The city of winter.

The Snow Lady family lives here.

In the past hundred years, the snow lady and the city of winter have been in a relatively comfortable state.

Even if there is a foreign invasion, or a natural disaster comes, there is a winter goddess to resist them.

Until the last wrong decision, the Snow Lady clan and the Winter City were almost wiped out.

Fortunately, the goddess of winter made the most correct choice, and at the last moment she fled to the opposite side, willing to become Lin Feng's god servant, which saved her life and the city of winter.

But I didn't expect it recently.

There was some strange "nine-zero-zero" chaos in the city.

The god of winter discovered that the inhabitants of the city, some snow women, disappeared for no reason after going out.

A few days later, it was found in the wild and had become a corpse.

And the expression is hideous, and the body is even more shriveled, and he was sucked out of his essence and blood and died.

"Damn, what the hell is going on here?"

The goddess of winter in the Cold Winter Temple looked annoyed and annoyed.

Originally, because of the defeat in the last war, her prestige had been reduced a lot, and if there were other problems in the city, I was afraid that she would not even be able to keep this remaining believer!

This was followed by more than a month of observation.

After careful observation by the believers, it was finally discovered that this was another extraordinary race, it was the bloodthirsty vampire race.

"What's going on, when did there be more vampires around here?"

"Something is wrong, I have been operating here for more than 150 years, almost two generations."

"There have never been vampires, is it a newly refreshed wild race?"

The goddess of winter was somewhat skeptical, but not sure.

She tried to send some Snow Lady believers out to find the trace.

If it is a wild race, it may be able to take it in as your own believer.

But obviously.

The goddess of winter thought too much.

The snow woman believers she sent out ended up with no news.

Lucky to find the body, bad luck and even the body can't be recovered.

However, the other party's whereabouts are strange, and he has not seen the existence of a vampire with his own eyes.


Saw one.

A female warrior of the Blood Clan riding a blood bat came to the city of winter.

The first time you see a vampire.

The God of Winter was immediately furious.

She sent believers to speak on her behalf, asking if the other party wanted to provoke Winter City.

But. 、

The visitor was actually Chris.

The first words she said shocked the God of Winter.

"God of the gift of our Lord, I heard that your goddess of winter is but one of the servants of my lord."

"Pass on to her, I have something to see your goddess of winter."

Chris spoke extremely unceremoniously, obviously just a mortal race, but she did not put the Winter Goddess in her eyes at all.

This is the advantage of having a background, following the gods, other gods dare not do anything to her at will.

At least in Chris's opinion.

There is only one great and eternal god, and that is the god of gifts that she now follows!

Soon, Chris arrived at the Winter Temple.

In view of the god behind Chris, the god of winter did not dare to hold his own identity, and directly showed himself to have a dialogue with the other party...

"Believers in the God of Gifts, don't know what your intentions are?"

"But before that, I want to know, did you do it to the people of my city?" In the past month or so, at least three hundred people in my city have died in the mouths of vampires! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When she said this, the goddess of winter was a little angry.

He thought that Lin Feng had sent someone to give her a dismount, warning her not to stir her mind.

But in fact, she really had no other thoughts, and she already wanted to follow Lin Feng.

However, when Chris spoke, it surprised the goddess of winter.

"None of me, nor of our Lord."

"However, the person who is likely to kill your people is officially my former clan, a force that followed a fourth-order demigod."

Fourth order!

Hearing this, the goddess of winter was also shocked.

He's only in the second order!

Even Lin Feng was only of the third order.

How could it provoke such a powerful enemy.

But the next sentence made the winter girl very shocked 3.7.

"I came out this time on the order of my Lord to find the whereabouts of this false god."

"Last time I let go of this pseudo-god, but this time, in order to save my people, I vow to completely solve this pseudo-god!"

The goddess of winter did not expect that a strong enemy had not only met.

And the last battle, it was obviously Lin Feng's victory!

Learned the news.

The Winter Goddess had more confidence in Lin Feng.

For his decision to choose to be Lin Feng's divine servant, he also felt extremely correct.


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