[Hint: You have 107 pan-believers who have converted their faith! 】

[Hint: You have 79 pan-believers who have converted their faith! 】

[Hint: You have 36 converts of ordinary believers! 】

[Hint: Your Silver Scale City has lost 554 people! ] 】

[Hint: Your Silver Scale City has lost 421 people! ] 】


A succession of tones rings in my ears.

The city of silverfish was directly dumbfounded.

What’s the situation?

How suddenly there was a massive loss of population.

Have beliefs changed?

“Even if a natural disaster strikes, I can understand the loss of urban population.”

“But what about faith conversion??”

Because the hint he sees is not a decrease in the believer’s faith, but a direct conversion.

Means His followers.

It’s not simply not unbelief in Him.

Instead, he was abducted by other gods!

The silverfish god opened the channel of the gods and was about to question it on it.

As soon as he came up, he saw that he was not the only one in the same situation.

A large number of other Protoss are saying the same thing-

[God of Fighting: I wipe! ] When I woke up and found that the population had passed by more than 3,000, who came to my town to kidnap people? 】

[God of Winter: 13 people who dare to rob the old lady, look for death! ] 】

[God of Thunder: Lean! ] Originally, the population of Lao Tzu City died more than 30% due to natural disasters, and now it has run more than 30%, and Lao Tzu is about to become the commander of the pole! 】

[God of Evil: I go, why did everyone encounter the same thing as me?] Who did this to you! 】

[Silverfish God: Listen to me, I just followed the perspective of believers to inquire about the news, and found that those lost people have all gone to the city of divine grace, I don’t know if you are! ] 】

[City of God’s Grace!? 】

[Lying groove, it’s true, I also found out that those who changed their faith also changed to believe in the God of Gifts! ] 】

[This guy! It is too much to let his people tempt us with food! 】

[Is the name of his gift a gift of food?] Wouldn’t this natural disaster be very beneficial to him? 】

[Depend, I have been guarding against the gods of harvest, the god of autumn harvest, and the god of fruits, but I didn’t expect that this god of gifts was the same kind as them! ] 】

[Careless! ] The God of Gifts who did not proclaim in front of believers is also an evil god, and he exploited loopholes! 】

[But… He is a second-order demigod, I am only a first-order, I can’t beat ah, this is the most angry! 】

[God of Martial Fighting: I’m not afraid, I reached the second order before him! ] 】

[God of silverfish: Forget it, anyway, I couldn’t cope with this natural disaster, and reducing the population a little can be regarded as reducing the burden, and it also purifies the believers, but @GodGod, it’s almost over! ] I’m welcome to continue abducting people! 】

[Indeed, anyway, every natural disaster there are always a few suitable gods who will make a big profit, and they can only turn a blind eye if they are not too much. ] 】

[Harm! Why didn’t I get the magic that could protect my crops? 】

[It’s okay, this kind of divine art is also a small profit for a few years of natural disasters, usually it is better for us to master the active attack divine technique to open up the territory! ] 】


There is a lot of discussion on the channel of the gods.

At the same time, almost hundreds of Protoss came forward to say that the population of their town had lost a lot.

And two or three percent of them are because of the call of the gods of harvest, autumn and so on.

However, because their god names represent a very suitable natural disaster to carry this time.

Therefore, most of the gods have taken precautions and constantly promote the idea that these god names are evil gods.

Make it harder for them to deceive other people’s believers.

Instead, it is those who may have nothing to do with the name of the gods, but they also hide a similar divine art.

For example, like Lin Feng, the god name of the god of gifts.

But in fact, it is spring that is full of divine art, which plays an excellent role.

The other Protoss were defenseless, and could only let their own population drain.

But others can only make small gains.

After all, the level of this natural disaster is too high, and it is necessary to effectively resist the divine art above the red quality.

Only a few people can completely ignore natural disasters.

And Lin Feng is one of them.

A large number of towns located near the City of Grace were sent out to woo the hungry and let them join the City of Grace.

It’s only two or three months.

During this period, many displaced people came one after another, and moved to the city of charism.

In an instant.

The population of the City of Divine Grace quickly increased to almost 300,000 levels!

After a large number of people joined, the city of charisms was finally removed from the size of the primary town.

It has initially entered the scale of a medium-sized town.


These populations are actually the total amount of a small number of people in each town.

For every town, it is still in the acceptable category.


Just when the other gods thought that the gods of gifts were almost good and received them.

The event that shocks them is coming.


The City of Grace.

Inside the core of the Supreme Eternal God Tree.

Lin Feng had forgotten that he had injected life essence for the first time.

It’s been almost half a year.

During this period, Lin Feng spent most of his time with the Mother of Elves.

For this consciousness body that would not resist at all, Lin Feng was already extremely familiar with it from the inside out from top to bottom.

This time, it was still the same divine grace as always.

A large amount of life essence is converted into energy.


After this energy transformation, there was finally a different change. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I saw this sub-god consciousness body called Eternal Tree Spirit-Mother Elf that was pressed under him.

For the first time, there was a coquettish snort.

That beautiful face was a little moved.

The beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

The lower lip bit slightly for a moment.

After his eyelids moved, he slowly opened his eyes, revealing the incomparably clear eyes that even Lin Feng had seen for the first time.

Turquoise eyes of the same color as the hair, deep but transparent and crystalline.

The first time you open your eyes.

She stared at Lin Feng suspiciously.

For the case of the first meeting.

The posture of the two has to be said to be a little awkward.

Even negative social distancing is maintained.

Lin Feng’s eyebrows fluttered.


“I am the God of Gifts, the Covenanter bound to the Eternal God Tree.”

“My behavior … Well, in order to give you the power to accelerate your awakening, so that you can obtain a true entity as soon as possible, you can… Understood, right? ”

Lin Feng explained without blushing and without a heartbeat.

He believes that as long as he is thick-skinned, it will only be someone else who is embarrassed.

“You… Is it my God Lord~? ”

“It was as if I had experienced a long dream.” 477 “There is always a warm fire accompanying me in my dreams, constantly helping me to leave the boundless darkness sooner. ”

“So say… Does this flame actually mean that Lord God has been accompanying me? ”

The Eternal Tree Spirit had a somewhat puzzled expression.

But he did not resist Lin Feng’s thoughts at all.

One is because the consciousness body is bound to the Eternal God Tree, and this Eternal God Tree is bound to Lin Feng.

The other party was born to be a believer of Lin Feng, and the level of faith would not be lower.

So for Lin Feng, she had no rejection.

Rather, feeling Lin Feng’s presence would only make her feel extremely familiar and at ease.

It’s as if you’ve been through it a thousand times.

But she didn’t know, she was right.

I’ve been through it a thousand times.

So, when Lin Feng made a move again.

The Eternal Tree Spirit found that he would involuntarily cooperate.


Once again it was a long night’s sleep.

This time.

Although still the same person.

But it brought Lin Feng completely different feelings and enjoyment.

Once again, infused with life energy essence.

But this time, it was no longer used as an awakening energy.

It really triggered his own multi-son multi-blessing divine technique——

【Congratulations! You and the believer Eternal Tree Spirit, the Mother of the Elves, have a sub-god descendant! 】

[Eternal Tree Spirit-Mother of Elves has received the blessing of God and mastered a new sub-divine art – Life Brilliance! ] 】

[Divine Feedback: You have received rewards – Life Gem x100, Supreme Life Gem x1! ] 】


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