The sudden encounter plunged the elven army into chaos.

The lethality of these snowflakes is terrifying.

When the elf captain shouted for alert, the elves who were already suspended in the air had already taken the lead in welcoming the first wave of falling snowflakes.

Without any defense, they had exactly the same result as the first elf.

Directly turned into an ice sculpture, fell to the ground and shattered into ice slag and ice chips.

Only the elves with a relatively low flight altitude saw the reaction and quickly fell back to the ground.

However, want to fight these snowflakes.

The weak body of the natural elf alone will definitely not work.

Even the Extraordinary Tenth Order Elf Captain did not dare to resist with his physical body.

The most powerful spells or skills must be used to melt or disperse snowflakes in order to save a life.


This group of elves are all from the imperial forces, and even the weakest ones have extraordinary sixth-order strength.

And it is also an extraordinary sixth order.

The big forces have another advantage over the small forces, that is, they have more powerful equipment props and master more powerful skills.

I saw that every elf was shining with at least purple light.

Even orange and red glows are not uncommon.

Obviously, every Imperial Elf has at least one piece of high-quality equipment or has mastered a high-quality spell skill.

The brilliance is constantly shining.

Various skills were thrown into the air.

The constant collision of energy.

However, because the snowflakes have fallen to a very close height to the ground.

The impact of the energy collision made the elves miserable.

Even a small number of elves received a strong impact, and their internal organs ruptured and they died of blood.

Just a snowflake falling.

The army of three thousand elves lost at least three adults, and the rest were also injured to varying degrees.

The elf team 09 captain stared into the sky in disbelief.

She hadn’t even discovered what the enemy was.

But she could be sure that it was definitely not an elven race.

Nature elves can’t master ice magic.

“Could it be the Secret Realm boss?”

“That’s not right… In the world where the Eternal Divine Tree is located, there can be no powerful ferocious beasts! ”

“Then, there is only one kind of enemy, and it is also other forces from the extraordinary world!”

Immediately following.

A figure fell from the sky, which made the elf captain determine his inner thoughts.

The jade-eyed snow fox that turned into a human form was suspended in the sky directly in front of the elven army under the support of ice and snow.

His hands are already condensing the next ice skill.

“Jade-eyed snow fox in human form!?”

“Only when it reaches maturity can it turn into human form, and the jade-eyed snow fox in the mature stage…”

“The strength is not lower than the Moon Yao Rank!”

“That’s not right… Her eyes have awakened, this is a complete body! ”

“At least the complete body of the Holy Spirit Rank!”

“Not good! Retreat quickly!! ”

Although the jade-eyed snow fox is a relatively rare divine pet.

But as a long-established natural elf empire, it has naturally seen a lot.

Therefore, Captain Elf saw that the jade-eyed snow fox in front of him had turned into a human form, and he also awakened the racial talent of the Phantom Ice Pupil.

She immediately mistook it for a true wholeness.

As everyone knows, in fact, it is only the form that has changed, and the strength has not really increased to the level of complete body.

Otherwise, let alone falling snow, a cold wind can kill them all in seconds.

However, Captain Elf was already terrified.

After revealing a look of horror, he fled with the remaining elves in a panic towards the crack exit.

They didn’t want to plunder the Eternal God Tree at all.

At the very least, you have to return to the empire and inform the elf elders to personally intervene before you have a chance to solve this terrifying complete jade-eyed snow fox!

“Want to escape?”

“Broken snow bomb!”

Shout~! Shout~! Shout~!

The beaver’s hands continued to condense the power of ice and snow, turning into snow bombs and flying over.

The elves who fled in a hurry mistakenly thought that they were facing a terrifying enemy several ranks higher than them, and they didn’t even have the idea of confrontation.

In the face of the attack of the beaver, they did not make senseless resistance at all, but just kept speeding up to flee.

At this moment, all the elves had only one thought in their hearts.

As long as I run faster than others, I have a better chance of survival.

Resist with spells?

What kind of joke, a small transcendent rank that wants the Holy Spirit rank to confront?

Didn’t you see that the captains of the Transcendent Tenth Order had already run to the front?

As for their success against the snowflake at the beginning, they didn’t take it seriously, they just felt that the strong people didn’t give their all, and they wanted to play with them.

Therefore, the elf army not only did not suspect, but even rejoiced that this jade-eyed snow fox did not directly kill him.

The scene that followed became very funny.

The beaver drove the frost and snow all the way to pursue the elven vanguards.

And the other party did not have the slightest resistance, giving the fox more opportunities to easily kill the enemy.

Seeing this scene through the perspective of the believers, Lin Feng couldn’t help but feel a burst of laughter.

“It seems that knowing too much is not a good thing.”

In the Black Snake Secret Realm, he gave the snake matriarch Gorissa an evolution into the supreme Medusa form.

It stands to reason that Medusa’s strength is not lower than the Yueyao level.

It’s just that at that time, the snake people there didn’t know the real Medusa at all, so they weren’t scared by Golysa.

And now.

These elves from the empire because they have understood the horror of the fully jade-eyed snow fox.

So just seeing the human form of the tanuki, I was already scared.

After all, a golden emperor beast Golden Soul Divine Art like Lin Feng was a rarity of a rare species.

Generally speaking, there is no such divine technique that can allow the bloodline of the beast race to cross the form of strength evolution.

The form is originally changed with strength, and the different forms are the representatives of different stages.

The supreme form like a beaver, but the strength is only in the growth stage, and it is indeed more able to bluff people.

Look at the imperial elves who are chasing and killing all the way and keep falling. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If bright and beautiful flowers are constantly dying.

However, Lin Feng did not feel soft or pity because the other party was an elf girl with extreme beauty.

After reading countless beauty, he did not feel pity at all.

No matter how beautiful the imperial elves are, they are also enemies.

Compared to these, he was more willing to cultivate another elven empire by himself.

At least in this way, all beautiful elven girls will become followers of his charism.

After seeing the smooth battle situation on the front line.

Lin Feng retracted his gaze.

He knew that it would be a matter of early emotion, just waiting for the fox to hunt them all down.

Return to the temple side.

Lin Feng looked at the divine technique he had just obtained from a beaver-

Frost séance.

“Green quality…”

“By the way, it just so happens that my Wind Divine Art is also green.”

“These two divine arts, I feel that they can be related, I wonder if they can be fused and evolved?”

The fusion of divine arts, if it can be related to evolution, then the two divine arts can be synthesized.

For divine arts that have nothing to do with each other at all, it is necessary to consume three and exchange them for one random divine art.

Lin Feng directly began to use his Divine Race function and began to try to fuse these two divine arts——

[Divine Fusion has been activated: Wind Divine Technique + Séance Technique, detected as the same type of Divine Art Fusion, can be upgraded by one stage——]

[Congratulations on getting the new Blue Divine Art: Blizzard Divine Art! ] 】

[Divine Power Transfer]: Ice Mage

[Divine Art Type]: Environment change

[Blessing effect]: Summon the ice storm descending area, give the believer the affinity of ice, and will not be affected in the storm, but can get ice and snow protection

[Divine Power Effect]: Summon the doomsday ice storm, each snowflake has a powerful freezing effect, and each ice blade carries enough fatal damage


Sure enough!

The combination of wind and ice, the magic of blizzard!

Another type that can change the environment.

However, among his disciples, except for the god’s pet beaver, there is no race that belongs to the ice field environment.

At least, it won’t be used in the City of Charism.

In the City of Divine Grace, the only environmental divine art that needs to be kept open is spring.

“By the way, I have collected a lot of divine arts during this time.”

“Although there are many of them, the divine art is expensive!”

“One high-quality divine art, enough to top several low-quality divine arts!”

Especially the recent divine battles made Lin Feng feel more and more that attacking divine arts, as well as high-quality divine arts, were the most important.

Just like his green quality Wind Divine Technique, he had not used it a few times in the Divine War.

In the divine war, the divine power is limited, and no matter how many divine techniques there are, the divine power cannot be used at will.

Limited divine power will inevitably only choose high-quality divine techniques with greater effects.

“There are also many divine techniques of the lower fourth grade in the early stage, and they can be synthesized and improved again!”

There is still time now anyway.

A tanuki at the front does not need him to care at all.

433 Therefore, Lin Feng simply began to ponder the many divine techniques he had mastered.

“First of all, the same type…”

“Blood Moon Divine Art and Ghost Divine Art, these are two trophies from the Blood Moon God.”

“It’s all about the night, it should be possible-”

Lin Feng each summoned the origin of the two divine arts with both hands, and then slowly leaned in with both hands, trying to fuse them.

[Divine Art Fusion has been activated: Blood Moon Divine Art + Soul Divine Art, detected as the same type of Divine Art Fusion, can be upgraded by one stage——]

[Congratulations on obtaining the new Purple Divine Art: Nightmare Divine Art! ] 】

[Divine Power Transfer]: Dream Warlock – good at creating illusions, influencing the mind, and a powerful field control class

[Divine Art Type]: Auxiliary class

[Blessing effect]: Dreams come true, believers gain the ability to control dreams, and the harvest related to the ontology in the dream will feedback 1%-10% with the ontology in reality (depending on the spiritual strength of the ontology)

[Divine Power Effect]: When the nightmare comes, all the fears in the enemy’s heart will be embodied and magnified a hundred times, and the nightmare can be affected by you to help you attack the enemy.



This divine technique is a bit strong!

Although it is an auxiliary class, it is not easy to bring an extraordinary class illusion sorcerer.

He just lacks this kind of spiritual profession.

Manipulating enemies through mental power can be said to be a very powerful ability.

Moreover, the blessing effect is also strong.

Sweet dreams come true, and the harvest related to the body in the dream can be transformed into real harvest!

And dreams can be manipulated freely.

This means that his transcendent disciples can even cultivate in dreams!

Or change your dreams and take the initiative to conjure up some powerful enemies to practice actual combat.

The rest time can be perfectly used to greatly improve the efficiency of growth!

Even ordinary believers, freely customizing dreams, can at least increase happiness and deepen the firmness of faith in their hearts.

The divine power effect, because it is not an attack-type divine art, so the effect does not seem to be so powerful.

However, it is also a very good auxiliary ability to summon something that the enemy fears and magnify it a hundred times, thereby affecting the enemy’s performance.


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