Gongyi looked at the dishes on a group of plates as if nothing had happened. He suddenly pointed to the plate in the hand of a young man and said, "take this dish to the upper court."

The boy said angrily, "what's your identity? Why do you command me?"

Gongyi ignored it and directly opened the lid of the bowl of soup in Xiaosi's hand. "It's dark. What's this? Alas, forget it, I'll take it back myself."

When she put the lid on, she would reach out and grab the dish in the boy's hand.

"You are so bold. This is the eighth Lord's." the boy finally roared.

Gongyi shadowless glanced around and found a fire burning stick with thick arms from a distance.

"What I want is the dishes of the eighth Lord."

As soon as the voice fell, the stick knocked on the boy's head.

Before she could breathe, she took the dish and said, "you're hurt. I'll take the meal to the eighth Lord for you."

With that, the fire stick in her other hand again stabbed the little boy on the head.

The little fellow was stunned, his eyes were filled with anger, but he immediately seemed to get some instructions, stared at Gongyi meaningfully, and fell down unexpectedly.

Gongyi shadowless gently shook his head and had no internal power. He really didn't know what to do. He threw away the fire stick in his hand and seemed to open the soup bowl cover at will. The soup splashed slightly, and the cover was covered again. Take the plate and walk towards the hall.

On the way to the main hall, Chen Qingfeng followed and asked, "what are you going to do?"

"Can't you see? I'll send meals to Starling."

"If you can't enter the hall, the Lord has orders..."

"This is not your jurisdiction. It's none of your business whether I can enter the hall or not." Gong Yi walked forward without a shadow.

"It's not my jurisdiction, but if you run away so rashly, I'm afraid you'll get whipped again. That's my responsibility. I have to follow closely now." Chen Qingfeng said and hurried to follow up.

Not far from the hall, Gongyi felt that all the bodyguards looked at her.

She pretended that she didn't know it at all and went on. Anyway, I didn't intend to enter the hall.

A little closer to the main hall, a man dressed in a small uniform and casually bandaged on his head came to her and took the plate. He said, "thank you, thank you." he kept nodding and looked very polite.

Gongyi shadowless glanced at him and his face was very familiar. Look carefully. Isn't this the boy I knocked out just now? He joked: "I knew that the two sticks just now could only beat you silly at most, but they certainly couldn't knock you out. After such a heavy injury, you didn't rest and ran to the gate of the hall to pick up the plate. You're so stupid and respectful. Do you have to take this dish in?"

The man dressed up as a boy was already angry. At this time, he was about to attack when he heard this, but when he saw Chen Qingfeng behind Gong Yi, he swallowed his anger. Drop your head and carry the plate to the hall.

Gongyi shadowless stared at the young boy with a pair of eyes. He was a little nervous. He was about to enter the gate of the hall.

But I heard a cold drink: "stop."

The boy stopped immediately, turned sideways and turned towards the sound.

Gongyi has no shadow. Isn't this the elm pimple in Chen Qingfeng's mouth?

The sun shines on Lei Bili's cold face, with a pair of star eyes.

It's a smart role anyway.

Sure enough, Lei Bili asked coldly, "who asked you to put the plate in this man's hand? Bring it."

The boy walked over at once.

Gongyi shadowless looked worse and said, "brother Lei, brother Lei, don't always look so selfless. You are all brothers on duty, so you can't be accommodating?"

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