[Hint: Your Silver Scale City has a population of 2554! ] 】

[Hint: Your Shangwu City has lost 4421 people! ] 】

[Hint: Your city of ghosts has lost 6480 people! ] 】


Countless voices of population loss sounded in the ears of the patron saints of the city within the sphere of influence.

Compared to before, they were abducted in small numbers and in small quantities.

Each town is just a loss of hundreds of people.

They were all fairly acceptable.

This time, however.

It was subjected to the powerful impact of terrifying vitality.

It directly made all the victims feel the existence of hope.


This word, during natural disasters, is the deadliest temptation.

Whoever can bring hope to people during the natural disaster period will be able to gain a large number of believers during the natural disaster period.

Tax avoidance during floods, fire extinguishing during fires, rainfall during droughts, etc., are all harvests that can be harvested in large quantities by whoever possesses the relevant divine arts.

The others were unlucky, and there was no Protoss in their hands that could deal with this Heavenly Tribulation Divine Technique.

He could only watch the residents of his town being abducted by other Protosses.

But they can only turn a blind eye, hoping that after the natural disaster and then re-wooing, or hoping that the type of the next natural disaster is related to their divine art, so as to win back a city.


This time the impact was too strong!

Not to mention ordinary non-religious and low-faith residents.

Even those deep believers!

Especially among ordinary people, deep believers, and even true believers.

Because they have been suffering for a long time, they have not seen the arrival of the hope of 503, which has slowly reduced the degree of faith.

This time, I felt the flushing of vitality and saw an incomparably strong hope.

Even if their inner beliefs haven’t changed, they want to see the town full of hope.

In an instant.

Within the 100 cities affected.

The population of each city is constantly being lost.

Watching the believers fleeing their towns in a steady stream, these affected gods directly exploded.

[Abominable! This damn god of gifts deceives people too much! 】

[Last time I was promoted to the second order and affected our hundred cities, this natural disaster actually wanted to abduct all my population! ] 】

[If this continues, the population of this city of divine grace can easily exceed the million mark, and even go to tens of millions of people! ] 】

[In this way, no one in our area can wrestle with this god of gifts!] 】

[Nope! He must not be left alone! 】

[We want to unite against this god of gifts, I don’t believe it, even if he is promoted to the second rank, can it really be able to fight against hundreds of our gods at the same time? ] 】

[You are afraid, I am not afraid, Lao Tzu’s martial arts god is also a second-order god! ] And promoted five years ago! He’s just been promoted! 】

[That is, don’t think that killing a fire god can be scared, that guy my winter god also wants to kill at any time! ] 】

[I can’t see the god of silverfish! ] Last time, I deceived the hungry people who were fishing by the river, and this time it went even further, and deceived all the residents of the city! 】

[God of gifts, come out and give an explanation, either give us cultivation, or return the believers! ] 】

[God of Gifts, don’t think it’s useful to hide without answering, don’t think about running away this time! ] 】

[Last time you promoted the negative impact on us, we didn’t pursue it, this time, hehe, the new account and the old account are calculated together! ] 】

[If you don’t compensate each of us with a billion power of faith, don’t think about fooling the past easily! ] 】

【Yes! And you must dissolve your city of charism, and let Lao Tzu go away, and you must not build a city here again! 】


These Protoss in the affected area, everyone was angry and corrupted and questioned and accused Lin Feng.

Because there are too many people at once.

Moreover, there were countless Protoss who directly chatted with him privately, wanting to threaten him to demand compensation.

Only then did Lin Feng notice the liveliness of the Channel of Gods.


For these people, he doesn’t care what others think.

If you want to develop yourself, you will inevitably harm the interests of others.

If you are afraid of this and that, then simply like those rotten gods, guarding their own acres and threes of land, doing tasks every month to delay time.

But he doesn’t want to mess up, he wants to pursue the true eternity, the eternity without any shackles!

As for the surrounding hundred cities, he had already understood almost everything.

More than seventy percent of the towns near him have not been here longer than him.

Among them, within the range of a hundred cities, ninety-four cities are forces bound by the god race, and six cities are towns without faith.

However, almost all of these six cities had been attracted by the vitality detonated by Lin Feng.

In the remaining hundred cities, there are only six second-order demigods, and the rest are all first-order demigods.

There is also a gap between demigods of the same rank.

But Lin Feng didn’t think he was weaker than other second-order demigods. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And most importantly.

In the early stage of the power war, although the army of a hundred cities united, there will be more becd than his city of charism.

However, his sub-army is not a decoration!

All are extraordinary professionals with top talents.

And most importantly.

His descendants were all high believers.

Even if you are killed in war, you can be resurrected in God Domain!

One hundred thousand fierce god heir legions.

Definitely comparable to an army of millions!


[Hint: Your private chat application has been rejected! 】

[Hint: You have been blocked by the other party! ] 】


Everyone, without exception, got this result.

See several red exclamation marks.

The facial features of these Protoss twitched angrily.

[Damn! This guy actually ignored all of us! 】

[He has damaged all of us, it’s time for us to put down the mustard and join forces against this common enemy!] 】

[Let this god of gifts know that in the world of gods, it is not about fighting and killing, but about human feelings! ] 】

[Since he ignores the interests of the people around us for his own promotion, let him know that no matter how strong his divine skills are, they are not omnipotent! ] 】

[We don’t need to start a holy war, we just need to slaughter his town in a battle of forces, that’s enough! ] 】

[Hmph, let him lose all believers, no matter how strong his divine power is, he has lost the source of faith, that is, he is just a waste god! ] 】

No doubt.

Lin Feng’s move.

Directly let all the god races within the range of a hundred cities decide to make a move on the city of divine grace.

At the same time, they also took advantage of this opportunity to consolidate the remaining residents of the city.

As for the reasons for starting the war.

That’s so easy to find —

[Oracle: All believers pay attention that this natural disaster officially caused us sentient beings to suffer because the city of divine grace absorbed all the life force! 】

[Oracle: The city of grace has a large number of delicious food, fresh fruits and vegetables, and vigorous vitality, this blessed land should not be occupied by believers of false gods, we have to fight for it back! ] 】

[Oracle: There is only one way to retreat, in order to resist the natural disaster, we have to attack the city of divine grace, as long as we reach that place, everyone can get inexhaustible food! ] 】


The gods in various towns began to preach the beauty of the city of divine grace.

However, they did not really make people yearn for the city of charism.

Instead, it uses hatred and jealousy to stimulate people’s possessiveness in the city of charism.

Attack that place and get everything you want!


It can be used to divert the internal contradictions caused by this natural disaster.


If everyone’s towns were so poor, there would be no drive to start a war at all.

But now, everyone around has discovered that the city of grace is a rich place!

Well, all born with the same idea!

They want to live in such a place!

And there are only two ways.

One, attracted to settle there.

The other, naturally, is to take it for yourself!

In an instant.

The believers of the hundred cities and the remaining residents who had not moved began to gather one after another.

At the direction of the oracle.

They saw the city of grace as a rich place entrenched by false gods.

They are going to liberate that place!

They are just!


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