing effects of the three divine arts were superimposed at the same time.

The strength of the disciples of the Blood Moon Sect skyrocketed.


Just when the God of the Blood Moon issued an oracle to make the disciples of the Blood Moon Sect prepare to massacre the false god believers.

But I found that the people on the other side were also blooming with the brilliance of divine blessings one after another——

Blight Blessing (White) – Attack superimposed on the power of weakness!

Wind Blessing (Green) – Get the Wind Protection, plus defense, plus long-range resistance!

Berserk Blessing (Blue) – Plus Attack, Acceleration, Plus Critical Hit!

Spear Throwing Blessing (Purple) – Plus hit, plus attack, plus penetrate!

Skyfire Blessing (Equipment) – Get enchanted: Burn, Flame, Burn!

Frost Blessing (God’s Pet) – Gain Freeze Resistance, attack with Frost Slowdown!

Lin Feng, who also locked the perspective of the believers, smiled faintly.

Than divine magic?

He wasn’t afraid of anyone!

The six divine blessings are directly superimposed.

Although unlike each other, there is cooperation with each other.

But twice as many as many, the effect is naturally more powerful.

Moreover, this is not all of Lin Feng’s divine arts!

It’s just that the other few are not effective for people, but for beast pets or plants.

Those few divine arts, the key role is still to come.



Each received powerful blessings from each other.

The battlefield instantly entered a white-hot state.

However, the advantages visible to the naked eye were still firmly grasped by Lin Feng’s side.

The most powerful purple professional spearthrower, hiding behind away from the center, constantly consuming mana to condense the spear, while attaching a weakness, burning, and frost effect to the spear.

The Blood Moon Sect was all a melee sword cultivator, and in the face of a succession of spear throws, they could only be distracted to resist.

And at this time, it will inevitably be seized by the berserker immediately, and it will be a crazy fight and beating.

However, after all, they have a numerical advantage, and they can still divide some disciples, pass the berserkers, and want to interfere with the spear throwing.

And this time.

The Wind Mage disagreed.

Directly rub a large number of wind blades to block their way forward.

At the same time, he added the Imperial Wind Technique to himself and the spear thrower, greatly increasing the speed of movement, and frantically pulling these Blood Moon Sect disciples.

Hundreds of people even chased for miles, stunned that they did not touch each other.

In the end, he was consumed alive by the wind blade and the spear thrower.

Of course.

The strongest and top part of the Blood Moon Sect is still very powerful after receiving the blessing.

The sect master of the Blood Moon Sect, Blood River, after condensing the triple blessing and bursting out of all his strength.

Combined with more than thirty disciples, he cast the Blood Moon Formation.

This is a formation that encircles a small number of enemies, isolates the help of others, and forcibly creates a situation where more people beat and fewer people are beaten.

Then this formation, it took a lot of experience, as well as the lives of several disciples, to barely injure the four Divine Son berserkers who resisted him.

Just when he was about to take the opportunity to kill the killer, he saw these gods feel a pill from his pocket and put it in his mouth.

The next moment…

Boom —

The healing brilliance burst out vigorously, and dozens of tragic wounds on his body completely disappeared!

“Groove Groove! ~! ”

“There is even a healing miracle medicine of this level???”

“Did you buy it from the God of Healing?”

The God of the Blood Moon couldn’t help but scold!

However, this is Lin Feng’s reserve for many years, and he has constantly rewarded Xue back through the feedback of the little deer girl Bailiru, Deer Blood Great Supplement Pill and Deer Emperor Pill.

Not only can he heal the injuries on his body, but he has even gained ten times his strength and physique.

It was already stronger than the other party, and now it is even more easily crushing!

“Damn it, you evil god believers!” Blood River shouted angrily, ready to continue the attack.

However, at this moment, a fluttering silhouette under the moon struck quickly.

Holding a slender Xuan Iron Sword in his hand, it suddenly fell down and plunged fiercely into the heart of the blood river.

The sudden attack made Blood River’s eyes widen in shock, looking at the person in front of him in disbelief.

“You are believers in the evil gods! Instigated by the evil god, he attacked and killed my father! ”

“Destroy hundreds of my Xuanyue Sect’s relatives and core disciples!”

“The great God of Gifts has given me strength and hope so that at this moment, I can end you with my own hands!”

The one who came was Xiyue who led the Xuanyue disciples to help in the battle.

Seeing the Blood Moon Sect’s sect master Blood River, Xiyue immediately couldn’t help it, and gave the other party a sword full of anger and hatred.

Directly let the already seriously injured Blood River, no longer able to stand up, can only widen his eyes, until he fell to the ground, he couldn’t figure it out.

Why was the great Blood Moon God they regarded as the right path no more than a small pseudo-god?

Boom —

With the fall of the river of blood.

The bodies of all the disciples of the Blood Moon Sect who had been killed before actually bloomed with a blood-colored brilliance.

At this moment, those watching this dispute understood –

Holy war can begin!

But the initiative is on the side of the God of Gifts!

The God of the Blood Moon stared at the scene in front of him.

He was furious.

But in his heart, he still underestimated each other.

“Hmph, even if the conditions for starting a holy war are met.”

“Do you dare to open it?”

“You only have the combat power of these more than six hundred people, even if you start the holy war, it is impossible to attack the mountain gate of my Blood Moon Sect!”

Relying on the Blood Moon Mountain Gate Array, as long as the other party’s six hundred or so people are destroyed,

He still sat back and relaxed, it was just a big deal to develop the Blood Moon Sect from scratch, and no one could help anyone.

However, the next moment –

I saw these more than six hundred gods and goddesses, without the slightest hesitation, and directly began to pray for the ceremony.

Take the flesh and blood of the enemy as a sacrifice for the beginning of the holy war.

As flesh and blood are devoured by unknown energy.

The sound of divine will also sounded in the ears of the God of the Blood Moon-

[Warning: The God of Gifts has officially launched a declaration of holy war of faith against you! 】

God of the Blood Moon: ???

Do you really dare to declare war?

Lao Tzu wants to see how you, the hundreds of people, can break through the mountain gate that I carefully arranged!”

It can even be said that as far as you are hundreds of people, I lose if you can see my mountain gate!

“Blood Moon disciple, open the Blood Moon Soul Devouring Array!”

After the declaration of jihad. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The huge figure of the Blood Moon God who followed behind the disciples of the Blood Moon Sect also directly manifested because he obtained the qualification to intervene in the mortal world.

After seeing their own gods appear, the disciples of the Blood Moon Sect were also like beating chicken blood.

They forcibly urged their Blood Moon Secret Technique, raising their momentum to the limit.

Although almost half of them died, the number was still superior, and with the personal end of the gods, in the case of competing with each other in divine arts, victory was not necessarily guaranteed.

After all, after the gods personally left the battle, the divine art changed the battle situation too much!

However, the Blood Moon God felt a little strange.

He had been cautiously waiting for the other party to manifest and collide with him head-on.

But above the back of the hundreds of people on the opposite side, there was no manifestation of the gods for a long time.

“What’s going on?”

“Is he afraid to face me head-on?”

“Indeed, if the sound of the frontal divine magic collision loses to me, it will have a great blow to morale, and it will even directly present a situation of being overturned.”

“But, hehe, if you don’t come out, then I’m welcome!”

“Blood Moon Divine Technique—”

The Blood Moon God saw that the other party did not dare to fight him.

I was planning to cast the divine power effect of the divine magic.

The active effect of his Blood Moon Divine Technique is not just as simple as changing the celestial phenomena, it has attack power!

His Blood Moon Divine Technique is a top-notch divine technique that has both the effect of changing celestial phenomena and attacking!


It was at this time that he felt a strong unease.

At the same time, he heard the panicked and eager pleading voices of the believers.

But not a disciple from the battlefield, but… The four great elders who remained in the sect!

“Sneak attack !?!?”

The God of the Blood Moon instantly panicked.

The image on the frontal battlefield dissipates directly.

He couldn’t care about the battlefield here.

The disciples of the Blood Moon Sect who had just raised their momentum found that before they started fighting, their own gods disappeared, and their momentum fell greatly in an instant.

On the other hand, looking at Lin Feng’s heir legion, they knew that their great Father God had already killed each other’s hometown, so their momentum remained surging.


“Purge all the believers of these false gods!”

“Sacrifice more enemy flesh and blood for jihad!”

The leader Xiyue also shouted excitedly: “Xuanyue disciple kill with me!” Avenge the catastrophe of the Xuanyue Sect’s annihilation! ”

Wow —

The scene changed drastically in an instant, forming a situation where more than 600 people ran after more than 1,600 people.

And on one side full of killing intent, on the other side there is no morale at all.

Purge everyone, only a matter of time remains!


Outside the Blood Moon Sect Mountain Gate.

Migetsu was also staring at the mountain gate above.

It was this place that killed his own brother, his family, and countless disciples of the Xuanyue Sect!

But now, the opportunity for revenge has come!

You only need to break through, and this Blood Moon Mountain Gate battle in front of you is enough!

“~ Aunt Migetsu, don’t worry, my Royal Beast Legion is very strong!” The person responsible for leading the Royal Beast Master is the first truly extraordinary Royal Beast Master Xiao Luoli.

Moreover, she has been promoted by Lin Feng’s divine grace many times, and she has now become an extremely talented imperial beast master.

Miyue was still a little worried, after all, he had seen the Blood Moon Array.

The four Blood Moon Sect elders served as the cornerstone.

Condenses the energy of the blood-colored moon.

In the formation, tens of thousands of blood blades will be conjured up to automatically resist the invasion of the enemy.

Because of this, the God of the Blood Moon would rest assured to leave four people to guard the house, and then pour out to move.

Four people, open a large array, enough to withstand thousands of troops!


Breaking the formation, you don’t have to break it in the formation!

There is also a simple and crude way!

After the army of the Royal Beast Division came here, it did not attack, but silently opened its own Royal Beast Space and released all the beast pets inside.

Most of the beast pets here are tigers and giant lions that followed them out of the secret world.

However, after the improvement of various extraordinary materials, it has now been promoted to become an extraordinary beast pet.

Although the strength is not high, it is basically about the first order and the second order.

However, the role of the beast is not to fight head-on.

Just when Miyue was thinking a lot, guessing how Luo Li was going to lead the Royal Beast Master to break the formation.

Holy war, on!

They knew that the frontal power battle really won a big victory!

At this moment, Miyue breathed a slight sigh of relief in her heart.

Next, it’s the battlefield here.

“Is it our turn to attack?”

Miyue took a deep breath and prepared to sacrifice her Xuanyue Long Sword.

However, Luo Li smiled slightly and said, “No, Lord God wants to destroy them personally!” ”

Without waiting for Miyue to be stunned, Little Luoli’s voice just fell.

Lin Feng’s huge shadow appeared in the sky above them.

“Giant Beast Divine Technique—the whole beast pet is five hundred times huge!”

“Angry Beast Divine Technique-The bloodline of the whole beast pet has intensified, greatly improved, and doubled its combat power!”

Boom rumble –

In an instant, the brilliance of the two divine arts shrouded the army of beast pets.

A total of 6,800 beasts.

Instantly transform into a 100-meter behemoth!

Each one is as huge as a hill!

Moreover, the Angry Beast Divine Technique is a new divine technique recently obtained by Lin Feng, which can temporarily improve the bloodline of the beast pet to the quality of the red bloodline, making it more powerful!

The beasts were frantically jumping around the Blood Moon Sect, colliding, roaring, tearing…

The Blood Moon Sect built on the mountain range.

And the Blood Moon Mountain Gate Array covered the entire four huge mountains.

It actually suffered a devastating blow directly from the foundation level!


This was Lin Feng’s method to break through the Blood Moon Array.

Don’t go in and break the formation.

Instead, it directly destroys the entire region where your entire sect is located, a mountain range.

Let the buildings above you, your formation arrangement, the personnel as the formation eye and so on.

Directly let the army of behemoths inflict environmental strikes, terrain strikes.

If you overthrow your entire mountain, won’t the sect you built on it be directly destroyed!”

The Mountain Gate Great Array was originally activated with the help of the fixed orientation of the buildings in the sect, directly causing all the buildings of your sect to fall.

The formation is naturally wasted!

And the Blood Moon God heard the four elders’ urgent cry for help.

Originally, I thought that Lin Feng had just let the divine technique attack the mountain gate.

But I never expected that when his perspective returned to this side, let alone the mountain gate, the mountain was gone!

The whole area is in ruins!

The Blood Moon Sect also ceased to exist at all!

“You god of the gift of killing a thousand knives!!!!!”

The Blood Moon God let out a roar.

Return to the only remaining temple.

After all, the temple belongs to the realm of gods and cannot be directly destroyed.

However, Lin Feng’s purpose was also achieved!

After the great victory of jihad.

Let believers step into each other’s temples.


Start God War!


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