Shangguan Yuchen took down the note outside the wooden box and unfolded it---

Love the old, cherish the disabled and help the weak. Brother Chen is handsome. Give me a box of good words and leave ten liang of silver.

Looking at this note, he knew that there must be nothing he wanted in the wooden box, but he still opened the wooden box. As expected, there was a stone inside and a note on the stone.

Brother Chen grows silver and gets silver. He will make a lot of money in the coming year.

With a bang, the wooden box was immediately closed. It's a small box. It's covered with a shock.

The two dark guards kneeling on the ground trembled.

Shangguan Yuchen thought, now Ping Qiren has become your flower escort, but the king's dark guard has become the big head of injustice to pay for you. It's your escort who gets a good word, but it's your brother Chen who pays the bill.

"If Feng Ning is so lawless again, you will teach him a lesson..."

The two dark guards stared at the same time, as if they couldn't believe it.

Sure enough, the words behind his prince were: "her bodyguard."

Two dark guards: "..." it turned out that Feng Ning taught his bodyguards if he was lawless.

"But don't let Fengning feel too embarrassed. You just need to do it silently."

"..." when will the Lord teach you a lesson? Who will do it silently? Dare not ask more, the two dark guards respectfully replied "yes".

"Whatever Fengning likes and wants to buy, she is not allowed to take out any more silver. Since she is so domineering, let her solve it by herself. As for the small box, she likes to take it or not."

Two dark guards respectfully take command.

Shangguan Yuchen thought and said, "tell Chen Qingfeng that he is following the real Fengning. Don't be fooled by this little... Xiaofengning."

Two dark guards: "..." Xiao Fengning.

"Take care of her as she should. Don't mind her way of doing things."

Two dark guards lead Italy.

Shangguan Yuchen turned and walked into the upper courtyard room, his thoughts slightly disordered.

What the hell is she going to do? It seems that she won't hand over the Dragon brake order until the last wooden box.

Thinking, a little angry.

He went to the bed and lay down. He thought he hadn't slept well all night, so he closed his eyes and planned to have a rest, but he always felt the breath of Fengning around him. Open your eyes, only the dead furnishings in the room.

Fengning's bright smile lingers in my mind and I can't sleep.

Tossing and turning, time passed for a long time, and no news came.

Shangguan Yuchen muttered in her heart that she would really rob if she didn't pay for her? If she is so lawless again, pingqi will be unlucky. At that time, Feng Ning will explain to Starling, or I will tell starling that pingqiren is the end for the tiger.

Just thinking, a dark guard came in with a big knife, knelt down on one knee in front of him and said respectfully, "Fengning cut a fruit tree in an orchard in the southwest. Fengning told the fruit farmers that he was going to pick some fruit to satisfy his hunger because he was hungry and was afraid of soiling his clothes, so he cut the fruit tree."

Shangguan Yuchen: "..." cut down the fruit trees to eat the fruit. Is she from a paradise or a deep mountain cave?

The dark guard then reported: "I didn't expect to be caught by the fruit farmer, and the murderer was secretly beaten......" he glanced at his own Prince quietly.

Shangguan Yuchen thought, needless to say, it must be his own dark guard's hand.

"Feng Ning said that the perpetrator had been punished, and the murder weapon would be left here as evidence. Anyway, he was hungry. If no one paid the bill, he would go directly to the restaurant."

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