"Fengning, I think you don't want to live. You didn't taste enough of the whip that day?" Lei Bili had to pull out the whip as if he wanted to be strong.

Chen Qingfeng quickly stopped and said, "brother Li, people want to take away, but the whip can't be used anymore." he winked as he said.

Gongyi shadowless stood behind Chen Qingfeng and couldn't see his wink. He lit a fire on one side: "don't think Feng would rather be afraid of you. I'm proud of your success for a moment? I want to learn your skills again." then he grabbed a sword from a bodyguard.

Lei Bili looked at her contemptuously. "It's such a fancy sword technique. Who has the Kung Fu to linger with you again and again? It's just to leave quickly if you are sensible." immediately he said to the bodyguard on one side, "take the sword back and drive him away."

Gongyi shadowless, a sword flower, retreated for a few meters and said: "Fengning was in a bad mood the night before yesterday. He was out of standard. He was defeated by a small shadow guard. He really didn't agree with you, so he wanted to compete with you again. Today, if you have the ability, you beat Fengning down and let Fengning be convinced. Otherwise, even if the prince comes, you will be pestered to compete with you. You don't have kung fu, but Fengning has plenty of time. Moreover, you always choose to compete with you at meal time , I always delay the eighth Lord's meal. It depends on how you explain to the eighth Lord. "When it comes to" delaying the eighth Lord's meal ", I accentuate my accent.

Lei Bili seemed to recall his taste and said to the young man standing not far away with the plate: "first bring the meal to the eighth Lord, and then be smart."

When Gong Yi saw the boy bring the dish in, his heart suddenly dropped.

Lei Bili pulled out his whip. As the chief shadow guard of King Chen, he was called a little shadow guard by the boy. How can he bear it? Then he raised his voice and said, "brothers, it's Fengning's provocation now. If you lie down today, you'll take your own blame. If the king blames you in the future, Lei won't accept it." he moved and was robbed a few meters before Gongyi had no shadow.

Chen Qingfeng stopped between the two and wanted to stop the behavior of both sides.

Lei Bili stared at him and said in a cold voice, "Chen Qingfeng, you know the Lord's temper. How dare you neglect what he has personally explained? Now he has to get close to the hall and even go to see the eighth Lord. How can he make it?"

Chen Qingfeng touched his nose, thought about it, and stopped mixing.

Gongyi shadowless knows that his internal power is sealed, and Ninggu's fierce sword technique can't make him come out at all. He has to delay time. He just wants starling to drink soup quickly and come out to break the siege.

She settled her thoughts for a while.

Ninggu has a set of swordsplay, which only passed the valley of Ninggu Valley in the past dynasties. This swordsman has never been worldly. It is the ancestor of public figures and the lower limbs speed. It combines with the essence of the Chinese mainland. The lower limbs are fast and slow. If there is a horse under the hips, the speed of the horse is as strong as the wind or the internal force.

But if ordinary people without any internal power wield this sword skill with a sword, it is another scenery

If you make it extraordinary, it will last forever like a breeze and a bright moon. It will last forever. It seems ethereal and powerless. In fact, it is airtight and has no flaws to find.

Gongyi shadowless made up his mind. Now he can only defend but not attack. He can delay time, so his eyes show self-confidence.

If you want to support banzhuxiang with this sword technique, it should be OK. At that time, starlings must have drunk soup and found that the soup was greasy.

As the chief shadow guard of King Chen, Lei Bili's skill is very comparable. Because he once fought with Fengning, he knew that although the opponent's sword technique is exquisite, he is a flower pillow without internal power, which is useless. He also thought that this person is the person the king attaches importance to. He also decided not to work hard and just took off the numbness.

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