Nature Elf Empire.

Eternal Forest.

It is a huge and prosperous city.

Millions of nature elves live.


Inside an elven barracks.

An elven soldier dressed in a green leaf decorated army costume, panicked holding a war report, came to her superior.

“Newspaper … Report! ”

“Nine Elders, of the thirty Divine Tree search teams sent out, one has completely lost contact!”

Hearing this, Ninth Elder Oli, who was sitting at the top of the top, suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, and she felt a hint of surprise in her eyes.

“Could it be that there is a rise of nature elf forces in the wild?”

“What news did they come back?”

Her first reaction was naturally to think that she had found the Eternal Divine Tree, and it was the kind that was old enough.

In that case, they will need to send stronger people to deal with it.

The elf soldier hurriedly said: “There are two news! ”

“One is that three hours ago, the captain of the twenty-fourth team passed back and found the Eternal God Tree…”

Hearing this, the Ninth Elder snorted coldly and interrupted directly:

“Huh! Sure enough, it’s a divine tree! ”

“Those who can solve the search team are likely to be forces that have existed for more than a million years and have given birth to the empress’s bloodline!”

“And the development, at least more than five generations of awakening the bloodline…”

Listening to the Ninth Elder’s increasingly exaggerated speculation, the elf soldier had no choice but to quickly interrupt and said:

“No, it’s not, Lord Nine Elders!”

“The first report said that the divine tree they found was only more than nine hundred years old, and it had not yet reached the deadline for the birth of elves.”

“However, the second report…”

The soldier held a scroll with special energy.

This is a special magic item that all captains carry similar scrolls on them, and they can spend mana to write on it.

And this scroll, the content written by the other party will appear synchronously.

I saw that the second sentence left only one unfinished sentence –

“Complete body, jade eye snow…”

Jade Eye Snow…

No doubt.

Although she hadn’t finished speaking, Ollie also thought of the jade-eyed snow fox for the first time.


“There is a complete jade-eyed snow fox!”

The ferocious beast of the wild jade-eyed snow fox will only exist in extremely cold places.

The place where the Eternal God Tree was born is always a place where the four seasons are like spring, which is far from the living environment of the Jade-eyed Snow Fox.

Then there is only one possibility left.

“Not a wild ferocious beast!”

“It’s a pet that other forces have already taken!”

Ollie’s eyes widened slightly, and her body bloomed with a strong momentum.

The majesty of the empire is on display in her.

She didn’t allow anyone to dare to despise their Natural Elf Empire!

“Those who can cultivate a complete jade-eyed snow fox, it is impossible for mortal forces to do it on their own.”

“It is estimated that it is other forces that are attached to the pseudo-gods!”

“Moreover, the power of this pseudo-god is definitely not simple, at least it must be a true god… Even the main god level! ”


“Under the protection of the great elven god, those forces that depend on the pseudo-god are not the opponents of our elven empire at all!”

“Go, check for me, the forces of the Sun Plane and the Holy Spirit Plane!”

“Look which one doesn’t have long eyes and dares our Natural Elf Empire to go against it!”

Soon, Ollie targeted some more advanced plane world forces based on the guess of the strength of the fully jade-eyed snow fox.

At all, he did not set his sights on the extraordinary world.

Because she couldn’t imagine that such a powerful unit was a small marginal town force from the extraordinary world.

It has to be said.

Lin Feng’s Emperor Beast Golden Soul Divine Technique on the beaver directly deceived the entire Elf Empire.

The pursuit of the elven army by the beaver has come to an end.

Although not all of them have been killed, the captain of the most important extraordinary tenth-order strength has been killed first.

Without the captain, the remaining elves had no way to contact the empire, so they could only scatter.

And at the same time.

Lin Feng was also in the temple and completed the fusion of divine arts.

Obtained a new purple auxiliary divine art [Nightmare Divine Technique].

Plus this.

He already possessed three gold, one red, one orange, four purple, three blue, and a full twelve powerful divine arts.

And one white and one gray, two garbage divine techniques that are not used at all.

“It’s still too much, it’s not necessary.”

“I only have a drop of divine power, and I can only release the enhanced divine technique once.”

“The stronger the quality of the divine art, the better.”

Soon, Lin Feng made a decision.

Keep merging!

Blue quality, still belongs to the lower four products, at least until purple, will become better.

[Divine Fusion has been activated: Berserk Divine Art + Rigid Divine Art + Wind and Snow Divine Art, detected as different types of Divine Magic fusing each other, you can obtain a completely random higher quality Divine Art——]

【Blood Fury Divine Technique (Purple)】

[Divine Power Transfer]: Blood Demon War Mania – a powerful violent melee class that masters a variety of instant burst skills

[Divine Art Type]: Buff class

[Blessing effect]: Gain blood fury aura, attack, attack speed, movement speed, endurance, increase 1-100 times, the lower the state, the higher the improvement. Attacks come with bloodlust enhancements, which increase the bloodthirsty effect of each enemy killed

Bloodthirsty: Attack and kill enemies for percentage healing, 3% increase per layer

[Divine Power Effect]: Enter the state of blood rage, directly obtain ten times the highest boost and a thousand layers of bloodthirsty. Each kill increases the bloodthirsty effect by ten layers.


“Huh! That’s a lot of luck! ”

“Wash away the Berserk Divine Art, I thought there would be a lack of a powerful melee class.”

“I didn’t expect to randomly find a divine technique that is even more violent than the Berserk Divine Art!”

This can be said to be a superior replacement for the Berserk Divine Art.

The same is the gain class, the increase magnification is larger, and the improvement effect is more.

And the berserker class that was originally brought can now be replaced by a purple quality blood demon war madness.

Lin Feng was not only considering his divine art collocation.

Also consider the career configuration arranged for your own god legion.

The previous three blue divine arts brought about by the profession although not very powerful.

But the Berserker of the Berserk Divine Art and the Indomitable Shield Guard of the Vajra Body Art are his two rare melee classes.

At the same time, it was also a difficult career that accompanied him at the beginning.

If it weren’t for the low blue, he would have planned to leave at least one berserker.

But for now, good luck.

It is completely possible to let all the berserkers under his command directly turn into blood demon war freaks.

Moreover, the two professions are very similar, and the various attributes trained before have little impact after changing classes.

Now, he had a full five purple divine arts.

Lin Feng thought about it.

The two that have just been obtained, the Nightmare Divine Art and the Blood Fury Divine Art, are both divine techniques that are useful for themselves and for believers.

It must be preserved.


“Spear throwing divine art, long-range attack, but now I have thunder divine art, flame dragon divine art, etc., there is no shortage of long-range attack divine art, nor is there a shortage of long-range attack profession.”

I have to say one characteristic thing.

Spear Thrower is the only ranged class that physically attacks.

But beyond that, there’s something worth keeping. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Petrification divine art, control class, however, the extraordinary professional stone mage, similar to the snake demon mage, can be removed.”

“And the divine power effect I use myself, if I want to control the gods, there is no need.”

“In God War, only mutual attacks are the norm.”

“Control type divine art, the other party can also use divine power to brute-force crack, can not achieve real control at all.”

The last one.

“Soul Casting Divine Technique, I always felt that it was a very strong auxiliary Divine Art before.”

“Can improve talent, but also obtain immortal attributes.”

However, Lin Feng thought about it carefully.

Talent can be enhanced by the Divine Art of Prosperity, and the Divine Art of Spring can also be resurrected.

When the two are combined, there is no need to reserve this divine art.

Soon, the three purple divine techniques that were used as sacrifices were also decided by Lin Feng——

[Divine Fusion has been activated: Berserk Divine Art + Rigid Divine Art + Wind and Snow Divine Art, detected as different types of Divine Magic fusing each other, you can obtain a completely random higher quality Divine Art——]

【Forging God Art (Orange)】

[Divine Power Transfer]: Forging Grandmaster – a powerful life department extraordinary profession, able to forge a variety of divine weapons

[Divine Art Type]: Functional class

[Blessing effect]: The power of the craftsman’s forging is greatly increased, and the probability of the finished product obtaining additional attributes is increased by 100%.

[Divine Power Effect 1]: Permanently consume one billion faith power to upgrade an ordinary equipment to a mythical equipment

[Divine Power Effect 2]: Permanently consume ten strands of divine power to upgrade a mythical equipment to a sub-artifact.

[Divine Power Effect 3]: Permanently consume a drop of divine power to promote a sub-artifact to a demigod weapon.

[Divine Power Effect 4: Spend half of the corresponding consumption to temporarily improve and strengthen equipment



So many divine effects!

So far, only his supreme divine technique has only four effects.

Of course, this forging divine technique cannot touch the porcelain multi-child multi-blessing divine art.

Because the four effects of forging divine arts are actually the same type, but the effects are incremental.

However, this also surprised Lin Feng very much.

“Consume the corresponding divine power to create a real artifact!”

“So far, even the equipment I use is nothing more than extraordinary equipment.”

“If I can upgrade to a demigod weapon, even for me, it will no longer be just an additional divine effect, but a device that can really be useful to me!”

The current equipment, although Lin Feng is also equipped with two weapons, and even three black snakes.

But apart from the attached divine technique, it didn’t actually improve Lin Feng much.

The attributes attached to the equipment are basically some mortal attributes.

Those were meaningless to Lin Feng.

However, when promoted to the stage of demigods.

Then I thought that I could get the improvement of divine power, divine power attributes, additional effects of divine magic, and so on!

That value is completely incomparable!

Even if it is mortal mythical equipment (King’s), it is not very valuable in the Protoss Mall.

But above the demigod weapon, it is worth tens of billions of faith powers, and it is still the kind that has no market!

“Moreover, if you master the forging divine art, you can cultivate a group of powerful forging grandmasters!”

“Then I can build a powerful army full of divine clothing!”

However, if you forge it yourself, the consumption is also terrifying.

Best of all, these are permanently consumed and cannot be recovered!

This means that if he forges too much at once, his divine rank will even fall, and he needs to re-condense his divine power in order to recover!

But fortunately, there is also effect four, which can not be permanently improved, so there is no need to consume permanently.

“That’s right!”

Lin Feng suddenly recalled something.

He took out one of the spoils of the divine war not long ago-

Failed golden idol!

“Isn’t it a coincidence that repairing this god statue that has already been used by people requires craftsman-type divine arts!”

Lin Feng immediately began to condense the forging divine technique——

[A damaged golden statue is detected, and the divine technique meets the repair requirements, which requires 10 strands of divine power and 500 million faith power. Roar】

[Please note: The consumption of forging gods is basically permanent consumption, including this repair, are you sure to repair it?] 】

“Permanent consumption again?”

“But… It’s still affordable. ”

Anyway, Mei’er has returned to the Divine Realm and continues to condense his divine power for him.

Moreover, he also obtained the primary divine essence crystallization, ten traces of divine power, and he could re-condense it in one day.


“Start repairing!”


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