Shangguan Yuchen thought that she had just been so frightened. He just wanted to take her to his arms and spoil and comfort her.

Unexpectedly, Gongyi shadowless stopped a few steps away from him, slightly tilted his head and directly asked, "Lord, can the soft finger awn needle hit you?"

When Bidou saw it clearly, the most critical result was stirred by yuewutuo's soft sword and didn't see it. She really felt pity. She had wanted to come and ask for a long time. She just saw brother Chen and brother Jin suddenly fighting and endured it for a long time. Finally, they stopped the fire and ran over.

Shangguan Yuchen was asked by her. She looked at the little woman's natural face. It was like asking the performer how she felt after watching the performance. The already restrained anger and accumulated depression seemed to be ignited by a small fire of disappointment. They burst out again with a gnashing smile towards her, with a strange language: "Fengning, many questions will be solved by the upper court. Now, you obediently set yourself behind the king and don't go anywhere, huh?"

The nasal sound of the word "um" was very heavy. Gongyi shadowless trembled and followed Shangguan Yuchen.

Brother Chen seems to be angry about something. Maybe it's because I said "why don't I think he's so powerful"? Otherwise, brother Jin has explained that he went to kill Yue wutuo angrily, and it seems that he was very happy to fight with brother Jin.

When Shangguan Yuchen saw Fengning following behind him, he gradually calmed down. As his mind calmed down, the feeling of his body became clearer and clearer. There was a slight numbness and pain in his back neck. Suddenly, his face sank and his cold eyes focused on yuewutuo.

Yue wutuo immediately came forward, took out a small cylinder from his arms and said, "just now the awn needle hit, I knew my means were not bright, and in the final analysis, I still failed. If King Chen wants to kill me, I have no complaints, and the only hope is to take out the awn needle for King Chen."

Gongyi shadowless saw the cylinder he took out. She knew it clearly. The cylinder was built with a magnet. With a little internal force, it could take out small iron substances invading the skin, but it was more effective as a concealed weapon. Her mind moved. Was he really trying to do the next move? She said: "wait a minute, it's strange. Let Feng Ning have a look first."

While talking, the man had walked to yuewutuo at will. Without asking whether others were willing, he grabbed the cylinder in his hand and skillfully pressed several checkpoints

Yue wutuo saw that she seemed to be familiar with this rare object, and she could see the flaw of such a powerful sword technique. It was incredible to say that she had no foundation of martial arts. Did the boy have an ulterior motive to hide, or did he really have no internal power? He raised his hand quietly and caught her pulse.

When Shangguan Yuchen saw Fengning going out, he didn't know what her intention was, so he didn't stop her. Seeing that she actually grabbed the cylinder, he was angry and left him on his own. Suddenly, he saw that yuewutuo had grabbed Fengning's wrist. His eyes were cold, and a fierce wind shot from his fingers and was facing yuewutuo's wrist.

The king has not settled the matter of the sword against Fengning just now. At this time, he dares to hold Fengning's wrist so rudely. Who do you want to die again and again?

Yue wutuo felt a pain in his wrist. He looked up at Shangguan Yuchen, his face was gloomy, and his heart was shocked. If he had a deep look at Gongyi, he had no shadow. It was actually a woman, and internal power... Then he glanced at Wu Jinyue with a puzzled look, and saw Wu Jinyue shaking her head slightly.

So, as if nothing had happened, he let Gongyi shadowless get the small cylinder.

For a long time, Gongyi shadowless handed the small round tube back to yuewutuo, looked at him faintly and said, "at least it's still an elder of the family. You should be polite to others in the future." after saying that, he ignored his color on his face and turned around and left.

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