However, Chris found out after months of investigation.

It turned out that the Blood Clan was trying to restore the losses of a large number of clansmen in the previous war.

Everyone was reduced to pieces, scattering in all directions to launch sneak attacks and transformations, hoping to cultivate a new army of blood servants again in this way.

After Lin Feng learned the news, he also understood the difficulty of conquering the Blood Clan.

That is, if it is easily exposed, it is easy to let the other party run away.

Or attacking a certain blood clan scattered everywhere, it is easy to arouse the vigilance of the other party and run away.

Want to solve the qualifying problem.

It is necessary to seduce the opposing army, and then kill them all.

And this, you need the help of Winter City.

After all, the Winter Goddess was only a second-order demigod. 19

The fourth-order demigods who faced the Blood Clan belief had almost no power to resist.

But Nu's efforts can be delayed.

The best way is to let the Winter Goddess do her best to drag the Blood Clan, and attract the Blood Tribe to fully escalate the war in the Cold Winter City.

At that time, the God of the Blood Moon will definitely be on the road.

In this way, you can take the opportunity to take down this Blood Moon God who always runs away.

"Okay, no problem!"

Although it was tangled for a while, the goddess of winter still followed.

After all, even if she refused, Lin Feng would not give her a chance to refuse, after all, her strength was weak and subject to others.

Subsequently, it was the snow woman who stepped up her vigilance.

Keep seducing more bloods over.

In this process, although there was a snow woman who unfortunately died.

But also took the opportunity to solve a small number of blood tribes.

It quickly attracted the attention of the Blood Clan.

However, the Blood Clan still did not face the Snow Lady clan, did not concentrate the army, but continued to send a small number of people to support, intending to take this winter city with the least energy.

The war between the Blood Clan and the Snow Lady lasted for months, and both sides invested a lot of resources and elites to launch a thrilling bloody showdown.

The main forces of both sides engaged in fierce battles on the territory of the Snow Lady, and both sides attacked at all costs, blowing up the entire mountain range into a sea of blood.

As time passed, the masters of the Blood Clan appeared.

Armed with swords and staffs, they defeated the masters of the Snow Lady.

And the Snow Lady is not to be outdone, they have extremely powerful ice and snow magic.

At the very least, it can delay the attack of the Blood Clan and attract the other party to invest more combat power.

In the course of this fierce battle, both sides suffered heavy losses, but they did not give up and still fought back. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The masters of the Blood Clan also began to gradually retreat, hoping to force the territory of the Snow Lady into a corner.

However, the defensive measures in the territory of the Snow Lady are very tight.

Plus with the help of Lin Feng's heir military leader who was hiding here.

The masters of the Blood Clan kept trying to attack, but they did not make any progress. 610 At this moment, a mysterious blood clan appeared on the battlefield, wearing a black cloak and holding a pitch-black staff, his face was grim, as if declaring his identity.

He walked up to the master of the Snow Lady Clan and glanced contemptuously at the opponent's armor and weapons.

Then slowly speak:

"You Snow Lady have managed to get my attention."

"This is the sorrow that belongs to your people!"


The one who came was the contemporary Blood Emperor.

After several months, the bad news kept coming from below.

Finally made him interested in this city, and applied to the God of the Blood Moon to launch a real declaration of war.

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