Wu Jinyue rushed up, and the sword and fan collided with sparks.

Only by touching each other can we know the opponent's geometry. Shangguan Yuchen was surprised at the bottom of his eyes. Seeing Wu Jinyue, he caught his sword move. Lifting his eyes, he saw that there was no panic in his eyes. He saw that he looked at him and smiled like a breeze and bright moon.

Shangguan Yuchen thought of the conversation of the woman behind the mountain that "there are several girls in the world who can resist the tenderness of respect". He thought of Feng Ning's answer. If he didn't object, he would be the one who likes to call her wife.

Thinking, the sword move is mixed with melancholy fire, like burning anger.

Wu Jinyue resisted carefully and resolved rather.

Shangguan Yuchen turned around again. Wu Jinyue flashed in his mind and surrounded Fengning. Fengning called "brother Jin, thanks to you" at will. The sword moves became manic, like the wind, flying sand and stones. Each move was extremely fierce.

Wu Jinyue was sweating on her forehead and was struggling to cope.

During the dismantling of the sword move, Shangguan Yuchen's anger and depression vented a lot. His mind gradually became clear. It's not true that he wanted to fight Wu Jinyue. He is well-known in the Jianghu. Today, it seems that he has nothing to do with the YUEWU clan. But he pulled a dark force to the open, which didn't look malicious.

Doubts came out, and Shangguan Yuchen's sword speed began to slow down. Although the moves were cruel, they didn't go to the fatal place of Wu Jinyue.

Wu Jinyue intended to stop Shangguan Yuchen's sword edge. She was very accurate in the stiff fight.

How can a master's fight be half merciful? However, the two were weaker and weaker at this time.

"Wu Jinyue, you collude with YUEWU because of your witch lady?" asked Shangguan Yuchen coldly.

"Don't be so ugly when King Chen talks. It's Tianchen who wants to kill the YUEWU family, not the YUEWU family who plans to disobey."

"You're really interested in your wife. It's only a few months. How dare you fight against the king for her? But she had a wish to make Tianchen and YUEWU no longer be enemies?"

Wu Jinyue folded the fan to block the fierce sword move, followed by a rotation of the fan, and the fan and sword separated.

Just listen to Wu Jinyue's way: "as early as nine years ago, the YUEWU family had ordered that they no longer hate the Shangguan family. Otherwise, the king of Chen thought that a dragon brake order would enable the elder Baba of the YUEWU family to come and seize this untruthful opportunity? The king of Chen should make it clear that the YUEWU family no longer hates, not your Shangguan family's kindness."

"But the king heard that more than nine years ago, the father emperor ordered not to pursue the YUEWU clan. There has been no revenge between Tianchen and YUEWU clan since then. However, in the past year, mysterious forces related to other clans in yun'an have been active frequently."

"King Chen's taking over the YUEWU family is the best way to solve his doubts. At this time, the opportunity is in front of you."

"Is this your wife's last wish?"

"It's Fengning's promise."

The two separated immediately. Shangguan Yuchen threw away the long sword and looked at the hand-held folding fan again. He looked calm, but his eyes were wandering, like a person with heavy worries.

At this time, the familiar little figure ran towards him, just like a child who was frightened in the fight and was eager to find his own adult after the fight. Feng Ning's dependence on him made him excited.

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