Ugh —

The divine light converged in the belly of the Eternal Tree Spirit.

This time, Lin Feng could deeply feel the other party’s consciousness body, which had been completely materialized.

Therefore, after receiving the grace of God, you will be able to truly obtain heirs.

Moreover, the Eternal Tree Spirit is still a sub-god unit.

The heir in the belly is also the heir of the gods!

“Lord God ~ Ye Linger doesn’t know why… As if you are familiar with this kind of thing, but Lord God please believe that Ye Linger is really the first time~”

When Lin Feng heard this, he couldn’t help but smile between the other party’s noses:

“Of course I believe it, this is the first time in your subjective consciousness.”

Until then, though.

The body has long been more familiar with the process of charisman than consciousness.

That’s why the Eternal Tree Spirit has a weird feeling.

It was obviously the first time to receive divine grace, but it was extremely familiar to cooperate.

“Ye Linger, this name, not bad~”

Lin Feng let out a scumbag-like whisper.

How many times have you done that.

It was the first time that he knew the name of the Eternal Tree Spirit as Ye Linger.

And this time, Ye Linger finally got the real reward.

It even directly rewarded a sub-divine technique!

[Special Unit]: Eternal Tree Spirit – Mother of Elves – Ye Linger

[Type]: Subgod

[Strength]: The first order of Xingyao

[Introduction]: As the mother consciousness of the natural elf race, it can accept the worship of the natural elf of the vein and obtain cultivation, and the more prosperous the essence elf, the faster the strength will increase

[Special]: It can only act within a certain range of the Eternal God Tree, the Eternal God Tree decays, and the consciousness body will die

[Sub-God Art]: Divine Tree Consciousness – Becoming the consciousness body of the Eternal Divine Tree, you can control the life bloom method and intensity of the Eternal Divine Tree, and improve the bloodline power of the natural elves. And master some of the life system skills that can only be released with the help of the Divine Tree

[Sub-God Art]: Life Brilliance – Bloom the ultimate life brilliance through the Eternal God Tree, transform other elements into life elements, and dispel all elements that are opposed to life


Ye Linger truly awakened and became the mother of the elves.

The first sub-divine technique that comes with nature is deeply bound to the divine tree, which can lead the essence elf to evolve into a real natural elf.

At the same time, her strength is also relatively special, the stronger the Origin Spirit as a whole, the more numerous, the faster she will improve.

Unlike the sub-god unit of the Dark Queen Serpent Meier, you don’t need to refine the power of faith to become stronger.

But it can’t be directly stronger, you can only bind the ethnic group, and she can become stronger when the ethnic group becomes stronger.

Therefore, the divine grace that Ye Linger obtained only obtained the second sub-divine technique.

Nor can it be like Mei’er to directly improve one’s cultivation by relying on divine grace.

And feedback back in the reward.

Life Gems changed from ten before to a hundred direct rewards.

At the same time, there is also an additional supreme life gem –

[Fetish]: The supreme life gem

[Rank]: Star Glory

【Quality】: Gold

[Effect]: Contains refined life elements that are enough to permanently increase the vitality of the entire independent plane.

[Protoss Limited]: With the help of divine power to detonate the life gem, you can release the refined life force element within the influence range of divine power. The city area can maintain vitality for a whole year without losing its vitality at all.


The difference between ordinary life gems and supreme life gems is so big!?

Ordinary Life Gemstone.

With the help of divine power release, it can only last for one day.

The supreme life gem, but it can last for a whole year!

And most importantly.

The influence of the Supreme Life Gem is actually related to the influence range of Shenwei.

Wouldn’t that be equivalent.

Detonate the Supreme Life Gem with divine power.

Can a hundred nearby towns feel this vitality?

“Very good~!”

“Ye Linger, I summoned all the natural elves for you, you awaken the elf bloodline for all of them, and they will also help you improve your strength in the future.”

Lin Feng arranged a task for Ye Linger.

It didn’t take long.

The elves of the elf tribe, led by Ya’er, came to meet their divine tree consciousness body that they regarded as their mother.


Lin Feng looked at Ya’er.

He looked at Ye Linger again.


Can’t think too much.

Leave the space of the sacred tree to the elves.

Lin Feng then returned to his temple.

“Relying on manpower to kidnap people from other towns little by little is a bit too slow.”

“Simply attract them directly with strong life force!”

During natural disasters.

But a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win over people in other towns.

As long as you have the right means, you can directly wave a wave of fertilizer during the three years of natural disasters!

Lin Feng naturally would not let go of this opportunity.


Buzz –

With the infusion of divine power.

The Supreme Life Gem first completely engulfed the divine power.

After being completely fused with the life energy inside the gemstone.

The next moment. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The life energy suddenly increased a million times, and the gem body could no longer shackle this power.


A large amount of green spiritual power bloomed from the center of the temple.

And spread outward at a very fast speed.

Just in the blink of an eye.

The sphere of influence of the City of Divine Grace was completely enveloped by green points of light.

The concentration of vitality has been directly increased to a level that is visible to the naked eye and within reach.

The inhabitants of the city saw this scene.

My heart is also surging.

After feeling the benefits of vitality.

More than 300,000 inhabitants, wherever they are, both on the outskirts of towns and in town centres.

No matter how far the distance is.

They all knelt down reverently and worshiped sincerely in the direction of the temple.


And over time.

The vitality continues to spread outward.

The desolate power spreading in the wild could not organize the impact of this strong vitality at all.

Instead of organizing the spread of these life forces, the desolate power itself was severely suppressed.

Even where this life force energy passed, weeds sprang up one after another, and the withered trees seemed to have signs and signs of regaining vitality.

It’s a pity, though.

These are places that do not fall within the sphere of influence of the City of Divine Grace.

The vitality is only plunder, it cannot be maintained.

As long as it takes time, the power of desolation will slowly re-spread.

However, Lin Feng’s has arrived.

In an instant.

The hundred cities all felt the impact of the vitality energy blooming from the direction of the city of divine grace.

That moment.

People whose bodies became extremely weak by the power of desolation were instantly cleared of desolation in their bodies.

The disease subsides.

Even the feeling of hunger in the body has been greatly restored because of the replenishment of life force.

Eating is an act that replenishes vitality.

And now, directly instilling life force.

So that these hungry people and deserted people have been replenished with vitality, and their physical strength and energy are instantly restored.

Everyone turned their heads at the same time to look in the direction where the life force rushed over.

They all showed a surprised look on their faces.

“.~Over there-”

“What a vigorous vitality!”

“Just the moment I was washed away by this energy, I felt like I was back in the healthy state I had a year ago!”

“Oh my God! What’s really going on over there? ”

“No matter what happens, there must be hope over there! Hope that I can survive this natural disaster! ”

“I remember that I felt the divine power coming from over there a year ago, when the patron saint of our city still said that it was an evil god, a false god, which made me dare not make up my mind to go over, but… I don’t believe that the evil god and false god would have such a powerful vitality, even if it is, I confess it! ”

“yes! The patron saint of our city can’t help us at all! We need to pursue the hope of living for ourselves! ”


For a moment, a hundred cities surged in.

A small number of abductions compared to the previous one.

This time it turned out to be a dumping move!

A large number of disaster victims were attracted by this life, and they wanted to leave their families and settle in the city of divine grace!

See this scene.

Directly let the Protoss of Hundred Cities explode!


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